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听力原文:W: Mike, did Mr. Williams call me while I was out of the office this morning?M: N

听力原文:W: Mike, did Mr. Williams call me while I was out of the office this morning?

M: Not that I know of, but Ms. Parker from Harris Consulting called to confirm her appointment with you for tomorrow morning.

W: OK, that's fine. I'm leaving soon to attend a seminar for executives at 4.If something urgent comes up, please contact me on my mobile phone.

M: Yes. Do you know how long the seminar will take?

Who called the woman?

A.Mr. Williams

B.Ms. Parker

C.Mr. Harris


更多“听力原文:W: Mike, did Mr. Williams call me while I was out of the office this morning?M: N”相关的问题


听力原文:W: Did you say sorry to your teacher, Mike?M: Why must I?W: You were late this mo

听力原文:W: Did you say sorry to your teacher, Mike?

M: Why must I?

W: You were late this morning.

M: But I wasn't. When I got to school, I was just on time for class.

What is Mike?

A.A teacher.

B.A student.

C.A writer.



听力原文:M: Did you hear Mike is in hospital with head injuries and a broken arm?W: Yes, a

听力原文:M: Did you hear Mike is in hospital with head injuries and a broken arm?

W: Yes, apparently he was struck by another vehicle and turned completely over.

What happened to Mike?

A.His car was hit by another car.

B.He was hurt while playing volleyball.

C.He fell down the stairs.

D.While crossing the street, he was hit by a car.



听力原文:W: Did you notice that Mike cut off his beard over the summer?M: Notice? I didn't

听力原文:W: Did you notice that Mike cut off his beard over the summer?

M: Notice? I didn't even recognize him.

Q: What docs the man imply?


A.He hadn't noticed any change in Mike.

B.Mike looks different without a beard.

C.He thinks Mike looked better with the beard.

D.He hasn't seen Mike yet.



听力原文:M: I liked Mr Johnson's speech, it's exciting and humorous.W: So did I, but Mr Wh

听力原文:M: I liked Mr Johnson's speech, it's exciting and humorous.

W: So did I, but Mr White's talk was even better.

Q: What did the woman think of Mr Johnson's speech?


A.She didn't like it.

B.She thought it was better than Mr White's.

C.She thought it was not as good as Mr White's.

D.She thought it was as good as Mr White's.



听力原文:M: Hello!W: Hello, Mike! This is Jane.M: Oh. Hello, Jane!W: Listen, Mike! I've go

听力原文:M: Hello!

W: Hello, Mike! This is Jane.

M: Oh. Hello, Jane!

W: Listen, Mike! I've got a real problem.

M: What is it?

W: The ear's broken down.

M: Oh, not again.

W: Yeah: I checked the oil and I checked almost everything. It's just not starting at all.

M: You have to get rid of it, you know.

W: I know, I know. But look, the thing is, I've got to pick Tom up at the airport. Can I…?

M: Use my car? Yes, of course.

W: That'll be great! It's very kind of you.

M: Come on when you like. I don't need it till tonight.

W: OK! I'll be around in about an hour. Thanks a lot!

M: It's all right. See you then!

W: See you!

Why did Jane call Mike?

A.To ask him to meet her.

B.To tell him about Tom.

C.To borrow his car.

D.To give him a surprise.



听力原文:W: Hello, this is the Lost and Found.M: My name is Peter Brown and I left my hat

听力原文:W: Hello, this is the Lost and Found.

M: My name is Peter Brown and I left my hat in Mr Jackson's class this morning. Do you have it?

Q: What did we learn from this conversation?


A.Peter didn't go to Mr Johnson's class.

B.Peter found a hat in Mr Johnson's class.

C.Peter lost a hat in Mr Johnson's class.

D.Peter hasn't found Mr Johnson's hat yet.



听力原文:W: Now, Mr White, did you see the accident clearly?M: Oh, yes, I was standing out

听力原文:W: Now, Mr White, did you see the accident clearly?

M: Oh, yes, I was standing outside my house.

W: Do you remember what time it happened?

M: Yes, it was 4: 30 by my watch.

W: Good. Now, was the truck going fast?

M: Yes. Well, perhaps the driver thought the light was changing to green. But it was red.

W: Are you sure, Mr. White?

M: Yes, absolutely sure.

W: Then the truck hit the taxi, did it?

M: Yes, with much noise. Then I called the police.

W: Well, thanks a lot, Mr. White. Good-bye.

M: Good-bye.

8.What are the two speakers talking about?

9.What did the man tell the woman?

10.Who called the police?


A.A fight in the street.

B.A traffic accident.

C.A damaged house.

D.A dead driver.



听力原文:W: Wouldn't it have been better to have had Mr. Grosby leave at 4 instead of 5?M:

听力原文:W: Wouldn't it have been better to have had Mr. Grosby leave at 4 instead of 5?

M: Hardly, if we'd had him do that, he would have arrived too early.

What did you learn about Mr Grosby?

A.He left early.

B.He left late.

C.He left at 5.

D.He left at 4.



听力原文:W Did you pick up your new password for the main computer system? I got mine this

M Oh, did you? No, I didn't get mine yet. I haven't been able to access my computer for the last hour. I thought the system was down.

W No, it's not. You better go talk to Mike Clarkson in the administration department about issuing new password as soon as you can.

M Good idea. I'll go right now.

What is the man's problem?

A.He needs a new computer.

B.He lost his password.

C.He cannot access the system.

D.He cannot find the system's administrator.



听力原文:Mr Baker is very happy to see Miss Green every morning because she is a good secr

听力原文: Mr Baker is very happy to see Miss Green every morning because she is a good secretary.

One Monday Miss Green didn't crone to work because she was ill. She had a terrible cold and a bad headache, so she phoned Mr Baker. (The telephone rings. )

W: Good morning, Mr Baker.

M: Good morning, Miss Green. What's wrong? Where are you?

W: I am at home. I'm ill. I'm afraid I've got a terrible cold and a bad headache.

M: I'm very sorry to hear that. Well, you'd better stay at home.

W: Thank you, Mr Baker. See you tomorrow.

M: See you tomorrow. Goodbye.

W: Goodbye, Mr Baker.

Where did the dialogue happen?

A.In the office,

B.On the phone.

C.At home.

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