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Woman: My cousin Bob is getting married in California and I can't decide whether to go.Man

Woman: My cousin Bob is getting married in California and I can't decide whether to go. Man: It's a long trip, but I think you'll have a good time. Question: What does the man imply?

A.Bob has been married for a long time.

B.The woman should go to California.

C.He plans to go to the wedding.

D.He hasn't been to California for a long time.

更多“Woman: My cousin Bob is getting married in California and I can't decide whether to go.Man”相关的问题


听力原文:W: Can I help you?M: I need to buy a birthday present for my cousin, but I really

听力原文:W: Can I help you?

M: I need to buy a birthday present for my cousin, but I really don't know what to get.

W: Well, we have a special kind of ties. That's always a good gift.

M: Sounds like a good idea.

What does the woman suggest the man should do?

A.Buy a car.

B.Buy a tie.

C.Buy a jacket.

D.Buy a book.



听力原文:M: ...anyway it was a fantastic concert. I love Bob Crowe's music.W: in my opinio

听力原文:M: ...anyway it was a fantastic concert. I love Bob Crowe's music.

W: in my opinion, they have no musical talent and what's more, the way they dress is terrible.

How does the woman like the concert?

A.She doesn't like the concert.

B.She likes the concert.

C.She can't make up her mind.

D.She thinks the musicians are very good.



听力原文:M: . . . anyway it was a fantastic concert. I love Bob Crowe's music.W: In my opi

听力原文:M: . . . anyway it was a fantastic concert. I love Bob Crowe's music.

W: In my opinion, they have no musical talent and what's more the way they dress is terrible.

How does the woman feel the concert?

A.She likes the concert.

B.She doesn't like the concert.

C.She can't make up her mind.

D.She thinks the musicians are very good.



听力原文:(Woman) Hmm... I want to wear this dress on Saturday, but itshould really be clea

听力原文:(Woman) Hmm... I want to wear this dress on Saturday, but it

should really be cleaned. Ted, could you leave it at the cleaner's on your way to work today and tell them I need to have it back by Saturday morning?

(Man) I have to get to the office early this morning to work on that speech I'm giving next week. But I could do it tomorrow. What's happening on Saturday anyway?

(Woman) It's your cousin's wedding! How could you forget?

Why don't you drop off your suit along with my dress?

(Man) This Saturday? I can't believe it! I have tickets to the first ballgame of the season, and I've been looking forward to it for a long time.

What does the woman ask the man to do?

A.Leave work early

B.Change into another suit

C.Buy a present for his cousin

D.Take some clothing to the cleaner's



听力原文:M: What a shame, Nancy. You have been in town for a week, and you don't even thin
k of calling me until you were ready to leave!

W: I am sorry, Bob. My schedule is just too tight. Next time I come, we must find time together and have a good chat.

M: I hope so.

What do we learn from the woman's reply?

A.She will find time to meet Bob on her next visit.

B.She will call Bob when she comes again.

C.She will visit Bob before she leaves.

D.She has no interest in chatting with Bob.



听力原文:M: Hi, Shelly! How was your vacation?W: Great! I went to New Orleans.M: Really? W

听力原文:M: Hi, Shelly! How was your vacation?

W: Great! I went to New Orleans.

M: Really? Why did you decide to go there?

W: Well, I have a cousin who lives there. She's been trying to get me to take a vacation down there for a long time, and so finally, she talked me into it.

M: How did you get there?

W: Well, at first 1 was going to drive, but my cousin said parking is a big problem there, so I flew. Once I was there, I took buses and taxis.

M: I've seen some pictures of New Orleans--the architecture there is really interesting, isn't it?

W: Yeah, it's incredible, especially in the French Quarter and in the Garden District where my cousin lives. And I love the spicy food there, and the music, of course. My cousin took me to some great little restaurants and jazz clubs.

M: How was the weather when you were there?

W: That's the only thing I didn't enjoy. It was really hot and sticky.

M: Wasn't New Orleans originally a French city?

W: Yes, the French founded it. And then the king of France gave it to the king of Spain, and later the French took it over again. And then the French sold it to the United States along with the rest of the Louisiana Purchase.

M: I remember reading in a history book about the battle of New Orleans. That was during the War of 1812, wasn't it?

W: Right. The Americans under Andrew Jackson fought a battle with the British near there. In fact, Jackson Square in the French Quarter is named after him.

M: Well, it sure sounds like you had a great time.

W: Oh, I sure did. And I plan to go back there next spring for my birthday.


A.A vacation the woman took.

B.French influence in New Orleans.

C.New Orleans' Mardi Gras Festival.

D.A business trip.



What does the woman's cousin do?A.He is a tourist guide in Italy.B.He works as an engineer

What does the woman's cousin do?

A.He is a tourist guide in Italy.

B.He works as an engineer.

C.He is an English teacher in Italy.



听力原文:M: Bob Gordon speaking.W: Hello, Bob. It's Ann here. How's everything?M: Fine. Ho

听力原文:M: Bob Gordon speaking.

W: Hello, Bob. It's Ann here. How's everything?

M: Fine. How about you?

W: Oh, not so bad. Listen, I want to talk to you, Bob, about next Thursday. I hope you haven't forgotten.

M: No, no. I've got it in my diary. Just look it up. Thursday, the 14th, the meeting in Birmingham, I don't know when or where, though.

W: Right. That's what Don White asked me to tell you. It's in Birmingham at a quarter past eleven in the Rose.

M: The Rose Hotel?

W: Yes, the one opposite the park, Er, now you've got the time, right? 11:15, OK?

M: Yeah, fine, 11:15. I may be a few minutes late. There is a train from here at 8:10. I'11 take that one. Which train are you getting?

W: I'm catching the 10:17 one. I get in at about 10:45.

M: OK. See you Thursday then. Cheer then.

W: Bye, Bob.

Why does the woman call the man?

A.To tell him the time and place of a meeting.

B.To tell him how to get to Birmingham.

C.To tell him to visit Don White.



—My cousin looks handsome.— Especially_______ that black suit.A.put onB.onC.inD.dress in

—My cousin looks handsome.— Especially_______ that black suit.

A.put on



D.dress in



--My cousin sent me a wonderful gift from Africa.--Oh, is that so?______ ?A.Where is it fr

--My cousin sent me a wonderful gift from Africa.--Oh, is that so?______ ?

A.Where is it from

B.What's it like

C.How did it come

D.Who sent it to you

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