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Man is the only【B1】that laughs. Why is this true? What makes us respond as we do to pleasu

rable experiences? What is the history of this "happy convulsion", as someone once【B2】it, and just what is its function?

We are not short【B3】theories to explain the mystery; For centuries, biologists, psychologists, and medical men have been seeking a definitive explanation of laughter. One writer put【B4】the theory that its function is to frighten others or to humiliate them. Another took the opposite【B5】that we laugh in order not to cry. A psychologist offered the explanation that laughter functions【B6】a remedy to painful experiences, and that it serves to protect a person【B7】what the psychologist called "the many minor pains to which man is exposed". In the seventeenth century a writer set【B8】the theory that we laugh when we compare ourselves with others and find ourselves superior to others; in effect, we laugh at the【B9】of others.

Almost every theory has been concerned【B10】either the structure or the function of laughter,【B11】relatively few have been devoted【B12】the question of its origin. I propose to offer a theory which, so far as I am concerned, has not previously been set forth.【B13】only those animals capable of speech are capable of laughter; and that therefore man, being the only animal that【B14】, is the only animal that can laugh.

Those of us who have【B15】chimpanzees closely feel quite confident that chimpanzees occasionally【B16】behavior. that looks very much like a primitive human laughter. This【B17】, however, has been observed only in a humanlike way; whether or not it is laughter is doubtful; but the【B18】fact that under any condition an ape is capable of【B19】behavior. is no more than passing interest—for【B20】only indicates that early man had the basic laughter.






更多“Man is the only【B1】that laughs. Why is this true? What makes us respond as we do to pleasu”相关的问题


In a family where the roles of men and women are not sharply separated and where many hous
ehold tasks are shared【B1】a greater or lesser extent,【B2】of make superiority are hard to maintain. The pattern of sharing in tasks and in【B3】makes for equality, and this【B4】turn leads to further sharing. In such a home, the growing boy and girl learn to accept that equality more easily than did their parents and to prepare more fully for participation in a world characterized by【B5】rather than by the "battle of sexes".

In the process goes too【B6】and man's role is regarded as less important—and that【B7】happened in some cases—we are as badly off as before, only in【B8】. It is time to【B9】the role of the man in the American family. We are getting a little tired of "Momism"—but we don't want to exchange it【B10】a "neo-Popism". What we need, rather, is the【B11】that bringing【B12】children involves a partnership of equals. There axe signs that psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, and specialists on the family are becoming more aware of the part men【B13】and that they have decided that women should not receive all the credits—nor all the blame. We have almost given up【B14】that a woman's place is in the home. We are beginning, however, to analyze man's place in the home and to insist that he【B15】have a place in it. Nor is that place【B16】to the healthy development of the child. The family is a cooperative【B17】for which it is difficult to lay【B18】rules, because each family needs to work out its own ways for solving its own【B19】. Excessive authoritarianism has unhappy【B20】, whether it wears skirts or trousers, and the ideal of equal rights and equal responsibilities is pertinent(与......相关) not only to a healthy family.








When we want to 【B1】other people what we think ,we can do itnotonlywiththehelpofwords,buta

When we want to 【B1】other people what we think ,we can do it not only with the help of words, but also in many 【B2】 ways. For example, we sometimes move our heads 【B3】 when we want to say “yes”,and we move our heads 【B4】 when we want to say “no” .

People who can 【B5】 hear 【B5】speak talk to each other with the help of their fingers. People who do not understand each other' s language have to do the same. The following story shows 【B6】 they sometimes do it.

【B7】 English man who could not speak Italian was 【B8】 travelling in Italy. One day he entered a restaurant and sat 【B9】 a table. When the waiter came, the Englishman opened his mouth, 【B10】 his fingers into it, 【B11】 them out again and moved his lip. In this way he meant to say, “ 【B12】 me something to eat. ’’The waiter soon brought him 【B13】 tea. The Englishman 【B14】 his head and the waiter understood that he didn't want tea, so he took it 【B15】 and brought him 【B16】 coffee. The Englishman was angry. He was just going to leave the restaurant 【B17】 another traveller came in. When this man saw the waiter, he 【B18】 his hands on his stomach. That was enough. In a 【B19】 minutes there was a large plate of bread and meat 【B20】 his table.








What can we conclude from the end of the conversation?A.Smoking is the only bad habit the

What can we conclude from the end of the conversation?

A.Smoking is the only bad habit the man should change.

B.She doesn't love the man as deep as before.

C.She doesn't want to have a baby if the man smokes.

D.Maybe she will leave the man if he continues to smoke.



What does the man think of the exam?A.He's afraid to take exams.B.He only took the fourth

What does the man think of the exam?

A.He's afraid to take exams.

B.He only took the fourth exam.

C.He didn't get the highest score on one exam.



A.The man couldn't wait to see Susan.B.Susan is eager to pass the information she know

A.The man couldn't wait to see Susan.

B.Susan is eager to pass the information she knows.

C.Susan talks to people only on the phone.

D.The man always knows the latest news in town.



What does the man think of the exams7 [ A] He's afraid to take exams. [B] He only too

What does the man think of the exams7

[ A] He's afraid to take exams.

[B] He only took the fourth exam.

[C] He didn't get the highest score on one exam.



What is the ultimate purpose of science? This question has challenged some of the most pro
found scholars of the past. It is of increasing【B1】today, not only to practicing research scientists but to nonscientists【B2】. The two groups often【B3】very different answers. This is not surprising,【B4】the average person is【B5】by the marvelous consequences that science itself can bring forth: the launching of a manned space vehicle, or the creation of a nuclear weapon【B6】completely【B7】only decades ago.【B8】gigantic efforts, involving an entire nation's economic and technological【B9】and utilizing the skills of thousands of scientists and engineers, are widely publicized and become【B10】the real purpose of scientific investigation.【B11】any one-sided view【B12】be misleading, and this one is no【B13】.

How do scientists themselves regard their professional aims? A great majority of scientists【B14】that they are motivated by a desire to search for truth.

Science is a structure of many interlocking disciplines, its growth【B15】man's imagination and his compelling desire to understand his environment and himself. The basic compulsion to learn may reveal vast new horizons, end【B16】, or produce agreeable or terrifying byproducts, but【B17】science will fulfill its purpose. For we can say that nothing happens in nature without a reason and the basic reason is【B18】of the species,【B19】implies continuing evolution and improvement. Man's destiny is control of his environment, and the methods he employs are ultimately only【B20】to an end.








He suddenly became______that he was the only man who wasn't wearing a suit at the party.A.

He suddenly became______that he was the only man who wasn't wearing a suit at the party.







A.Other living things change their environment while man doesn't.B.Man alters his envi

A.Other living things change their environment while man doesn't.

B.Man alters his environment while he is adapted to it, but other living things do not.

C.Other living things is not only adapted to their environment but also alters it.

D.Man is only adapted to the environment but he doesn't alter it.



The author mentions a man indulging in fond dreams of numerous lovers in paragraph 3 in or
der to ______.

A.demonstrate the serious problem in marriage in modern society

B.illustrate that only this kind of man can possess happiness

C.show that this kind of man has plenty of leisure time to do what they want

D.give an example of a person who doesn't care for what he already possesses

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