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What does Anita Williams Woolley say about members of smart teams?A.They are careful in c

What does Anita Williams Woolley say about members of smart teams?

A.They are careful in choosing team members.

B.They know clearly about each others social status.

C.They pay attention to discussing the teams work process.

D.They are more likely to get work done immediately.

更多“What does Anita Williams Woolley say about members of smart teams?A.They are careful in c”相关的问题


What does Anita accuse her former school of?A.Ignorance of her abnormal behaviors.B.Lack o

What does Anita accuse her former school of?

A.Ignorance of her abnormal behaviors.

B.Lack of safeguard against her suicidal intention.

C.Failure to give her proper academic instructions.

D.Indifference to her physical disease.



What does the author want us to know through Anita Rutnam's story?A.The universities are n

What does the author want us to know through Anita Rutnam's story?

A.The universities are not responsible for their students.

B.Suicides are popular on college campus and should be handled properly.

C.Why Anita committed suicide is still a mystery.

D.Universities should get prepared in case their students sue them.



How does Syracuse University defend itself against Anita's suit?A.It has given her due att

How does Syracuse University defend itself against Anita's suit?

A.It has given her due attention as well as help.

B.Adult students should be able to control their own behavior.

C.It is more than the school's responsibility to supervise the students.

D.Colleges can be a breeding ground for psychiatric problems.



–Carol! Hi!–Hi, Anita! How are you?–_______________

A.Just fine, thanks. What’s new?

B.Not bad, thank you. What’s wrong?

C.How are you? Long time no see!



&8226;Read the article below about the body shop.&8226;Choose the best sentence to fill in

&8226;Read the article below about the body shop.

&8226;Choose the best sentence to fill in each of the gaps.

&8226;For each gap 8-12,mark one letter(A-G) on your Answer Sheet.

&8226;Do not use any letter more than once.

&8226;There is an example at the beginning(0).

The Body Shop--A New Kind of International Business

The Body Shop--good to its employees, its customers, the environment, worthy causes and the Third World--has pioneered a new kind of corporate culture, and made a great deal of money at the same time. When Anita Roddick, the founder of The Body Shop, is asked questions about her company, it is clear that she is passionate about the good work that The Body Shop does at the same time that it is a corporate business. Auckland businessman Roger Lampen of the job search Lampen Group Ltd says he's inspired by what he has read and heard about Roddick.

"Her level of passion and commitment is what's really required in business now," he says. (8) By all accounts, the huge British company, which makes and sells skin and hair-care products around the world, is

Good to employees: they are encouraged to have fun to challenge management, to put love where their labour is;

Good to customers: they can sample products with in-store "testers" and buy small bottles to start with; they are given information about ingredients; they are offered refills at a discount;

Good to the Third World: Anita Roddick, who runs the company, spends months each year traveling to remote regions to study the people's skin and hair care. (9)

Good to charities and worthy causes: Amnesty International, Romanian orphanages and the threatened rainforests of South America are among many beneficiaries of money, million-signature petitions, supplies, volunteers, membership sign-ups, shop-window campaigns;

Good to the environment: The Body Shop uses minimal packaging, recycles almost everything in sight and battles pollution. In one Body Shop paper-making business in Nepal, paper is made from water hyacinths that used to clog waterways, and from specially planted banana palms that have helped stop erosion and provide food. Residue from the paper-making is used to make pots for trans- planting much-needed trees. (10) .

While Roddick might say nasty things about some of the Body Shop shareholders--she loathes uncaring "speculators" who are just in for a quick profit--the company has certainly been good for their bank accounts. Since the shares were floated, in 1981, their price has increased almost 100--fold, says Fortune magazine. (11) Asked in a phone interview about how the Body Shop is likely to fare when Roddick retires, he says, "A couple of thousand years ago, you might have asked," What's going to happen to Christianity if Jesus Christ dies? If Anita Roddick goes, the Body Shop could potentially become even stronger. The corporate culture is very strong." (12) Roddick gets angry about suspicious questioning "Anyone claiming to be altruistic is considered suspect." But, in a phone interview while she is visiting the Madison Avenue, New York, Body Shop, she gives some answers.

A But first let's look at what makes The Body Shop seem just too good to be true.

B One London stock analyst, John Richards of Country Natwest, even compares Roddick to Christ.

C All this, plus jobs and income!

D She has set up several Third World suppliers under a "Trade not Aid" policy;

E Still, no person and no business is perfect.

F Auckland businessman Roger Lampen of the job search Lampen Group Ltd says he's inspired by what he has read and heard about Roddick.

G But each year we're slowly getting better.




听力原文:ANITA: Now, can we look at my diary for next week?ASSISTANT: Of course. On Monday

听力原文:ANITA: Now, can we look at my diary for next week?

ASSISTANT: Of course. On Monday, you're going to the Planning meeting at eleven thirty. Then at two thirty you're seeing the Sales team.

ANITA: Good. When am I seeing Ms. Lopez?

ASSISTANT: You're seeing Ms. Lopez on Friday at three.

ANITA: OK. That meeting is very important. So, what about Tuesday?

ASSISTANT: On Tuesday, you're flying to Chicago at seven a. m. You have meetings all day at Head Office, end you're leaving on the nine p. m. flight.

ANITA: That's a long day! I hope I'm not busy on Wednesday!

ASSISTANT: I'm afraid there are two meetings. Steve Morgan is coming at ten thirty and Mr . Gardini at two.

ANITA: That's not so bad, they're both old friends. So what about Thursday?

ASSISTANT: On Thursday you're visiting the warehouse to discuss distribution. You have to be there by ten.

ANITA: Ten o'clock, warehouse. OK. And on Friday, it's Ms. Lopes at three p. m. Anything else?

ASSISTANT: No, that's everything for next week, but the following week...

?Look at the note below.

?Some information is missing.

?You will hear a conversation.

?For each question 16-22, fill in the missing information in the numbered space using one or two words.

?After you have listened once, replay the recording.

1. On monday, you're going to the planning meeting. at (16) ______ , Than, at (17) ______ you'll see the sales teem.

2. You'll see Mr Lopez on (18)______ at (19)______ .

3. On Tuesday, you'll fly to (20)______ at (21)______ a.m.

4. On Thursday, you'll visit the warehouse to discuss (22) ______ .




Anita got the mask________ a trip to Africa.A. duringB. whileC. withD. at

A.A. during

B.B. while

C.C. with

D.D. at



Hamish advises Anita toA.make a list of objectives for the first learning circle.B.commit

Hamish advises Anita to

A.make a list of objectives for the first learning circle.

B.commit to the learning circle and then get a tutor.

C.trial the learning circle first.



What does the price clause include?
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