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The risk of dying from cancer in developed countries is A.doublethat in develo

The risk of dying from cancer in developed countries is

A.doublethat in developing countries.

B.much higher than that in developing countries.

C.the same as that in developing countries.

D.much lower than that in developing countries.

更多“The risk of dying from cancer in developed countries is A.doublethat in develo”相关的问题


The risk of dying from cancer in developed countries is ______.A.double that in developing

The risk of dying from cancer in developed countries is ______.

A.double that in developing countries

B.much higher than that in developing countries

C.the same as that in developing countries

D.much lower than that in developing countries



The risk of dying from cancer in developed countries isA.double that in developing countri

The risk of dying from cancer in developed countries is

A.double that in developing countries.

B.much higher than that in developing countries.

C.the same as that in developing countries.

D.much lower than that in developing countries.



The risk of dying from cancer in developedcountries isA.doublethat;n developing cou

The risk of dying from cancer in developedcountries is

A.doublethat;n developing countries.

B.much higher than that in developingcountries。

C.the sameas that in developing countries.

D.much lower than that in developing countries



The risk of dying from cancer in developedcountries is A.doublethat;n developi

The risk of dying from cancer in developedcountries is

A.doublethat;n developing countries.

B.much higher than that in developingcountries。

C.the sameas that in developing countries.

D.much lower than that in developing countries.



According to Dr. Serge Jabbour, what message does the study carry?A.People have to work ea

According to Dr. Serge Jabbour, what message does the study carry?

A.People have to work early on their weight

B.Overweight people have shorter life expectancies

C.Smoking is damaging to life expectancy

D.If people are Overweight by their mid-30's to mid-40's, if they lose some weight later on, they will carry a lower risk of dying



听力原文: Living at the foot of one of the world' s most active volcanoes might not appeal
to you at all. But believe it or not, the area surrounding Mount Etna in Italy is packed with people. In fact, it is the most densely populated region on the whole island of Sicily. The reason is that rich volcanic soil makes the land fantastic for farming. By growing and selling a variety of crops, local people earn a good living. For them, the economic benefit they reap surpasses the risk of dying or losing property in one of the volcano's frequent eruptions. People everywhere make decisions about risky situations this way. That is, by comparing the risks and the benefits. According to the experts, the side of the risk depends on both its probability and seriousness. Let's take Mount Etna for example, It does erupt frequently, but those eruptions are usually minor. So the overall risk for people living nearby is relatively small. But suppose Mount Etna erupted everyday, or imagine that each eruption there kills thousands of people. If that were the case, the risk would be much larger. Indeed, the risk would be too large for many people to live with. And they would have to move away.

How do people make decisions about risky situations?

A.By judging to what extent they can eliminate the risks.

B.By estimating the possible loss of lives and property.

C.By estimating the frequency of volcanic eruptions.

D.By judging the possible risks against the likely benefits.



选词填空:It's our guilty pleasure: Watching TV is the most common everyday activity, after work and sleep, in many parts of the world

Question 37 to 46 are based on the following passage.

It's our guilty pleasure: Watching TV is the most common everyday activity, after work and sleep, in many parts of the world. Americans view five hours of TV each day, and while we know that spending so much time sitting(37)_____ can lead to obesity(肥胖症)and other disease, researchers have now quantified just how(38)_____ being a couch potato can be.

In an analysis of data from eight large(39)_____ published studies, a Harvard-led group reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association that for every two hours per day spent channel(40)_____, the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes(糖尿病)rose 20% over 8.5 years, the risk of heart disease increased 15% over a(41)_____, and the odds of dying prematurely(42)_____ 13% during a seven-year follow-up. All of these(43)_____ are linked to a lack of physical exercise. But compared with other sedentary(久坐的)activities, like knitting, viewing TV may be especially(44)_____ at promoting unhealthy habits. For one, the sheer number of hours we pass watching TV dwarfs the time we spend on anything else. And other studies have found that watching ads for beer and popcorn may make you more likely to(45)_____ them.

Even so, the authors admit that they didn't compare different sedentary activities to(46)_____ whether TV watching was linked to a greater risk of diabetes, heart disease or early death compared with, say, reading.


















Insurance is supposed to provide protection against financial risks, and while dying too s
oon is one major risk we face, another risk more and more people fear is outliving their money. As a result, a growing array of life insurance products make it possible to protect against both of those risks.

In many of today's life insurance products, MacDonald notes, "The death benefit portion really has become a commodity type product, so if someone is really concerned about the financial impact of dying young, then they can get a pretty good deal by buying term insurance on a commodity basis—find the cheapest policy and buy it. "But, he says, " The other side of the coin is that insurance companies have developed products that can be very creative, and very competitive to other alternatives, including investments. They can fill a very important role in any overall investment plan. "

Diverse and universal policies offer people choices in how much they want to put into their policies and how they want their funds invested. These funds can then be tapped later on to provide a lump sum for purchasing a retirement home or a stream of retirement income. Life insurance is an attractive investment vehicle, because the " inside buildup" , the accumulation of funds inside a policy structrue, is not subject to taxes, in contrast to other personal investments.

However, MacDonald and others warn against using insurance policies purely as an investment. While there are tax advantages, there are also the costs connected with the insurance coverage, and if you don't need that coverage these can be expensive ways to invest.

Moreover, MacDonald notes that some companies are offering insurance that has a critical illness or long-term care benefit. These policies specify that if someone suffers a heart attack, for example, they will get 25% of the face amount of the insurance policy immediately rather than at death. Or if they must be confined to a nursing home, they will be able to use up to the face amount of the policy to pay the nursing home costs.

Amid the proliferation of insurance product, MacDonald says, "The positive side of it is there are better products—they're cheaper and more flexible. The negative side is that it's more complicated and easier to make a mistake. In the past, it was plain vanilla; everybody was selling the same product and everybody had to find an agent they liked. Now there has been significant changes in product structure and design, and benefits, and so it is worthwhile to shop around. "

The purpose of insurance is to______.

A.give you money whenever you need

B.protect you from financial risks

C.save money

D.outlive money



Walk a Quarter-Mile or Die If you can walk a quarter-mile, odds(可能性)are you have at lea

Walk a Quarter-Mile or Die

If you can walk a quarter-mile, odds(可能性)are you have at least six years of life left in you, scientists say. And the faster you can (51) it, the longer you might live.

While walking is no guarantee of (52)or longevity(长寿), a new study found that the ability of elderly people to do the quarter-mile was an "important determinant(决定因素)"in whether or not they'd be (53)six years later and how much illness and disability they would endure.

"The (54) to complete this walk was a powerful predictor of health outcomes, "said study leader Anne Newman of the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. "In fact, we (55)that the people who could not complete the walk were (56)an extremely high risk of later disability and death. "

Newman and colleagues recruited nearly 2,700 white and African-American men and women aged 70 to 79 to (57) the walk. All the participants were screened and determined to be in relatively (58) health, and they had all said they had previously walked that far with no (59). Only 86 percent of them finished, (60).

The scientists then monitored the health and mortality of all (61)for the next six years. "There was a big gap in health outcomes (62)people who could complete the longer walk and people who could not, with the latter being at an extremely high (63)of becoming disabled or dying, "Newman said. "What was really surprising is that these people were not (64) of how weak they actually were. "

Finishing times were found to be crucial, too. Those who completed the walk but were among the slowest 25 percent (65) three times greater risk of death than the speedier folks.







Multivitamins Urged for All Pregnant WomenA recent study in Tanzania found that when pregn

Multivitamins Urged for All Pregnant Women

A recent study in Tanzania found that when pregnant women took vitamins every day, fewer babies were born too small. Babies that weigh less than two and one-half kilograms at birth have a greater risk of dying. Those that survive are more likely to experience problems with their development. And experts say that as adults they have a higher risk of diseases including heart disease and diabetes. The World Health Organization estimates that every year twenty million babies are born with low birth weight. Nine out of ten of them are born in developing countries.

The new study took place in Dar es Salaam. 4,200 pregnant women received multivitamins. The pills contained all of the vitamins in the B group along with vitamins C and E. They also contained several times more iron and folate than the levels advised for women in developed nations. Pregnant women especially in poor countries may find it difficult to get enough vitamins and minerals from the foods in their diet.

The scientists compared the findings with results from a group of 4,000 women who did not receive the vitamins. A report by the scientists, from the United States and Tanzania, appeared in the New England Journal of Medicine. Wafaie Fawzi of the Harvard University School of Public Health4 led the study. None of the women in the study had HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. The scientists reported earlier that daily multivitamins were a low-cost way to reduce fetal deaths in pregnant women infected with5 HIV. The earlier work in Tanzania also found improvement in the mothers in their number of blood cells known as lymphocytes. Lymphocytes increase the body's immunity against infection.

The new study in pregnant women who were not infected with the AIDS virus found that multivitamins reduced the risk of low birth weight. Just under eight percent of the babies born to women who took the multivitamins weighed less than 2,500 grams. The rate was almost nine and one-half percent in the group of women who received a placebo, an inactive pill, instead of the vitamins. But the vitamins did not do much to reduce the rates of babies being born too early or dying while still a fetus. Still, the researchers say multivitamins should be considered for all pregnant women in developing countries.

How many babies are born with low birth weight in the developed countries every year according to WHO?





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