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What do you drink? Coffee, spring water, cola or a cup of tea? Much has been said abou

t the benefits of drinking Chinese tea for such things as losing weight and staying alert, but the following points may be something new to you.

Chrysanthemum (菊花) tea, made of white chrysanthemums, is a must for office workers in the closed environment with radiation contamination.The white chrysanthemum is regarded as an ideal herb in Traditional Chinese Medicines (TCMs), which can clear away the heat and poisonous substance accumulated in the body.According to TCMs, the herb can aid in the prevention of sore throat and promoting the reducing fever and cooling you down.It is also well known for making people more alert and is often used to waken them.Ancient Chinese adopted the tradition of drinking chrysanthemum wine in autumn, believing the wine would keep healthy.

Since it’s impossible to drink wine in the office, TCMs doctors highly recommend the chrysanthemum tea, instead, especially for those who suffer from serious radiation pollution or experience dry mouth.However, doctors suggest that weak people (who are very sensitive to cold and always have cold hands and feet) should take less chrysanthemum tea, which will make them feel colder.

Mugwort (艾蒿) tea is another popular tea in China.If you drink a lot of water before sleep, you’ll find yourself looking tired and pale the next morning, and you may feel as bad as you look.Mugwort tea will help you eliminate tiredness and recover your high spirits.Only several grams of mugwort are needed for a cup of tea.The tea may also be effective for weight loss.

Unlike other teas, the fruit tea is very flavorful with a light sweet taste.The small red berry is not a common fruit, but a kind of traditional Chinese medicine that helps maintain good eyesight and get rid of the waste in bodies.Watching the lovely cherries swelling up in the glass is an enjoyable process, and adding several white chrysanthemum in the tea can make the tea more tasty and beautiful.

46.Why is chrysanthemum tea necessary for the office workers in the closed environment?()

A.It can help reduce radiation pollution

B.It can provide the weak with warmth and energy

C.It may be effective for weight loss

D.It may be a treatment to cold in autumn

47.What is the medicinal use of the white chrysanthemum?()

A.It makes people stay in shape

B.It keeps people in high spirits

C.It helps reduce a fever

D.It prevents a bad cold

48.According to the passage, the negative effect of chrysanthemum tea is ________.

A.making people look pale and tired

B.getting people addicted to the tea

C.having people experience dry mouth

D.letting the weak people feel colder

49.The function of red berries in the fruit tea is ________.

A.a decoration swelling up in the glass

B.a medicine helping maintain good eyesight

C.a fruit strengthening the immunity to colds

D.a flavor making the tea more tasty

50.Whats the passage mainly about?()

A.The medicinal use of chrysanthemum tea

B.The fruit tea is flavorful with a light sweet taste

C.The drinks we take in the break time

D.The healthy benefits of Chinese tea

更多“What do you drink? Coffee, spring water, cola or a cup of tea? Much has been said abou”相关的问题


Before you go on stage, what should you take time to do?A.Learn your lines.B.Read throug

A.Learn your lines.

B.Read through your notes.

C.Visualize your presentation.

D.Drink some coffe



听力原文:M: What do you like to drink?W: I usually drink beer. but today I'll drink apple

听力原文:M: What do you like to drink?

W: I usually drink beer. but today I'll drink apple juice.

Q: What will the woman drink today?




C.Apple juice.



听力原文:W: I'll get some soft drink. Do you like to drink something?M:No, thank you. I'll

听力原文:W: I'll get some soft drink. Do you like to drink something?

M:No, thank you. I'll just drink the iced tea I have with me. Thanks for the offer anyway.

Q:What will the man probably do?


A.Go with the woman for a drink.

B.Drink what he has brought with him.

C.Continue with his work until lunchtime.

D.Ask the woman to get him some soft drink.



听力原文:M: I like to drink water with ice.W: Do you think it is bad for your stomach? Wha

听力原文:M: I like to drink water with ice.

W: Do you think it is bad for your stomach?

What would be the woman's advice?

A.Don't drink water.

B.Don't use ice too much.

C.Boil water first.



听力原文:M: Would you like to come out for a drink?F: Yes, that would be wonderful. Thanks

听力原文:M: Would you like to come out for a drink?

F: Yes, that would be wonderful. Thanks.

What will the woman do?

A.Have a drink with the man.

B.Take a walk with the man.

C.Hold a party at home.



听力原文:M: Liuhua, shall I invite you to drink tea at the Garden Teahouse?W: Ok, when?M:

听力原文:M: Liuhua, shall I invite you to drink tea at the Garden Teahouse?

W: Ok, when?

M: How about tomorrow afternoon?

W: No problem. I remember that you like coffee most. Why do you want to drink tea suddenly?

M: I do like coffee, but I have recently taken interest in China's tea culture and want to visit a teahouse.

W: Let me quiz you first. What kind of tea do the Chinese like best?

M: That's too easy, black tea, of course.

What is the man going to do tomorrow afternoon?

A.To drink some coffee.

B.To drink tea with his friend.

C.To buy some tea leaves.



听力原文:M: Mary, will you come over for tea at three today?W: I'm sorry, I won't be able

听力原文:M: Mary, will you come over for tea at three today?

W: I'm sorry, I won't be able to, I'll be out of town.

What will Mary do?

A.She will be out of town.

B.She will drink tea with the man.

C.She will stay at home.



听力原文:W: I bought a pint of milk for our breakfast. But it doesn't seem to look fresh n
ow. Do you think it's all right to drink?

M: Let me smell it. Well, it has gone off. If I were you, I wouldn't even think of it.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.The milk is safe to drink.

B.The milk is not safe to drink.

C.She couldn't have bought milk.

D.He wouldn't have milk for breakfast.



听力原文:M:I will finish the work in a few minutes. Then we'll go out together. Would you
mind waiting me for a while?

W:Not at all. I'll stay in my office, and have some coffee.

Q:What will the woman probably do?


A.She will have a drink while she waits.

B.She will help the man with the work.

C.She will get some coffee for the man.

D.She will go out first and get her car.



听力原文:W: Do you prefer tea or coffee after lunch?M: I don't care for tea that much and

听力原文:W: Do you prefer tea or coffee after lunch?

M: I don't care for tea that much and I only drink coffee in the evening.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.He prefers coffee at lunchtime.

B.He likes tea in the evening.

C.He never drinks tea.

D.He doesn't drink coffee at lunchtime.



听力原文:M: I'm going out to get some coffee. Would you like something?W: Well, I've been

听力原文:M: I'm going out to get some coffee. Would you like something?

W: Well, I've been drinking too much coffee recently. Thanks for asking. I'd just drink the tea I have right here.

What will the woman probably do?

A.She will drink some coffee.

B.She will get some tea for the man.

C.She will meet her friend.

D.She will drink what she has with her.

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