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My request was met with a flat refusal.(英译中)

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听力原文:W: Oh, is it Poland where you met your wife?M: No, actually, we met here in the S

听力原文:W: Oh, is it Poland where you met your wife?

M: No, actually, we met here in the States. I was teaching English at the time, and she was one of my students.

Q: What was the man's wife doing when they first met?


A.She was teaching English in the States.

B.She was teaching English in Poland.

C.She was learning English in the States.

D.She was learning English in Poland.



听力原文:W: Could I hand in my paper a few days later?M: I'm afraid that's out of the ques

听力原文:W: Could I hand in my paper a few days later?

M: I'm afraid that's out of the question.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.The paper must be turned in on time.

B.The question wasn't very clear.

C.He should ask a different person.

D.His request was made too late.



听力原文:W:You told me that your relationship with Alice was all over. One of my friends s
aw you together in a restaurant yesterday evening.

M:Your friend must have mistaken my mother for her.

Q:What does the man mean?


A.He met with Alice at the restaurant.

B.He didn't date with Alice at all.

C.He hates to meet Alice.

D.Alice is one of his girl friends.



听力原文:M:May I take a make-up exam next week? W:It's not my policy to give make-up exams

听力原文:M:May I take a make-up exam next week?

W:It's not my policy to give make-up exams, but the circumstances in your case are exceptional.

Q: What can we learn from the conversation?


A.The man is an exceptionally excellent student.

B.The woman is not allowed to give make-up exams.

C.The student's request will be granted.

D.The student won't be able to complete the course.



听力原文:M: This is urgent. I've lost my ATM card. What should I do? W: Sir, I'd like your

听力原文:M: This is urgent. I've lost my ATM card. What should I do?

W: Sir, I'd like your name and card number, please. When did you last use the card?

M: The name's Joe Jones. My card number is 1604-321-2302-5485. I used it just ten minutes back.

W: Thank you for calling so promptly. I'll deactivate the card immediately. Your new card will be sent in a week.

Why is the man calling?

A.To request a special service.

B.To report a loss.

C.To confirm an investment.

D.To ask for a verification.



听力原文:W: My parents told me my uncles and aunts are planning a big family gathering in
Paris this fall.

M: Are you going there?

W: You bet. All my uncles and aunts will take their children along, too. So I'll meet many cousins there.

M: How nice! But why Paris?

W: Because two of my aunts are French. They met and got married to my uncles in France. Some of their relatives are still living there.

M: Have you ever been to France before?

W: No. I've never traveled abroad. I'm very excited about it. I just can't wait.

M: My parents are going to take me on a trip to Hawaii next month by way of Tokyo, but I've been there three times already.

Where do the woman's families gather in autumn?

A.In Paris.

B.In Hawaii.

C.In Tokyo.



听力原文:W Joseph, please give me your bank information by tomorrow so the company can pay

M Oh, I thought I faxed it to you last week. Hmmm. I'll try sending it again.

W Wait, let me look in my files. I've been so busy lately that I haven't had a chance to check my faxes.

M O.K. I have my bank information with me, so let me know if you need it. I just finished the marketing plan, would you like to see it?

What does the woman request?

A.A sales report

B.Joseph's identification

C.Joseph's expense report

D.Joseph's bank information



听力原文:M: Annie, who's that new girl in your dormitory? I'm sure I recognize her from so
me where, have I met her before?

W: Of course! She's my sister Amy, you used to be in the same English class at high school,

Q: What can be inferred from this conversation?


A.He knows her from their elementary school science class.

B.She know his from computer science class.

C.They went to the same high school.

D.She is his sister.



听力原文:M: I say, aren't you Gloria Partridge? We were at school together, I think.W: I'm

听力原文:M: I say, aren't you Gloria Partridge? We were at school together, I think.

W: I'm Gloria Partridge all right. But who are you?

M: Don't you remember me? I'm Dennis Nightingale. I'm the fellow who sat at the back and always gave the wrong answers.

W: Now I remember you. You were captain of the school football team.

M: But this is really a surprise. It must he five years since we last met in London, wasn't it? And now to nm into each other in Paris! DO you come here often?

W: It's my first visiting, I’m on my honeymoon. Meet my husband, Forest.

M: So you are married. How very nice to meet you, Forest! Is it your first visit to Paris, too?

W: Forest speakers no English. He comes from a small Italian village.

M: Don't tell me that you went wandering around small Italian villages before you made the acquaintance of Forest.

W: We met in London. Forest was at a language school there.

M: And how much Italian do you speak? As far as I remember, you weren't particularly good at languages at school.

W: Not a word.

M: So you don't speak Italian and Forest doesn't speak English. How on earth did you manage to get married?

W: Looking back, I've no idea. But at least we haven't quarreled yet.


A.Husband and wife.

B.Old classmates.

C.Desk mates.

D.Members of the school football team.



听力原文:W: John! How are you? It's been ages since we met last time!M: I'm fine, thank yo

听力原文:W: John! How are you? It's been ages since we met last time!

M: I'm fine, thank you! Seeing you now just reminds me of the good days we spent together in school.

W: Me too. You look more energetic than before. What are you doing these days?

M: Believe it or not, I've just opened my own restaurant. I'm also head chef.

W: Are you kidding me? You've always hated cooking!

M: Well, I used to hate cooking, but now I really love it.

W: I just can't believe my ears! When did you change your mind?

M: After I tried Chinese food. It was so delicious and quite different from any food I'd had before. Before that, I used to cook really boring things for my family. But now the whole family enjoys the Chinese food I cook for them. Cooking is really the most enjoyable work to me.

W: I still can't believe it! So, did you go to cooking school or something?

M: Yeah. I went to Beijing to study. The teachers there were excellent and I learned a lot. That's of great help to my restaurant.

W: Really? How long did you stay there?

M: I was there between 1997 and 1999.

W: And what did you do after that?

M: Then I came back here. I worked in a Chinese restaurant for about two years to get some experience.

W: That's great! So, where is your restaurant? I'm going to eat there this weekend!

M: It's right on the comer of Queen's Street. I'll be very happy if you come.

W: OK, I'll be there with my husband on Sunday.

M: I look forward to seeing you, bye-bye.


A.Teacher and student.


C.Ex-husband and wife.


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