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Although I felt tired, I continued to walk around the city, because I wanted to see everyt

hing on my first day.



更多“Although I felt tired, I continued to walk around the city, because I wanted to see everyt”相关的问题


听力原文:My father was a very soft-spoken man, however, he had some very definite ideas ab

听力原文: My father was a very soft-spoken man, however, he had some very definite ideas about money and work. He believed that work was good for the soul and, besides, money could come in very handy. Papa also felt that the best way to get a job was to already have one.

As a teenager, I remember my father being delighted when my brother landed a job working for a major hamburger chain. My brother wasn't very happy about the job but desperately wanted the money necessary to buy his own ear. Although the position was as unglamorous as they come, my father felt that it was a good beginning. He believed that if you had a job, it would show other employers that you are worth hiring.

Even to this day, I never resign a position until I am offered another one. Papa's wise counsel has helped me to be gainfully employed ever since I graduated from college. Although papa died a few years ago,' his wisdom will be passed on to generation upon generation.


A.He was indifferent to his job.

B.He was happy about his job.

C.He was unhappy about his job.

D.He was satisfied with his job.



The jewellery designerHe was young and completely unknown, but Paul Waterhouse believed in

The jewellery designer

He was young and completely unknown, but Paul Waterhouse believed in himself. He'd heard that there was going to be a large exhibition for jewellery designers and he asked the organisers whether he could show some of his work. 'I was only 21,' he says, 'and they agreed, if I could show a complete collection.' So he went to the bank, borrowed £1,500 for materials, and began to work on new designs. 'The exhibition was fantastic. Although everyone else was much more experienced than I was, my designs were still praised.'

He decided to transfer his business to Canada and began to experiment with new materials: all sorts of stones from around the world, some totally new to him. 'As most of them weren't precious, it changed the way I approached design. It was great! I was able to produce much larger pieces of modern jewellery,' he says. 'Then I was asked by an advertising agency to design a wedding ring for a TV advert. The agency liked what I'd done, but their client, a car manufacturer, wanted something a little more traditional. I was happy to make changes and that work gave me a lot of free publicity.'

At the start of his career, Paul felt confident.



C.Doesn't say



Just where exactly is my home? In Britain of course. I was born here, grew up here—I had n
o choice in the matter. From an early age I got used to the way of life here—after all, how could I survive if I didn’t? I came in contact with the British, I never felt any hostility towards them; I never wanted to cause any offense. But what have I in my turn received? Racial discrimination. This has. been embodied in countless incidents.

It was in middle school that racial discrimination was most obvious. I was often the victim of racial taunts. After undergoing such a humiliation, I would feel a mixture of anger and depression. However, the worst thing was knowing hell well that even if I reported this to a teacher. It would be to no avail. Outside school, racial discrimination is far subtler. Some English—it's all over their face.

Of course, a British person will probably think I'm paranoid or just too sensitive, a depressive even. Perhaps the latter may have some truth in it. Nevertheless, it is reality that has created this aspect of my character. Besides, how could the average British person possibly understand?

Sometimes, doing my best does not necessarily lead to success. Often, this is not duc to myself, but duc to the environment. It's as though I'm a second class citizen. Although my passport is British, I'm a nevertheless Chinese. Is Britain really my country?

According to the writer's description, he/she must be ______.







Although Bob had certainly not been sickly as a boy, in recent years he ___________.

A.didn’t feel well

B.felt sick

C.has been sick all the time

D.had frequently felt good



Lowering the Risk of Heart Disease Like millions of other Americans, I come from a fa

Lowering the Risk of Heart Disease

Like millions of other Americans, I come from a family with a history Of heart disease. My father had his first three heart attacks when he was only thirty-one.__________(46)I grew up with heart disease. It was there, but I didn't take it seriously.

When I was thirty-one, my blood cholesterol (胆固醇) level was measured for the first time. It was 311 mg/dl, the doctor told me--an extremely high level that put me at a very high risk of heart disease, 'especially with my family history. He sent me to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to be screened for participation in a clinical trial. _________(47)

At NIH, physicians explained the degree of risk associated with my blood

cholesterol level and the nature of the experiment. This test involves putting a tube through a leg artery (动脉) up to the heart._________(48)

Learning about the risks of the experiment as well as the risk associated with my raised blood cholesterol level scared the life out of me. Although I was excluded from participating in the study, the experience may well have saved my life.

For the first time, I began to realize the seriousness of high blood cholesterol.___________(49) But equally important, I got a taste of what it is like to be a patient, to have tests done on me and to think of myself as sick. This was hard to take.

This experience taught me two lifesaving lessons. First, although I felt fit and strong, I was actually at high risk for heart disease because of my high blood cholesterol level. And with my family history, it could not be ignored.___________(50)

A.The death rate for the test was only 1 in 100, I was assured.

B.Second, I could lower my blood cholesterol level simply by changing what I ate.

C.I was three years old at that time.

D.There is not enough oxygen in the blood.

E. It was a heart attack just waiting to happen.

F. The trial was designed to test the effect of lowering blood cholesterol on the risk of heart disease.

第 46 题 请选择(46)处的最佳答案.



Although I had stayed in England for over a year, it was difficult for me to understand
the British mind. Traveling to then office every day by train, I watched people hiding their faces behind newspapers. They rarely talked to each other, occasionally lifting their eyebrows to look at their fellow passengers. But when I started a conversation by using the excuse of the weather, I found many had a natural gift for gossip. They would go on telling me all about themselves and their families. Sometimes I was even given their telephone numbers and asked to look them up. At first I took their invitations as they appeared. But when I rang and hear the surprised tone “Who?” I felt embarrassed and pretended I had got the wrong number.

I had to learn to say “please”, “sorry”, “thank you”, whether I felt it or not. Once, while buying a ticket to Waterloo, I forgot to say “please”. The man at the counter was offended and would not give me the ticket until I had said “please”. When he handed me the ticket, he said “sorry”, and hurried inside to take the only empty seat.

On the way to the office one morning, a man collapsed in my compartment. At Waterloo, everybody left, but I stayed with him until the ambulance arrived and was an hour late getting to the office. I was told that it was not my job to look after strangers.

I found that many did not even look after their own parents who were old and helpless. In India, it is the duty of the children to look after their parent and old relatives. While serving a meal, my mother always gave food to the elderly relatives and children first and ate whatever was left over. The elderly never felt isolated. They lived with their families and contributed to the happiness of the house.

31. How long had the writer stayed in England?

A. Just a year

B. More than a year

C. Almost two years

D. About ten months

32. What does the word “rarely” mean in the first paragraph?

A. seldom

B. always

C. often

D. independent while the wife is dependent

33. What did the writer mean when he said “many had a natural gift for gossip”?

A. Many British people were born speakers

B. Many British people were talkative.

C. Many British people were hot-tempered.

D. Many British people were talented

34. What did the writer mean to say by giving us the examples in the second paragraph?

A. English people are very polite because they always say “thank you” or “sorry”.

B. English people enjoy teaching others lessons of politeness.

C. He had to learn to say “please”, “sorry”, “thank you”.

D. English people say polite words without sincere politeness.

35. What does the last paragraph suggest?

A. Many old people in England were lonely because they were not taken good care of.

B. Old people in India never felt isolated.

C. The writer’s mother always ate whatever was left over.

D. Old people in most countries are respected.



Of course, there have been times, as a young man, when I got tired from study and devoted
my time to playing.

A.tired of

B.got tired of

C.tired up

D.used to tire of



听力原文:Why are you so tired? (A) I didn't sleep last night. (B) The tire needs air. (C)

听力原文:Why are you so tired?

(A) I didn't sleep last night.

(B) The tire needs air.

(C) We're required to wear ties at work.







When I saw her this morning, she wore a ________ look on her face.




D.being tired



–How about your journey in Tibet? – _________________

A. It’s very so-so.

B. I’m very tire

C. Thanks for askin

D. It’s wonderful.

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