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Anyone planning to go camping or hiking should first learn to recognize poison ivy,【B1】thi

s plant can cause a rash resulting in reddened skin, an annoying itch, and painful blisters. A severe【B2】can even force a person to remain in bed or become hospitalized. The best way to【B3】these discomforts is to avoid the plant.

Fortunately this plant is easy to【B4】. Whether it grows as a bush or a vine, the shape of its leaves is always【B5】. Each leaf stalk has three glossy leaves, usually with jagged edges. In early spring the leaves are red,【B6】green later. Then in autumn, the leaves【B7】to fresh red or orange. The poison ivy plant is found【B8】everywhere in North America. Because many birds eat its berries, its seeds are【B9】distributed. The plant loves the sun and flourishes along beaches, in fields, and by roadsides. It also grows【B10】in light shade and is often found in parks and pine forests. However, in thick woods the story is【B11】. It is not【B12】there. That is because the leaves of the trees block out the sun,【B13】the plant needs to grow.

The poison in poison ivy is in the form. of an oil that is in all parts of the plant. It is extremely【B14】. Merely touching the plant is enough contact for a person to be infected by the【B15】. Touching clothing or shoos that have brushed against the plant can also cause a rash and blisters. Even the smoke from a fire【B16】poison ivy is burning can cause the skin poisoning.

A person who makes【B17】with the plant should wash all infected areas with a strong laundry soap as soon as possible. Clothes that have come in contact with the【B18】should be dry cleaned or washed in soap and water. There is one good way to prevent the【B19】.【B20】away from the plant!






更多“Anyone planning to go camping or hiking should first learn to recognize poison ivy,【B1】thi”相关的问题


Anyone planning to ______ in this workshop should contact Jenny Forbes at 021-555-908 befo
re June 2.







To: Tina Barkley "t_barkley@pdc.com" From: Mary Unger "m_unger@pdc.com" Date: May 4,20--10

To: Tina Barkley "t_barkley@pdc.com"

From: Mary Unger "m_unger@pdc.com"

Date: May 4,20--10:20:07 a.m.

Subject: Presentation

Dear Tina,

I wanted to get back to you about the presentation on Thursday. As of now, 23 people have responded. I expect a few more people to show up at the last minute.

We're still planning on holding the lecture in room 240B. I'll make sure we have at least 30 chairs set up. I was also planning to make photocopies of my presentation slides in case anyone would like a copy.


Mary Unger, Outreach Director

Payton Daniels Corporation

What does Tina Barkley find out regarding the presentation?

A.Her presentation will be videotaped.

B.A colleague will not be able to attend.

C.Her presentation is the first one scheduled.

D.Twenty-three people have said they will attend.



听力原文:M: Hello.W: Hello, John. This is Florence Richardson. I'm sorry to phone you at t

听力原文:M: Hello.

W: Hello, John. This is Florence Richardson. I'm sorry to phone you at this hour, but I'm experiencing a sticky issue and I can't think of anyone to get advice from besides you.

M: What's up?

W: Well, I moved to my present apartment a couple of months ago and now I'm thinking to defer my studies and planning to return to my parents' place next month. Today, I gave notice to my landlord but he said he's unable to give my deposit back since I have to stay a minimum of six months.

M: Are you giving him a-month-in-advance notice to move?

W: Yes, that's exactly what I did today. In the tenancy agreement that's the timeframe. requested to notify the landlord.

M: Yes, that's the usual practice. Well, in the tenancy agreement, did it state that there's a minimum of six months stay or the deposit would be forfeited?

W: Not that I could remember. Besides, I have never heard of such a clause in the contract.

M: Well, I have never heard of it either. It could be the landlord is trying to intimidate you. Perhaps you should pull your contract out and have a word with him.

W: Yes, that's exactly what I'm thinking of. But he said he spent time and money on advertisement to get a tenant and it wouldn't be fair on him if I just stayed for two months.

M: Well, that's not the Point, Florence. It doesn't matter how much he spent on advertisement, but the fact is he shouldn't force a tenant to stay if he or she doesn't want to. Besides, if the contract does not state the timeframe, then he shouldn't impose it himself.

W: You are right, John. You just confirmed my reasoning.

M: Look, Florence, I'll go with you to see the landlord tomorrow and if he still insists on not giving your deposit back, we'll go to the small claims court to get your money back.

W: Thanks, John. I really appreciate that.


A.She can't find a new place to live.

B.The landlord wants her to move out after only g months.

C.She thinks she will lose her deposit money.

D.The contract states she must stay for 6 months so she can't move.



TASK TWO—DISADVANTAGE?For questions 18—22, match the extracts with the disadvantages, list


?For questions 18—22, match the extracts with the disadvantages, listed A—H.

?For each extract, choose the disadvantage stated.

?Write one letter (A—H) next to the number of the extract.

A Government regulations

B Lack of secrecy

C Difficulty in creating

D Lack of cooperation

E Rigid structure

F Lack of planning

G Lack of personal interest

H Higher taxes



回答下列各题: A GREA I SALES CAMPAIGNS This book examines the most successful sales campai
gns of recent yeam.It provides examples of how major consumer brands,like Coca-cola,Nike,3M and Toyota,have been promoted in magazines and newspapers.It includes information about the creative and planning process behind the promotion of these popular products. B THE AUTOMOTlVE INDUSTRY TODAY Find out how top executives from leading car companies view the changing relationships between manufactures and their suppliers.This book is a series of interviews with leading players in the industry:pumhasing managem discuss the rise of global suppliers and chief executives present the international trend towards mergers and acquisitions in the industry. C THE EXECUTIVE’S HANDBOOK This new edition of The Executives Handbook provides an analysis of the main political and economic trends of the late 1 990S.It is especially good in cost structures,changing consumer trends and cross-border expansion.These are key elements that affect international business deals,making the book essential reading for anyone involved in international trading. D LEAD YOUR COMPANY TO SUCCESS This is a collection of in-depth interviews with some of the world’S top business executives in the car,soft drinks and clothing industries.A fascinating work,it will make you question much of the generally accepted theory on what successful leadership within manufacturing involves. The book tells you about recent developments in consumer buying patterns.



?Read this text about planning for exhibitions.?Choose the best sentence from A to G to fi

?Read this text about planning for exhibitions.

?Choose the best sentence from A to G to fill each of the blanks.

?For each blank (8-12) mark one letter (A-G) on your Answer Sheet.

?Do not mark any letter twice.

Tips for Attending a Trade Fair

A trade fair is an excellent way of generating new business for companies both large and small, and offers many advantages, such as obtaining sales leads, competitor intelligence, and learning more about industry development and trends. A trade fair should be seen as an integral element of an overall sales and marketing campaign. Companies that fail to plan their participation carefully could find exhibiting costly and unproductive A number of fundamental decisions should be taken in advance.

?A standing manager should be appointed from the start.

?If a new product launch is planned, for example, a good-sized demonstration area is needed with facilities for taking and following up leads.

?Forward planning of budgets is essential. (8)

A trade fair is an ideal and highly effective platform. for new product launches. (9) Make sure that you plan to use your exhibition as a focus for presenting something new either about your products/services or your company and ensure that you publicise any newsworthy information to maximize interests.

Trade journals are keen to publicize new products and services, and often compile special preview issues prior to an exhibition. (10)

(11) The guides produced by some exhibitions offer detailed information on all promotional opportunities around the show.

Michael Hanks, Marketing Director of ADC Exhibitions says: "We realize how vital it is for exhibiting companies to plan ahead of an exhibition. We do our utmost to encourage our exhibitors to maximize on their participation in an event. (12) "

A. Lead times for publications can be anything from 6 to 24 weeks before publication and it is essential that details are sent in time.

B. Meetings on pre-show activities should be held to ensure all personnel are clear about recent developments.

C. Research by the Exhibition Marketing Group shows that 61% of visitors are attracted to exhibitions by new products and technology.

D. The costs of exhibition space, transportation, and other related issues need to be considered well in advance.

E. The success of any show is greatly influenced by the way exhibitors market themselves.

F. A number of exhibition organizations also provide free guides and services.

G. A number of fundamental decisions should be taken in advance.




听力原文:Man: Good morning and welcome to our course on "Business Management Today". I hop
e you've all registered and obtained your name badges and information packs. I would like to point out some additional information and changes to the agenda you will find in your packs. The four seminar workshops are now as follow.

Room Six—" Marketing".

Bishop's Hall One— "Communications", which re- places "Taxation".

Bishop's Hall Two—"Strategic Planning", which now includes small business as well as large companies.

Room Five—"Human Resources".

I'll just run through that again. "Marketing" is in Room Six. In Bishop's Hall One we have a change to the original programme and "Taxation" has been replaced by "communications". "Strategic Planning" in Bishop's Hall Two now includes small businesses and Room Five is "Human Resources" We will stay in the Convocation Hall for the first morning session which runs from nine-thirty till eleven o'clock, when we shall all meet up in the Memorial ball for coffee and biscuits.

The eleven-thirty session will be held in Bishop' s Hall One.

A buffet lunch will be held in the self-service restaurant from one to two. We are hoping that this system will prove quicker than waitress service and ensure a prompt start to the afternoon session which begins in Bishop's Hall Two at two o'clock and runs to three-thirty. Please note, however, that we shall be in Room Five for the four to five- thirty session.

Tea and biscuits will be brought to you between three-thirty and for o'clock.

At five-thirty we invite you all to the Assembly Hall for an hour's general forum. There will be time for questions based on the day's sessions. This session in the Assembly hall is intended to give you an opportunity to clarify and problem areas which may have arisen during the day and to ask any questions you may have. There will be a general exhibition of books and resource materials in the Abbey Room which will be open for the whole day. Anyone in- terested in purchasing any of these materials will be able to order them at the various stands.

Please feel free to visit the Abbey Room at any time during the day up until the Centre closes at seven- thirty p.m.

May I draw your attention to the fact that notes ac- companying the seminars will be provided by the speakers. It is therefore not necessary...

?You will hear an introduction to a course in Business Management Today.

?As you listen, fill in the information for question 1—12, complete the notes using up to three words or a number.

?After you have listened once, replay the recording.


Seminar/Workshop programme

MARKETING 1 ______

2 ______ Bishop's Hall One




9. 30-11.00 4 ______Hall

Coffee and biscuits 5 ______

11.30-1.00 6 ______

Lunch 7 ______

2.00-3.30 8 ______

Tea and biscuits

4.00-5.30 9 ______

5.30- 6.30 1



听力原文:(I=interview G=Goran Nilsson)1: And now to IKEA. The Swedish furniture retailer h

听力原文:(I=interview G=Goran Nilsson)

1: And now to IKEA. The Swedish furniture retailer has just reported turnover of 56 billion Swedish kroner from its 150 stores worldwide. Now, IKEA puts its success down to corporate culture. So with me today to explain the secret of IKEA’s culture is Managing Director of IKEA UK, Goran Nilsson. Good morning, Mr Nillson.

G:Good morning.

I: Now is every IKEA store really exactly the same?

G: Well, in terms of culture they’re pretty well uniform. Although our culture will naturally bond with the local culture to some extent, our core values such as simplicity and cost-consciousness are valid in all cultures. So we don’t need to adapt the way we operate to run our stores. And as for products, although we make some minor adaptation to suit local tastes, we produce exactly the same catalogue in all 28 countries.

I: And where do these values originate?

G: It all goes back to Sweden in the 50s and 60s. IKEA’s former, Ingvar Kamprad, start the company at a time of democratic and social change.

I: Are IKEA’s values those of its founder, then?

G: Well, they have evolved over the last 57 years, of course, but I think our mission statement “A better life for the majority of people’s still very much reflects the spirit of those early years. Having said that though, I think Ingvar’s ability to relate to a co-worker in China today would be pretty limited, though.

I: You mentioned China. How does IKEA cope with such diversity amongst its employees?

G: Well, funnily enough, I’ve been working fro IKEA for 15 years in Sweden, Italy, Canada, the USA and what’s struck me most is how much we have in common. People may interpret certain concepts such as responsibility and freedom differently but our core values such as humbleness exist in every country.

I: So, what are the advantages of such a strong corporate culture?

G: They’re tremendous. For one, there’s a real bond between our operations around the world. It’s easy to transfer across borders because you know the values will be exactly the same. And from a marketing and positioning point of view it’s very advantageous as well. But the real pay-off is that it makes IKEA unique. You can clone our produce and our store concept but not our culture. It takes years to build and it has to be maintained daily.

I: But how do you educate 40,000 workers?

G: We begin by making sure people understand the values. That’s why the IKEA Way seminars are so vital. All managers attend them and then it’s their responsibility to pass the message on. Corporate culture also figures my meetings…

I: Do you use educational video and brochures as well?

G: Videos and brochures are helpful tools if only used in conjunction with “walking the talk” and discussing values with management. We have various initiatives which regularly provide co-worker with opportunity to participate and contribute to these discussions.

I: So, does culture affect IKEA’s recruitment process?

G: It has a major impact. Although it’s important for us to get highly-skilled people into the company, we’re not interested if there’s a conflict of value systems. Anyone expecting a flash car or status symbols has no future with us. Recruitment at IKEA’s an extensive process, based on judgments about a candidate’s value systems and attribute. We can add retail skills, no problem, but it’s tough to change someone’s mindset.

I: Does that go for career advancement too?

G: Yes, it does.

I: So Sweden managers will always have more chance of promotion then?

G: We find that many Scandinavians identify more easily with our culture but there is no written or unwritten rule concerning the nationality of senior managers. It would be impossible, however, for anyone to advance within IKEA without wholly understanding and buying into the company’s philosophy and culture. So managers are encouraged to visit Sweden and learn the language etc. and management i

A.Each store has the same management practices.

B.Each store carries a different product range.

C.Each store is adapted to the local culture.



ScholarshipsWhat are scholarshipsScholarships are one of the most attractive forms of fina


What are scholarships

Scholarships are one of the most attractive forms of financial aid because they are available to anyone and you don' t have to pay them back! Scholarships are also a missed opportunity for many students.Most students don't realize there are scholarships available to them that could finance a significant portion of their education. It takes some time and energy to find and apply for scholarships, but the hard work will most likely pay off. To some students and parents, the word "scholarship" is just another one of those confusing college terms: student bans, tuition and fees, grants(助学金), and work study. Little do they realize that knowing more about the scholarship process could save them thousands of dollars when trying to cover the cost of their education.

Scholarships come in a variety of forms, but are generally considered to be "free money" for college. Unlike loans, scholarships do not have to be repaid to the scholarship provider. Some scholarships are awarded directly to the student in the form. of a check, while other scholarships are written out to the student's college or university. Several different types of providers issue scholarships: clubs and organizations, charitable foundations(慈善资金会), businesses, schools, universities, government agencies, and others. How do students find scholarships?

Finding scholarships can be a very time-consuming process. Some students choose to look through pages and pages of award information in scholarship books or in files found at local libraries. But other students use reputable and accurate scholarship search services on the Internet to save time in the searching process. Using online resources is a good idea if the website offers updated, current data and some type of quality matching technology. Students can also ask their high school guidance counselors about any local or state awards that they may qualify for, and should be sure to contact the financial aid office at the college or university they plan to attend to learn if they qualify for any awards provided by the school. Finally, students should ask their parents and friends to be on "scholarship alert" for them, always checking local newspapers and bulletin boards for local scholarship listings(清单).

Who can get a scholarship

The answer is quite simple, really. Every student who plans to attend an institution of higher education should search for and apply for scholarships. This applies to all students, including highschool students, non-traditional Students, current college students, graduate students, etc. It is a common misconception (误解) that scholarships arc only for straight(整齐的) A students. In reality, there are all types of scholarships for all types of students, including those with less than perfect academic records. Some scholarships are for athletes; others are for students planning to study in particular fields; and others for community service. Some scholarship providers just want to reward students for living in a certain city or state! Students also mistakenly believe that only college-bound high school seniors can apply for awards. Scholarships are available for all levels of college study, from freshman undergrads to graduate and PhD students.

Now, some students have ideas about why they won't get scholarships. They think that there are no scholarships out there for students with less than outstanding grade point averages or with poor standardized test scores. They claim that their parents make too much money or that they won' t be attending " non-traditional colleges." They say that they are not minority students and aren't enrolled in a lot of extracurricular(课外活动)activities or involved in their communities. They even argue that they are not planning to attend college immediately after graduation, and so they won't be eligible(符合条件的)for any scholarship funding at all. The li






The Art of Public Speaking Think what might happen if you tried to build a house without a

The Art of Public Speaking

Think what might happen if you tried to build a house without a floor plan or an architect's blueprint. You build the kitchen next to the driveway to make it convenient for carrying in groceries. But the dining room turns up at the other end of the house. When you cook and serve a meal, you have to run with the plates to keep the food from getting cold. You put the bathroom at the head of the stairs to make it accessible to visitors. But the door opens in such a way that the unwary guest is catapulted down the steps. Plans and blueprints are essential to architecture. So, too, are outlines essential to effective speeches. An outline is like a blueprint for your speech. By outlining, you make sure that related items are together, that ideas flow from one to another, that the structure of your speech will stand up -- and not collapse. Probably you will use two kinds of outlines for your speeches -- one very detailed, for the planning stage, and one very brief, for the delivery of the speech.

The Preparation Outline

The preparation outline is just what its name implies -- an outline that helps you prepare the speech. Writing a preparation outline means actually putting your speech together. It is the stage at which you decide what you will say in the introduction, how you will organize the main points and supporting materials in the body of the speech, and what you will say in the conclusion.

Now let us look at the guidelines for the outline. The specific purpose statement should be a separate unit that comes before the text of the outline itself. Including the specific purpose in the outline makes it easier to assess how well you have constructed the speech to accomplish your purpose. Some teachers prefer that the central idea be given immediately after the purpose statement. Others prefer that it be given and identified in the text of the outline itself. If you label the parts of your speech, you will be sure that you indeed have an introduction and conclusion and have accomplished the essential objectives of each. Usually the names of the speech parts are placed in the middle of the page or in the far lei1 margin. They are technical labels only and are not included in the system of symbolization used to identify main points and supporting materials. In the most common system of outlining, main points are identified by Roman numerals and are indented (首行缩进) equally so as to be aligned (对齐) down the page. Sub-points are identified by capital letters and are also indented equally so as to be aligned with each other.

Once you have organized the body of your speech, you should have identified the main points. You need only flesh out your outline with sub-points, as necessary, to support the main points. But suppose, as sometimes happens, you find yourself with a list of statements and are not sure which are main points, which are sub-points, and so forth. Such a list might look like this:

There were 13 people at the Last Supper-Jesus and his 12 disciples.

One of the most common sources of superstition is number.

In the United States, 13 is often omitted in the floor numbering of hotels and skyscrapers.

The number 13 has meant bad luck as long as anyone can remember.

Which statement is the main point? The second statement is the main point, which is broader in scope than any of the other statements. This would be one of the main ideas of your speech. The fourth statement is the sub-point; it immediately supports the main point. The other two statements are sub-sub-points; they illustrate the sub-point. Rearranged properly, they look like this:

A. One of the most common sources of superstition is numbers.

a. The number 13 has meant bad luck as long as anyone can remember.

1. There were 13 people at the Last Supp




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