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What is carved into the surface of Stone Mountain?A.Two figures with horses.B.Three standi

What is carved into the surface of Stone Mountain?

A.Two figures with horses.

B.Three standing generals.

C.The faces of four presidents.

D.Three figures on horseback.

更多“What is carved into the surface of Stone Mountain?A.Two figures with horses.B.Three standi”相关的问题


What do we know about Gutzon Borglum?A.He carved Abraham Lincoln first on Mt. Rushmore.B.H

What do we know about Gutzon Borglum?

A.He carved Abraham Lincoln first on Mt. Rushmore.

B.He -also carved some gods and kings in Egyptian temples and tombs.

C.His original aim was five figures on Mr. Rushmore.

D.He also did something for the sculptures on Stone Mountain.



We carved their names on the stone so that younger generations could know what the
ir forefathers ________ for the nation.

[A] did

[B] were doing

[C] had done

[D] have been doing



We carved the hero's name on the monument ______ future generations should know what he ha
d done.

A.in order that

B.now that

C.for fear that

D.in that



Wife; Our visit to London is really rewarding. What do you think, darling? Husband; ______

Wife; Our visit to London is really rewarding. What do you think, darling?

Husband; ______We’ve really got something from this visit.

Wife; Don’t forget the shopping before we leave this lovely city.

Husband; I've carved it in my mind. Don't worry.

A.I get it.

B.Well, I don’t think the way you do.

C.You bet.

D.I'm glad to hear that.



Throughout all ages man has always carved colossal (巨大的) figures out of stone. This can

Throughout all ages man has always carved colossal (巨大的) figures out of stone. This can be seen in the ancient ruins of Egypt, Persia and Babylon. In modern times America has also taken up the same challenge and has carved huge sculptures into her mountains.

On the East Coast of America not far from Atlanta, Georgia stands Stone Mountain, the largest mass of exposed granite (花岗石) in the world. Carved into the side of this mountain are three tremendous equestrian figures. They are sculptures of Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee and "Stonewall Jackson." It is a memorial to the Confederacy. The colossal figure of Lee alone measures 138 feet from the top of his head to the tip of his horse's hoof. To see these stone sculptures on the side of a mountain is most impressive and inspiring. It was commissioned in 1916 and was begun by Gutzon Borglum, the sculptor of Mt. Rushmore, but was not completed until 1969 by Walter K. Hancock.

In South Dakota, a western state., is located another achievement of man's ability to shape nature into his own image and the achievement is considered to be one of the great man-made wonders of the modern world. It is located in the Black Hills in the southwestern part of the state. It is called the "Shrine of Democracy" at Mount Rushmore about twenty-five miles from Rapid City. It is visible for 97 kilometers.

This monument was conceived by master sculptor, Gutzon Borglum and was begun in 1927. He was born in Idaho and his first commission was a statue of Abraham Lincoln in the Capitol in Washington, D.C. This masterpiece in stone consists of the faces of four U. S. presidents which are 60 feet high each. The monument took 14 years to complete and ranks as one of the great sculptures of the world equal to the colossal figures of gods and kings found in Egyptian temples and tombs. Some have argued that a fifth face should be carved next to the existing four, but this would be impossible because the stone on the rest of the mountain is not of good quality for carving.

A trip to America would not be complete without viewing one of these monuments. Their size, scope and grandeur stand as a testimony(证明)to both art and technology and the grandeur of America.

What can we learn from the first paragraph?

A.All nations have carved colossal figures on the stone.

B.Only in Egypt, Persia and Babylon people can carve colossal figures.

C.There are also some great sculptures in America.

D.America is a challenge to other counties.



The Mystery of the MayasThe ruins of once-beautiful cities in the forests of Central Ameri

The Mystery of the Mayas

The ruins of once-beautiful cities in the forests of Central America tell scientists much about the amazing people who built them. But they do not tell why these cities were suddenly abandoned over one thousand years ago. Around A. D. 800, something mysterious happened to the Mayan civilization. Walls and foundations for new buildings were left unfinished. To modern archeologists, it looked as if the cities had been abandoned. What happened? What is the possible explanation of this mystery?

Early Discoveries

In the late 1700's, a group of explorers cutting their way through a forest in Central America came upon the ruins of an ancient city. Under a tangle of trees and vines, they found large, well-de- signed stone buildings and handsome stone monuments. Some of the stones were covered with a strange kind of writing. Carvings on other stones showed that at least some of the people who lived in the area long before were highly advanced.

Questions Raised

In the next 150 years, more cities were discovered. They seemed to be part of a great civilization stretching across 500 miles (about 800 kilometers) of forest. In 1881, an Englishman named Alfred Maudslay led the first big scientific expedition to study the ruins in the forest. Maudslay was an archeologist, a scientist who studies the remains of ancient communities for clues to how the people lived. Other expeditions followed, but at first they found more questions than answers: Who built the cities, and when the cities were built? How had the people lived here in the middle of a rain forest? Most puzzling of all, what happened to them?

Possible Answers

Gradually, some of the answers have been pieced together. Today, living in parts of Mexico and Guatemala, there are brown skinned Indian people called the Mayas. Scientists believe that the ancestors of these Indians built the cities and carved the stone monuments.

Dates carved on some monuments show that they were put up between A. D. 300 and 800, but bits of buried pottery tell us that the Mayas had lived in some of their cities for hundreds of years earlier. At the height of Mayan civilization, there must have been over two million people living in and around hundreds of beautiful towns and cities.

Archeologists digging in these cities have uncovered roads, a few water reservoirs, and temples built one on top of another. Handsome pictures made of sculptured plaster and painted in bright colors were found on the walls of buildings. Painted pots and pieces of carefully carved jewelry were discovered in tombs under the floors of temples. These pictures and objects showed much about the Mayas' life. There were scenes of people working, people at war, nobles holding court, priests in fantastic costumes, and Mayan gods.

Possible Errors

For a long time, archeologists worked only on uncovering large Mayan structures, such as temples, palaces, and ball courts. Little effort was made to find the remains of smaller buildings, such as houses. The seeming absence of houses led people to believe that the cities were only the homes of priests and rulers, who lived in the palaces. They thought the ordinary people probably lived in the countryside and came to the cities only for religious ceremonies.

New Evidence

In recent years, new evidence has been uncovered at a number of Mayan cities by different groups of archeologists. The University of Pennsylvania, in Philadelphia has just finished a twelve-year study of Tikal, the biggest of the Mayan cities. More than one hundred small houses varied, too. Some had many remains of finely decorated pottery. Others had fewer and plainer pieces. The houses were very close together, with little space to raise food, except in small gardens. Change of View

These new findings changed our picture of Mayan






The most interesting architectural phenomenon of the 1970's was the enthusiasm for refurbi
shing old buildings. Obviously, this was not an entirely new phenomenon. What is new is the wholesale interest in reusing the past, in recycling, in adaptive rehabilitation. A few trial efforts, such as Ghirardelli Square in San Francisco, proved their financial viability in 1960s, but it was in the 1970's, with strong government support through tax incentives and rapid depreciation. As well as growing interest in ecology issues, that recycling became a major factor on the urban scene.

One of the most comprehensive ventures was the restoration and transformation of Boston's eighteenth century Faneuil Hall and the Quincy Market, designed in 1824. This section had fallen on hard times, but beginning with the construction of a new city hall immediately adjacent, it has returned to life with the intelligent reuse of these fine old buildings under the design leadership of Benjamin Thomson. He has provided a marvelous setting for dining, shopping, professional offices, and simply walking.

Butler Square, in Minneapolis, exemplifies major changes in its complex of offices, commercial space, and public amenities carved out of a massive pile designed in 1906 as a hardware warehouse. The exciting interior timber structure of the building was highlighted by cutting light courts through the interior and adding large skylights.

San Antonio, Texas, offers an object lesson for numerous other cities combating urban decay. Rather than bringing in the bulldozers, San Antonio's leaders rehabilitated existing structures, while simultaneously cleaning up the San Antonio River, which menders through the business district.

What is the main idea of the passage?

A.During the 1970's, old buildings in many cities were recycled for modern use.

B.Recent interest in ecology issues has led to the cleaning up of many rivers.

C.The San Antoino example shows that bulldozers are not the way to fight urban decay.

D.Strong government support has made adaptive rehabilitation a reality in Boston.



The Grand Canyon, carved by the Colorado river, in northwestern ______ is one of nature's
most impressive sights.







The presidential monuments were carved in an order corresponding to ______ .A.their import

The presidential monuments were carved in an order corresponding to ______ .

A.their importance in the history of the country

B.the time of their presidency

C.the length of time they were in office

D.the number of votes they received to be elected



The heads of which Presidents are carved into Mount Rushmore?A.Washington, Madison, Theo

The heads of which Presidents are carved into Mount Rushmore?

A.Washington, Madison, Theodore Roosevelt, Kennedy

B.Washington, Lincoln, Nixon, Reagan

C.Adams, Taft, Eisenhower, Carter

D.Washington, Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, Lincoln

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