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听力原文:Why do we cry? Can you imagine life without tears? Not only do tears keep your ey

听力原文: Why do we cry? Can you imagine life without tears? Not only do tears keep your eyes lubricated, they also contain a substance that kills certain bacteria so they can't infect your eye. Give up your tears, and you'll lose this onthespot defense. Nobody wants to give up the flood of extra tears you produce when you get something physical or chemical in your eyes. Tears are very good at washing this irritating stuff out. Another thing you couldn't do without your tears is cry from joy, anger or sadness. Humans are the only animals that produce tears in response to emotions, and most people say a good cry makes them feel better. Many scientists, therefore, believe that crying somehow helps us cope with emotional situations. Tear researcher, Winifred, is trying to figure out how it hap pens. One possibility he says is that tears discharge certain chemicals from your body, chemicals that build up during stress. When people talk about crying it out, "I think that might actually be what they are doing", he says. If Fred is right, what do you think will. happen to people who restrain their tears? Boys, for example, cry only about a quarter as often as girls once they reach teenage years, and we all cry a lot less now than we did as babies. Could it possibly be that we face less stress? Maybe we found another ways to deal with it, or maybe we just feel embarrassed.


A.Why people hold back their team.

B.Why people cry.

C.How to restrain one's mars.

D.How tears are produced.

更多“听力原文:Why do we cry? Can you imagine life without tears? Not only do tears keep your ey”相关的问题


听力原文: (32)Why do we cry? Can you imagine life without tears?Not only do tears keep you

听力原文: (32)Why do we cry? Can you imagine life without tears?

Not only do tears keep your eyes lubricated, they also contain a substance that kills certain bacteria so they can't infect your eyes. Give up your tears, and you' 11 lose this on-the-spot defense. Nor would you want to give up the flood of extra tears you produce when you get something physical or chemical in your eyes. Tears are very good at washing this irritating stuff out.

Another thing you couldn't do without your tears is cry--from joy. anger or sadness.

(33)Humans are the only animals that produce tears in response to emotions. And most people say a good cry makes them feel better. (35)Many scientists, therefore, believe that crying somehow helps us cope with emotional situations. Tear researcher, William Frey, is trying to figure out how it happens. "One possibility", he says," is that tears discharge certain chemicals from your body, which build up during stress. When people talk about 'crying it out', I think that might actually be what they are doing."

If Frey is right, what do you think will happen to people who restrain their tears? (34)Boys, for example, cry only about a quarter as often as girls once they reach their teenage years. And we all cry a lot less now than we did as babies. Could it possibly be that we face less stress? Maybe we've found other ways to deal with it. Or maybe we just feel embarrassed.


A.Why people hold back their tears.

B.Why people cry.

C.How to restrain one's tears.

D.How tears are produced.



听力原文: Why do we cry? Can you imagine life without tears? Not only do tears keep your e
yes lubricated, they also contain a substance that kills certain bacteria so they can't infect your eyes. Give up your tears, and you'll lose this on-the-spot defense. Nobody wants to give up the flood of extra tears you produce when you get something physical or chemical in your eyes. Tears are very good at washing this irritating stuff out. Another thing you couldn't do without your tears is cry from joy, anger or sadness. Humans are the only animals that produce tears in response to emotions, and most people say a good cry makes them feel better. Many scientists, therefore, believe that crying somehow helps us cope with emotional situations. Tear researcher, Winifred, is trying to figure out how it happens. One possibility he says is that tears discharge certain chemicals from your body, chemicals that build up during stress. When people talk about crying it out," I think that might actually be what they are doing", he says. If Fred is right, what do you think will happen to people who restrain their tears? Boys, for example, cry only about a quarter as often as girls once they reach teenage years, and we all cry a lot less now than we did as babies. Could it possibly be that we face less stress? Maybe we found another ways to deal with it, or maybe we just feel embarrassed.

What's the topic discussed in this passage?

A.Why people hold back their tears.

B.Why people cry.

C.How to restrain one's tears.

D.How tears are produced.



听力原文:Do you know why the presentation was put off until next week? (A) Can we meet tom

听力原文:Do you know why the presentation was put off until next week?

(A) Can we meet tomorrow instead?

(B) I' ve known the president for years.

(C) The presenter called in sick.







听力原文:Why do we need to take two taxis to the restaurant?(A) There's too many of us to

听力原文:Why do we need to take two taxis to the restaurant?

(A) There's too many of us to fit in one.

(B) The new Italian place on Clover Street.

(C) Yes, I think that will be enough.







听力原文:When do we discuss this project with him?(A) On Monday, most likely.(B) Why not,

听力原文:When do we discuss this project with him?

(A) On Monday, most likely.

(B) Why not, he's very helpful.

(C) Oh, I don't protect him.







听力原文:W: Why didn't you stop when we first signaled?M: I'm sorry. Do I have to pay a fi

听力原文:W: Why didn't you stop when we first signaled?

M: I'm sorry. Do I have to pay a fine?

Q: What is the probable relationship between the man and the woman?


A.Policeman and driver.

B.Teacher and pupil.

C.Policeman and thief.

D.Director and actress.



听力原文:W: Why do you think Harry Potter is so popular these days?M: Because there arc no

听力原文:W: Why do you think Harry Potter is so popular these days?

M: Because there arc not many good children's books available.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.He thinks children are normally silly.

B.He thinks we arc short of good children's books.

C.He thinks we need to produce more interesting books.

D.He thinks children have no taste at all.



听力原文:M: Why don't we stop for some ice-cream after the film?W: I'd love to, but I am o

听力原文:M: Why don't we stop for some ice-cream after the film?

W: I'd love to, but I am on a diet.

What did the man ask the woman to do?

A.Go on a diet.

B.Have a snack.

C.Play some tennis.

D.Stop screaming.



听力原文:Do you want to eat dinner at home or dine out today?(A)I need some flowers to put

听力原文:Do you want to eat dinner at home or dine out today?

(A) I need some flowers to put on the table.

(B) Why don't we order something since it' s raining?

(C) That dining room is full of antique furniture.







听力原文:M: Why didn't you stop when we first signaled you at the crossroads?W: Sorry, I w

听力原文:M: Why didn't you stop when we first signaled you at the crossroads?

W: Sorry, I was just a bit absent-minded. Anyway, do I have to pay a fine?

Q: What do we learn from the conversation?


A.The woman knows how to deal with the police.

B.The woman had been fined many times before.

C.The woman had violated traffic regulations.

D.The woman is good at finding excuses.

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