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She ______seriously after her stem struck the rocks but fortunately nothing really happene






更多“She ______seriously after her stem struck the rocks but fortunately nothing really happene”相关的问题


He stated firmly his belief that she was not guilty. A.asserted B.argued light-

He stated firmly his belief that she was not guilty.


B.argued light-mindedly

C.thought seriously

D.announced regrettably



A.She was seriously ill and there was no treatment in the town.B.She became critically

A.She was seriously ill and there was no treatment in the town.

B.She became critically ill and Dr. Howard Kelly came to her house to help her.

C.She was ill and she thought of the boy she helped years ago.

D.She was critically ill and no one helped her in the town.



Little __________ that she was seriously ill herself.

A、Susan know

B、did Susan know

C、knew Susan

D、was Susan known



听力原文:M: I just heard Mary is in hospital. What happened to her?W: She slipped on the s

听力原文:M: I just heard Mary is in hospital. What happened to her?

W: She slipped on the stairs this morning. But the doctor said the injury was a mild one.

What does the woman know about Mary?.


A.Mary is afraid of climbing stairs.

B.Mary hates going to the hospital.

C.Mary doesn't believe the doctor.

D.Mary is not seriously hurt.



听力原文:M: Jane missed the class again,didn't she?I wonder why?W: Well,I knew she had bee

听力原文:M: Jane missed the class again,didn't she?I wonder why?

W: Well,I knew she had been absent all week. So I called her this morning to see if she was sick. It turned out that her husband was badly inj ured in a car accident.

Q: What does the woman say about Jane?


A.She was absent all week owing to sickness.

B.She was seriously injured in a car accident.

C.She called to say that her husband had been hospitalized.

D.She had to be away from school to attend to her husband.



____________ 查看材料A.But he never considered st

____________ 查看材料

A.But he never considered staying on his father and grandfather"s land.

B.While most people buy food from the big supermarkets, hundreds of independent Farmers" Markets are becoming popular.

C.While confident they will succeed, she lists farming"s many challenges

D.Young people prefer to live in cities.

E.I seriously objected to the super-sizing of everything——what exactly do they put on our apples to make them so big and red?

F."Buy British" campaigns urge (鼓励 ) consumers not to buy cheaper imported foods.



听力原文:In 1977, a baby girl became seriously ill in Qatar, near Saudi Arabia. Doctors we

听力原文: In 1977, a baby girl became seriously ill in Qatar, near Saudi Arabia. Doctors were unable to diagnose the cause of her illness with confidence, so she was flown to London and admitted to Hammersmith Hospital, where specialists help was available. She was then only semi-conscious and on the "Dangerously Ill" list. A team of doctors hurried to examine the baby only to discover that they too, were baffled by the very unusual symptoms. While they were discussing the baby's ease, a nurse asked to speak to them.

"Excuse me," said Nurse Marsha Maitland, "but I think the baby is suffering from thallium (铊) poisoning."

"What makes you think that?" Dr. Brown said. "Thallium poisoning is extremely rare."

"A few days ago, I was reading a novel called A Pale Horse by Agatha Christie," Nurse Maitland explained. "In this book, somebedy uses thallium poison, and all the symptoms are described. They're exactly the same as the baby's."

"You're very observant and you may be right," another doctor said. "We'll carry out some tests and find out whether it's thallium or not."

The tests showed that the baby had indeed been poisoned by thallium, a rare metallic substance used in making optical glass. Once they knew the cause of the illness, the doctors were able to give the baby the correct treatment. She soon recovered and was sent back to Qatar.


A.She was a British girl whose parents were working in Qatar.

B.The hospitals in Qatar were full at that time.

C.She was the daughter of a doctor in one of the places.

D.The Qatar doctors were not sure they could cure her.



听力原文:A: Right, let's have a look. Oh, no.B: What's the matter? Faulty?A: No. but it's

听力原文:A: Right, let's have a look. Oh, no.

B: What's the matter? Faulty?

A: No. but it's no use.

B: Why?

A: I told them what I needed it for. And they said this one will do, but it obviously won't. Look!

B: I see what you mean.

Q: Why is the woman disappointed?


A.The item is more expensive than she expected.

B.The item has been seriously damaged.

C.The item obviously doesn't serve her purpose.



听力原文: Some years ago. an American policeman found a woman lying near a lonely mad. She
did not appear to have had any accident, but she was trembling and clearly in a state of shock, SO he rushed her to the nearest hospital. She began lo tell the doctor on duty a story which was astonishing in all respects.

She had been driving along a country road when she was stopped by a flying saucer landing in front of her. She bad been forced to leave the car and enter the flying saucer by some creatures. These creatures looked like human beings and could easily make themselves understood although they could not speak. It was as though they could read her thoughts and she could read theirs. They treated her politely and allowed her to leave after carrying out a number of tests on her. As she otherwise seemed to be normal, the doctor decided that she was probably suffering from the side effects of some drug. The woman insisted on being allowed to go home but when she gave her address, it was in a town over a thousand miles from the hospital. The police then started to make inquiries, They soon discovered that there was already a search going on for the woman, whose husband had reported that she had disappeared. Her car had been found with the driver's door open and engine running. In front of her car the surface of the road had been completely destroyed, not by any explosion or anything of that kind, but as though a large, circular, wide, hot object had burnt through it.

What was the woman doing when the policeman found her?

A.She was lying near a lonely road.

B.She was driving along a lonely road.

C.She was seriously ill.

D.She was having a terrible accident.



听力原文:Some years ago, an American policeman found a woman lying near a lonely mad. She

听力原文: Some years ago, an American policeman found a woman lying near a lonely mad. She did not appear to have had any accident, but she was trembling and clearly in a state of shock, SO he rushed her to the nearest hospital. She began lo tell the doctor on duty a story which was astonishing in all respects.

She had been driving along a country road when she was stopped by a flying saucer landing in front of her. She bad been forced to leave the car and enter the flying saucer by some creatures. These creatures looked like human beings and could easily make themselves understood although they could not speak. It was as though they could read her thoughts and she could read theirs. They treated her politely and allowed her to leave after carrying out a number of tests on her. As she otherwise seemed to be normal, the doctor decided that she was probably suffering from the side effects of some drug. The woman insisted on being allowed to go home but when she gave her address, it was in a town over a thousand miles from the hospital. The police then started to make inquiries, they soon discovered that there was already a search going on for the woman, whose husband had reported that she had disappeared. Her car had been found with the driver's door open and engine running. In front of her car the surface of the road had been completely destroyed, not by any explosion or anything of that kind, but as though a large, circular, wide, hot object had burnt through it.

What was the woman doing when the policeman found her?

A.She was lying near a lonely road.

B.She was driving along a lonely road.

C.She was seriously ill.

D.She was having a terrible accident.

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