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All the students managed to climb the hill.All the students are____________climb the hill.

All the students managed to climb the hill.

All the students are______ ______climb the hill.

更多“All the students managed to climb the hill.All the students are____________climb the hill.”相关的问题


According to the man, what is the major advantage of the distance-learning course?A.It all

According to the man, what is the major advantage of the distance-learning course?

A.It allows them to meet students from other universities.

B.It promotes the concept of self learning.

C.It allows more flexibility in students" schedules.

D.It doesn"t require any examinations.



听力原文:W: You'd better put a notice here for the class tomorrow.M: I don't think it'll b

听力原文:W: You'd better put a notice here for the class tomorrow.

M: I don't think it'll be ever seen by anyone. All the students are gone.

What does the man mean?

A.It's useless to put a notice there. Because all the students have left the school.

B.It's quite necessary to put one because the students will see it.

C.It is useless to have a class tomorrow, because all the students will go home.

D.All the students will see the notice for tomorrow's class.



听力原文:M: If I'd only looked earlier, I could have found a nearer apartment for less mon

W: Yes, now that all the students are returning, the only apartments left are distant and expensive.

What is the man's problem?

A.He doesn't like his neighbor.

B.He is dissatisfied with the present apartment.

C.He lived in a near and cheap apartment.



What does the man imply about his Spanish class?A.He helps other students in the class.B.H

What does the man imply about his Spanish class?

A.He helps other students in the class.

B.He is doing well in the class.

C.He cannot complete all the assignments.

D.He needs to study more for the class.



听力原文:W: I think today's students need to learn at least one foreign language, and comp
uter know-how.

M: Yes. It's very necessary. But I think above all they need to learn how to be an honest and responsible citizen.

Q: What does the man think is the most important thing for today's students?


A.To be an honest and responsible person.

B.To learn at least one foreign language.

C.To learn computer knowledge.

D.To know what is necessary.



听力原文:M: If I'd only looked earlier, I could have found a better apartment for less mon

W: Yes, now that all the students are returning, the only places left are distant and expensive.

Q: What is the man's problem?


A.He thinks he has been overcharged.

B.He doesn't like his neighbor.

C.He is unhappy with the present apartments.

D.He is forced to move out of his apartment.



What does the woman imply about the student assistants?A.The man will not be able to work

What does the woman imply about the student assistants?

A.The man will not be able to work with them for long.

B.They may not be good instructors for beginners.

C.They are required to teach students to use the computers.

D.Not all of them know about computers.



听力原文:M: AS usual,the lecture hall is in a complete mess this afternoon. Newspapers,sod
a cans,used tissues, all of them,are just thrown all over the floor. I can't understand how people can be so thoughtless.

W: Well,your professor should have the authority to get something done about it.

Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?


A.Tell his professor about the condition of the lecture hall.

B.Organize a team of students to clean the lecture hall.

C.Find out who has been making a mess.

D.Wait to see if the problem will be solved.



听力原文:F: You know, the noise in my dorm bas really gotten out of control. My roommate a
nd I can rarely get to sleep before midnight.

M: Why don't you take the problem up with the dorm supervisor?

Q: What does the man suggest the woman do?


A.To talk with her roommate.

B.To talk with the noise maker.

C.To talk with the dorm supervisor.

D.To talk with all the students in the dorm.



听力原文:M: As usual, the lecture hall is in a complete mess this afternoon. Newspapers, s
oda cans, used tissues, all of them, just thrown all over the floor. I can't understand how people can be so thoughtless.

W: Well, your professor should have the authority to get something done about it.

Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?


A.Tell his professor about the condition of the lecture hall.

B.Organize a team of students to clean the lecture hall.

C.Find out who has been making a mess.

D.Wait to see if the problem will be solved.



He was a funny looking man with a cheerful face, good-natured and a great talker. He was d
escribed by his student, the great philosopher Plato, as" the best and most just and wisest man." Yet, the same man was condemned to death for his beliefs.

The man was the Greek philosopher, Socrates, and he was condemned for not believing in the recognized gods and for corrupting young people. The second charge stemmed from his association with numerous young men who came to Athens from all over the civilized world to study under him.

Socrates' method of teaching was to ask questions and, by pretending not to know the answers, to press his students into thinking for themselves. His teachings had unsurpassed influence on all the great Greek and Roman schools of philosophy. Yet, for all his fame and influence, Socrates himself never wrote a word.

Socrates encouraged new ideas and free thinking in the young, and this was frightening to the conservative people. They wanted him silenced. Yet, many were probably surprised that he accepted death so readily.

Socrates had the right to ask for a lesser penalty, and he probably could have won over enough of the people who had previously condemned him. But Socrates, as a firm believer in law, reasoned that it was proper to submit to the death sentence. So, he calmly accepted his fate and drank a cup of poison hemlock in the presence of his grief-stricken friends and students.

In the first paragraph, the word yet is used to introduce______.


B.a sequence


D.an example.

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