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He ate what he could, and gave the ______ of the food to the birds.A.remainB.uneatenC.rest

He ate what he could, and gave the ______ of the food to the birds.





更多“He ate what he could, and gave the ______ of the food to the birds.A.remainB.uneatenC.rest”相关的问题


听力原文:W: What did the doctor prescribe for you?M: He said there is no need for me to ta

听力原文:W: What did the doctor prescribe for you?

M: He said there is no need for me to take any medicine, if I ate well-balanced meals.

Q: What does the doctor mean?


A.He should have the right diet.

B.No medicine could solve his problem.

C.He should eat less to lose some weight.

D.He was ill because he always ate too much.



听力原文:W: Emmy, what did your doctor say yesterday?M: Well, he said there was no need fo

听力原文:W: Emmy, what did your doctor say yesterday?

M: Well, he said there was no need for me to take any medicine if I ate well-balanced meals.

Q: What did the doctor say?


A.No medicine could solve the woman's problem.

B.Nothing could help the woman if she ate too little.

C.The woman should eat less to lose weight.

D.The woman should choose the right foods.



听力原文: Yokoi Shoichi, a Japanese soldier during World War II, never surrendered. For tw
enty-seven years, he hid deep ill the jungles of Guam, a Pacific island battle site during the war. Shoichi stayed there, away from friends and foes alike, because he felt "shame and dishonor" after the war.

Shoichi knew that Japan had lost the war, but the humiliation of defeat kept him from surrendering. So he stayed in the jungle, living on what he could search out. He ate mostly insects, snails, frogs and rats.

In 1972, U.S. authorities finally convinced Shoichi to "surrender". He was sent back to his homeland. Shoichi's returning home attracted a lot of attention. When a department store in Tokyo exhibited his jungle clothes and tools, more than 350,000 curious people came to view them. After spending some time back in civilization, Shoichi met a forty-five years old widow. The old soldier and the widow fell in love and married. After their wedding, the couple took a honeymoon trip to the island of Guam.


A.The island of Guam.

B.The battles on Guam during World War II.

C.Yokoi Shoichi's marriage.

D.A Japanese soldier who hid on Guam.



听力原文:Yokoi Shoichi, a Japanese soldier during World War II, never surrendered. For twe

听力原文: Yokoi Shoichi, a Japanese soldier during World War II, never surrendered. For twenty-seven years, he hid deep in the jungles of Guam, a Pacific island battle site during the war. Shoichi stayed there, away from friends and foes alike, because he felt "shame and dishonor" after the war.

Shoichi knew that Japan had lost the war, but the humiliation of defeat kept him from surrendering. So he stayed in the jungle, living on what he could search out. He ate mostly insects, snails, flogs and rats.

In 1972, U.S. authorities finally convinced Shoichi to "surrender". He was sent back to his homeland. Shoichi's returning home attracted a lot of attention. When a department store in Tokyo exhibited his jungle clothes and tools, more than 350,000 curious people came to view them. After spending some time back in civilization, Shoichi met a forty-five years old widow. The old soldier and the widow fell in love and married. After their wedding, the couple took a honeymoon trip to the island of Guam.


A.The island of Guam.

B.Yokoi Shoichi's marriage.

C.The battles on Guam during World War lt.

D.A Japanese soldier who hid on Guam.



听力原文:Yokoi Shoichi, a Japanese soldier during World War Ⅱ, never surrendered, For twen

听力原文: Yokoi Shoichi, a Japanese soldier during World War Ⅱ, never surrendered, For twenty-seven years, he hid deep in the jungles of Guam, a Pacific island battle site during the war. Shoichi stayed there, away from friends and foes alike, because he felt " shame and dishonor" after the war.

Shoichi knew that Japan had lost the war, but the humiliation of defeat kept him from surrendering. So he stayed in the jungle, living on what he could search out. He ate mostly insects, snails, frogs and rats.

In 1972, U.S. authorities finally convinced Shoichi to "surrender". He was sent back to his homeland. Shoichi's returning home attracted a lot of attention. When a department store in Tokyo exhibited his jungle clothes and tools, more than 350 000 curious people came to view them. After spending some time back in civilization, Shoiehi met a forty-five years old widow. The old soldier and the widow fell in love and married. After their wedding, the couple took a honeymoon trip to the island of Guam.


A.The island of Guam:

B.Yokoi Shoichi's marriage.

C.The battles on Guam during World War Ⅱ

D.A Japanese soldier who hid on Guam.



Today many people are starving to death.【C1】______a shortage of food and the【C2】______food
is too expensive for hungry people to buy. Therefore, they【C3】______food, or each day have only one or two small meals lacking the necessary vitamins to maintain good health.

Recently, a man who wanted to understand the【C4】______of such people conducted an experiment. He only ate one meal a day【C5】______a month but continued to work【C6】______he normally did. During the first five days he was hungry at his【C7】______meal times, but after he had drunk a glass of water his hunger went away. In the evening, when he ate his【C8】______meal, he ate quickly and【C9】______a large amount. During the next few days,【C10】______he was not hungry during the day, he quickly noticed every food shop, and the smell of food【C11】______his attention. During the third and fourth【C12】______, he had hungry pains and lacked physical strength. He【C13】______his one meal and ate it very slowly,【C14】______every bite. Without it, he knew he would have【C15】______enough energy to work. This experiment【C16】______his attitude about some things. Having a cup of tea was not【C17】______a pastime, it also【C18】______him strength. He more frequently noticed overweight people and people who threw away leftover food. He realized the importance of food for the very hungry person. He could less【C19】______pass by a hungry beggar on the street. But most important, he could now sympathize in a small way【C20】______the starving people of the world.


A.It is

B.There is

C.They have

D.We have



听力原文:Hello, everyone. I'm glad to be given a chance to tell you a story. Now I'll begi

听力原文: Hello, everyone. I'm glad to be given a chance to tell you a story. Now I'll begin. Once there lived a lion in a forest. Every day he went about to look for food. The small animals in the forest were all afraid of him. Not far from the forest there were four bulls. They were good friends, and often went about together. The lion tried many times to catch them, but could not do so. Every time he came near, the four bulls stood together to fight him, so he could do nothing to them. One day, the bulls had a quarrel. After that each went his own way. When the lion saw this, he was happy. Then he caught one bull and ate him up. Then he caught another. One by one he caught all the four bulls and ate them up.

That's all. Thank you.

Where was the lion living?

A.Near the lake.

B.In a forest.

C.By a hill.



What could he do ______ what he had said?A.was to take backB.but to take backC.but take ba

What could he do ______ what he had said?

A.was to take back

B.but to take back

C.but take back

D.was take back



听力原文:This morning in his office Alex told me that he came down with the flu and couldn
't make it home for thanksgiving dinner. What a pity!


A.Alex ate fruit for Thanksgiving.

B.Alex came down to our house for dinner.

C.Alex was able to go home for the holiday.

D.Alex was not able to be home for his Thanksgiving dinner because of his illness.



____________ (虽然只有十几岁), he could resist being told what to do.

____________ (虽然只有十几岁), he could resist being told what to do.

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