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Which train has now been cancelled?A.The train to Jinan.B.The train to Zhengzhou.C.The tra

Which train has now been cancelled?

A.The train to Jinan.

B.The train to Zhengzhou.

C.The train to Hangzhou.

更多“Which train has now been cancelled?A.The train to Jinan.B.The train to Zhengzhou.C.The tra”相关的问题


Which train will now leave at 11:35?A.The train to Jinan.B.The train to Zhengzhou.C.The tr

Which train will now leave at 11:35?

A.The train to Jinan.

B.The train to Zhengzhou.

C.The train to Tianjin.

D.The train to Hangzhou.



East London has traditional ly been an area which has attracted immigrants.The chance

to find jobs in London has led to immigrants from many different parts of the world living there.Also, because it was the home of London s docks, it was easy for people to get there by ship.One famous bui lding in Brick Lane has been a church, a synagogue and is now a mosque Nowadays this part of London, which is known as the East End.is home to people from many different parts of the world.including Africa, Asia and the Caribbean.This means that there are many shops and restaurants selling ethnic food.In the past the East End was one of the poorest parts of London, but now it is becoming more fashionable and house prices are rising rapidly.This is because many people want to live near to where they work in the centre of the city.Also improved transport links to both other parts of London and to other countries via the Channel Tunnel train station and Dock lands Airport have attracted more people to the area.

21.East London has()

A.has never been a home for immigrants

B.has recently become a home for immigrants

C.has always been a home for immigrants

22.Immigrants are attracted by()

A.low house prices


C.ethnic food

23.London' s docks were()

A.easy to reach by plane

B.mainly in East London

C.a good place to find work

24.East London()

A.is a cheap place to live

B.has never been a cheap place to live in

C.ued to be a cheap place to live in

25.House prices are rising rapidly because()

A.it has good transport links and more people want to live there near the center of London

B.there are lots of jobs in East London

C.there are lots of good shops and restaurants



MEMO To: All employees From: Nicholas West Re: Production I recently sent you our an
nual report. I believe you have already reviewed it carefully. The report shows that our company has met or exceeded its target production rate of 95,000 units per month in five of the last six months with production ranging from 81,000 units in September to 105,000 units in June. The significant drop in production in September was caused by problems of our electric generator in the assembly line, which was temporarily out of order. This issue has been addressed by purchasing a new state-of-the-art generator. I asked the maintenance team to ensure this problem should not recur in the future. The rest of our employees should take measures to reduce electricity usage during the summer months. Now that the facility has demonstrated that it can achieve production levels, the target monthly rate 95,000 units we increased to 120,000. In the final quarter of this year, we will hire and train a third shift of workers so that it is prepared to have the 40% production increase expected next year. Nicholas West President

In which month was production highest?







听力原文:MB Our restaurant's been open about two years, and we were just voted one of the
best restaurants in the city. We're riding high, so it has me wondering if maybe I should use this as an opportunity to expand my business. What do you think?

WB Well, first of all, congratulations on your award. That's no small achievement. Now as for expansion, the main thing you need to think about is what that'll do for you and your staff. I mean—how much do you oversee operations right now?

MB Exactly, that's my main concern. I'm in the restaurant every day, and I oversee practically every detail. I definitely couldn't do that if I opened another restaurant.

WB No, you couldn't, which means you'd have to hire or train somebody you could trust. The main question is, what's the ideal size you can handle, and still maintain your quality.

Why has the man approached the woman?

A.To request business advice

B.To thank her for helping him

C.To suggest an investment idea

D.To ask for help with a project



•Read the text below about a European rail service and the questions below the passa

•For each question (13-18), mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer sheet for the answer you choose.

Success of New Rail Links in Europe

The Eurostar company is now running frequent train services using the tunnel built beneath the sea between Britain and France. Millions of passengers have already travelled on Eurostar trains and there are now twenty services a day between London and Paris and nine between London and Brussels.

Eurostar has already won 40% of all passengers from the UK to Paris and Brussels but further growth will depend on the business market. The early morning departure to Paris is proving popular, especially for business people from London who need to do a full day's work in the French capital.

However. exactly how many of Eurostar's passengers are business travellers is unknown. While first-class accommodation has been 70% fill, many of these passengers are travelling on holiday: one travel agent estimates Eurostar has only 20% of the business travel market. Meanwhile, tour operators report a sharp rise in the sale of short trips to Paris. which, they claim, is largely due to the possibility of travelling by Eurostar.

As Eurostar increases the frequency of daily journeys over the next year. it will need more business travellers than ever to fill its trains. However, business travel agents feel that some aspects of Eurostar service could be improved. According to one large business travel agent. "Eurostar's marketing has been poor and it needs to look more closely at doing commercial deals with large travel agents and corporations to become more attractive than airlines". British travel agents alone are now spending over £1 million a month with Eurostar. Naturally, they are expecting Eurostar to provide some good deals and flexible tickets.

Eurostar is hoping to attract more customers as it expands its network of services. Already, train journeys between London and Paris stop at a few towns and cities enroute. There will also be daytime and overnight services front eighteen other British cities to Paris and Brussels, and planning is in progress for services from London to cities in Holland and Germany. Soon, many major towns and cities in Britain and other European countries will have regular direct connections within Eurostar's network.

The demand for Eurostar is forcing airlines to use smaller planes on the London-Paris and London-Brussels service, two of the busiest air routes in the world. One British airline reports a 15% decline in ticket sales to both Paris and Brussels. The crucial marketing aspect in business travel is frequency, Rather than cut frequency, airlines have reduced the size of their aircraft to prevent further losses. However, the large airlines will find it easier to maintain their flight schedules by introducing lower capacity planes. Eurostar threatens mainly the smaller airlines, which already have fewer services and smaller planes.

Which of the following statements is not true about Eurostar company?

A.Passengers can travel on its trains through the tunnel.

B.It offers frequent train services front London to Paris.

C.There are many passengers traveling on Eurostar.

D.It offers a variety of services on the train every day.



Attention passengers with tickets on the four-thirty express train bound for Bloomington,
Forest Hill, and Rosedale. Unfortunately, this train has been delayed for thirty minutes. It will now be leaving at five o'clock on track thirteen. We apologize for any inconvenience.



Which sentence is RIGHT according to the passage?A.People in Tibet will be able to get to

Which sentence is RIGHT according to the passage?

A.People in Tibet will be able to get to Beijing by train in about two days.

B.Made is now studying English in the USA.

C.The Qinghai Tibet Railway hasn’t been built yet.



听力原文: Attention all passengers, this is a platform. change. The train, now standing at
platform. 9, is the 10:48 train, calling at all stations to Nanjing. Please note, the train on platform. 9 is not the 10:52 train to Jinan. It's the 10:48 train calling at all stations to Nanjing. The 10:52 to Jinan will now leave from platform. 7. Train announcement. The 11:20 train to Zhengzhou from platform. 8 will be subject to a 15- minute delay. I repeat, there will be a 15-minute delay for the Zhengzhou train on platform. 8. It will now leave at 11:35, not 11:20. The 11:28 train to Hangzhou from platform. 15 has been cancelled. We apologize to customers, but due to a signal problem, the 11:28 train to Hangzhou from platform. 15 has been cancelled. The 11:32 train to Tianjin is now standing at platform. 13. Please note, there will be no restaurant car on this train. I repeat, there will be no restaurant car on the 11:32 to Tianjin now standing at platforml3.

What is the time for the train to Nanjing now?






Learning Disabilities Learning disabilities are very common. They affect perhaps 10 perce

Learning Disabilities

Learning disabilities are very common. They affect perhaps 10 percent of all children. Four times as many boys as girls have learning disabilities.

Since about 1970, new research has helped brain scientists understand these problems better. Scientists now know there are many different kinds of learning disabilities and that they are caused by many different things. There is no longer any question that all learning disabilities result from differences in the way the train is organized.

You cannot look at a child and tell if he or she has a learning disability. There is no outward sign of the disorder. So some researchers began looking at the brain itself to learn what might be wrong.

In one study, researchers examined the brain of a learning-disabled person who had died in an accident. They found two unusual things. One involved cells in the left side of the brain, which control language. These cells normally are white. In the learning disabled person, however, these cells were gray. The researchers also found that many of the nerve cells were not in a line the way they should have been. The nerve cells were mixed together.

The study was carried out under the guidance of Norman Geschwind, an early expert on learning disabilities. Doctor Geschwind proposed that learning disabilities resulted mainly from problems in the left side of the brain. He velieved this side of the brain failed to develop normally. Probably, he said, nerve cells there did not conncts as they should. So the brain was like an electrical device in which the wires were crossed.

Other researchers did not examine brain tissue. Instead, they measured the brain’s electrical activity and made a map of the electrical signals.

Frank Dully experimented with this technique at Children’S Hospital Medical Centre in Boston. Doctor Dully found large differences in the brain activity of normal children and those with reading problems. The differences appeared throughout the brain. Doctor Duffy said his research is evidence that disabilities involve damage to a wide area of the brain, not just the left side.

第41题 Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?____________.

A Learning disabilities may result from the unknown area of the train

B learning disabilities may result from damage to a wide area of the train

C Learning disabilities may result from abnormal organization of the train cells.

D Leaning disabilities may result from problems in the left side of the brain.



听力原文: Now, I' d like to talk about psychological space. Not everyone in the world r

听力原文: Now, I' d like to talk about psychological space.

Not everyone in the world requires the same amount of living space. The amount of space a person needs around him is a cultural preference, not an economic one. Knowing our own psychological space needs is important because they strongly influence your choices, including, for example, the number of bedrooms in the home. If you were reared in a two-child family and both you and your sister or brother had your own bedrooms, the chances are, if you have two children or more, that you also will provide separate bedrooms for them. In America they train people to want their own private rooms by giving them their own rooms when they are babies. This is very rare in the world. In many cultures the baby sleeps in the same bed with his parents or in a crib near their bed.

The areas in the home where people gravitate also reveals a lot about psychological space needs. Some families cluster, and the size of their house has nothing to do with it. Others have separate little niches where family members go to be alone.

Although it is tree that psychological space needs are not determined by economic factors, they sometimes have to be modified a little because of economic pressures. It is almost impossible, however, to completely change your psychological space needs.

Which of the following is the factor that determines human beings' psychological space needs?

A.Economic factors.

B.Pressure in life.

C.Individual preference.

D.Cultural preference.

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