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听力原文:Alright everyone, we are nearing the end of our tour. If you look to your left yo

听力原文: Alright everyone, we are nearing the end of our tour. If you look to your left you will see that the building on the East side is a little different than the other buildings. It is the Eddleson building. It was designed by the famed architect Elliot Eddleson. This building, although being designed and constructed at the same time as the other buildings around his is noticeably modern in appearance. This has been attributed to Mr. Eddleson's unique appreciation of this particular aesthetic. The uniqueness of the design made for a difficult construction and due to the unusual cold weather at the time construction had to be delayed for 3 months. Our last stop in the tour will be inside the main foyer of Mr. Eddleson's masterpiece.

Who most likely is the speaker?

A.A famed architect

B.A tour guide

C.Construction worker

D.Department manager

更多“听力原文:Alright everyone, we are nearing the end of our tour. If you look to your left yo”相关的问题


听力原文:Didn't they cancel the football game?(A) Alright, we can go then.(B) No, it was j

听力原文:Didn't they cancel the football game?

(A) Alright, we can go then.

(B) No, it was just postponed.

(C) Please speak with a counselor.







听力原文:She went to see the parade yesterday, didn't she?(A) I really don't know.(B) Alri

听力原文:She went to see the parade yesterday, didn't she?

(A) I really don't know.

(B) Alright, if you insist.

(C) No, I haven't seen her for a while.







听力原文:M: What shall we do this weekend?W: Let' s go out for a walk. M: Where to go then

听力原文:M: What shall we do this weekend?

W: Let' s go out for a walk.

M: Where to go then?

W: Let's go to the new forest. We haven't been there too long.

M: That's a good idea. I'll pick you up at about ten. Is that alright?

W: That's wonderful. See you then. Bye!

What docs the woman propose to do?

A.Climb the mountains.

B.Go out for a walk to the new forest.

C.Go sightseeing in a car.

D.Have a wonderful meal at the weekend.



听力原文:M: What shall we do this weekend?W: Let's go out for a walk. M: Where to go, then

听力原文:M: What shall we do this weekend?

W: Let's go out for a walk.

M: Where to go, then?

W: Let's go to the new forest. We haven't been there too long.

M: That's a good idea. I'll pick you up at about ten. Is that alright?

W: That's wonderful. See you then. Bye!

What does the woman propose to do?

A.Climb the mountains.

B.Go out for a walk to the new forest.

C.Go sightseeing in a car.

D.Have a wonderful meal at the weekend.



听力原文:M Good morning, I would like to order some checks.W Yes, sir. I will need to see

听力原文:M Good morning, I would like to order some checks.

W Yes, sir. I will need to see your bankbook and some identification.

M I understand. I have my passport with me but forgot my bankbook. Will my bank card be alright?

W Yes, Mr. Arnold. That will be fine. I'll make a photocopy of your passport, and in the meantime, please, complete the application form. and decide on the type of checks you would like.

What is the purpose of Mr. Arnold's visit?

A.To open a new account

B.To replace his lost bankbook

C.To place an order for checks

D.To transfer some funds



听力原文:W: Can you give a discount for this microwave oven?M: I can't reduce it for you.

听力原文:W: Can you give a discount for this microwave oven?

M: I can't reduce it for you. The price can be only as the tag shows.

W: Come on. Cut down the price just a little. I can buy this in another store, but I choose to buy it with you as your store is nearer to my place.

M: Well, I do have to meet a quota in order to get my commission. OK. I'll take off, let say, fifty dollars. How does that sound?

W: Oh no. I was thinking maybe more in three digits. Something like two hundred ?

M: Please. That's way off too much. Seventy-five, no more no less.

W: Give it two zeros like a hundred. I feel luckier with zeros.

M: Alright, eighty is my last offer, anything higher than that will eat into our profits already.

W: OK. I can settle for that. Be sure to have it securely packaged.

What does the woman want to buy?

A.A sweater.

B.An expensive pen.

C.A microwave oven.

D.A dishwasher.



听力原文:M: Good morning, can I help you?W: How much does this microwave oven cost'?.M: $2

听力原文:M: Good morning, can I help you?

W: How much does this microwave oven cost'?.

M: $280.

W: Can you give a discount for it?

M: Sorry, I can' t. The price is fixed.

W: Come on, Cut down the price just a little bit. I can buy it in another store, but I choose to buy it here as your store is nearer to my place.

M: Well, because I have to meet a quota in order to get my commission. OK. I'll take oft', let say, fifty dollars. How does that sound?

W: Oh, no. I was thinking maybe more in three digits. Something like one hundred?

M: Please. That's too much. Seventy-five, no more no less.

W: Give it two zeros like a hundred. I feel luckier with zeros.

M: Alright, eighty is the bottom line, we can't make any profit if the price is rower than $ 200.

W: OK, I'll take it. Be sure m have it securely packaged.

What does the woman want to buy?

A.A sweater.

B.An expensive pen.

C.A microwave oven.

D.A dishwasher.



听力原文:M: Good morning, can I help you?W: How much does this microwave oven cost?M: $280

听力原文:M: Good morning, can I help you?

W: How much does this microwave oven cost?

M: $280.

W: Can you give a discount for it?

M: Sorry, I can't. The price is fixed.

W: Come on. Cut down the price just a little bit. I can buy it in another store, but I choose to buy it here as your store is nearer to my place.

M: Well, because I have to meet a quota in order to get my commission. OK. I'll take off, let say, fifty dollars. How does that sound?

W: Oh, no. I was thinking maybe more in three digits. Something like one hundred?

M: Please. That' s too much. Seventy-five, no more no less.

W: Give it two zeros like a hundred. I feel luckier with zeros.

M: Alright, eighty is the bottom line, we can't make any profit if the price is lower than $200.

W: OK, I'll take it. Be sure to have it securely packaged.

What does the woman want to buy?

A.A sweater.

B.An expensive pen.

C.A microwave oven.

D.A dishwasher.



听力原文:M: Hello. Matt Ellis speaking.W: Hello, Dr. Ellis, my name's Pam Johnson. My room

听力原文:M: Hello. Matt Ellis speaking.

W: Hello, Dr. Ellis, my name's Pam Johnson. My roommate, Janet Holms, wanted me to call you.

M: Janet Holms? Oh, that's right; she's in my Shakespeare—an English class. Has anything happened to her?

W: Nothing, it's just that she submitted a job application yesterday and the company asked her in for an interview today. She's afraid she won't be able to attend your class this afternoon, though. I'm calling to see if it would be okay if I gave you her essay. Janet said it's due today.

M: Certainly, that would be fine. Uh, you can either drop it off at my class or bring it to my office.

W: Would it be alright to come by your office around 4:00? It's impossible to come any earlier because I have three classes this afternoon.

M: Uh, I won't be here when you come; I'm supposed to be at a meeting from 3 to 6, but how about leaving it with my secretary? She usually stays until 5:00.

W: Fine; please tell her I'll be there at 4:00. And Dr. Ellis, one more thing, could you tell me where your office is located? Janet told me where your class is, but she didn't give me directions to your office.

M: Well, I'm in Room 302 of the Gregory Building. I'll tell my secretary to put the paper in my mail box, and I'll get it when I return.

W: I sure appreciate it; Janet was worried about not getting her paper in on time.

M: No problem. I'll look for Janet's paper later this evening, Good-bye, Ms. Johnston.

W: Bye, Dr. Ellis. Thanks again.


A.Doctor and patient.

B.Teacher and student.

C.Employer and employee.

D.Manager and secretary.



听力原文:W: Hello! This is Johns Hopkins. Dr. Silver's Office. Can I help you?M: Hello! Th

听力原文:W: Hello! This is Johns Hopkins. Dr. Silver's Office. Can I help you?

M: Hello! This is Conley. Oh, I thought you opened at 10:00 a.m., but my wife told me to try earlier. She was right! I was going to call you at lunch.

W: Yes, your wife is right. People are always surprised that we're here so early. The reason is that our motto is "Always at patients' service". From around the world, people come to Johns Hopkins trusting that they will receive the best, most comprehensive patient-focused care available anywhere. How can I help you, sir?

M: Well, I'd like to make an appointment to have a cheek-up, please.

W: Okay. I'd like to make sure what your name is, please.

M: Yes. My name is Ian Conley, I-A-N C-O-N-L -E-Y.

W: Thank you, Mr. Conley. Well, I'm sorry to tell you that I have a lot of appointments these two days. How about the day after tomorrow at 9:30?

M: Um...would you have anything in the afternoon? Well, I will have a meeting Thursday morning.

W: Okay. Hmm...we do have an opening that afternoon at 4:00. Would that be good for you?

M: Yes, that would be just tine. I will come at 4:00 o'clock Thursday afternoon.

W: Okay. Mr. Conley, while I have you on the line, could I just check a few things?

M: Sure.

W: Is your address still 2354 Lecklear Street, apartment 11?

M: Actually, ma'am, it's number 17.

W: Okay, I'll change that. And your phone number—is it 233-4027?

M: Yes, it is.

W: Thank you, Mr. Conley. Alright, I have you down for 4:00 on Thursday afternoon.

M: Thanks. See you then.

W: Bye.


A.The woman speaker is a doctor.

B.The man speaker is called Silver.

C.The man called the woman at lunchtime.

D.The man's wife wanted to have a check-up.

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