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Festivals (节日)make us () our life, be proud of our customs and forget our work for a little while.






更多“Festivals (节日)make us () our life, be proud of our customs and forget our work for a little while.”相关的问题


Should We Stop Celebrating Exotic Festivals? Some think Chinese, especially the young
, should be less excited about Christmas and other foreign festivals. Do you agree or disagree with the view above? Write a composition of at least 120 words on "Should We Stop Celebrating Exotic Festivals?"(我们是否应该停止庆祝西方的节日 ?)Use specific reasons to support your position.



听力原文:M: It seems that almost every city now has its own film festival. This is a good
thing. But how can you make your festival different to all the others? One of the answers, it seems, is to specialize.

W: There are hundreds of film festivals all over the world now. In Italy there are at least 20. (19) We decided to make ours different — shorter!

M: This is Valentina Ricciardi. She is the curator of a festival of short films in Italy. Valentina, why short films?

W: Well, there are lots of reasons. Firstly, I think that short films are a very undervalued form. So many big films now have so many special effects and famous actors, that they often don't have a story! We're not interested in special effects or leading "A-list" actors. None of that matters in a short film. (20) A short film is a real test of being able to tell a good story in a few images.

M: It goes back to what film is really about.

W: Exactly! Added to that, it's so expensive to make a film now. First time directors can't hope to make a full-length feature film. (21) Short films are great places for new directors to practice their skills. You don't need a huge budget to make a short film—just a huge imagination!

M: So money is also a factor?

W: Of course. The big film festivals in Cannes and Venice cost a fortune to put on. Many short films are now made using high quality digital video. This means they can be stored on DVD, so we don't have to transport large, heavy reels of film.

M: Ok, thank you.

19.How did the woman make her film festival different?

20.What is a film really about according to the woman?

21.What do short films mean to new directors?


A.She specialized in short films.

B.She featured famous actors.

C.She told a long story.

D.She used special effects.



听力原文:London—even its very name suggests history and might. Its opportunities for enter

听力原文: London—even its very name suggests history and might. Its opportunities for entertainment by day and night go on and on and on. It's a city that excites visitors from all over the world. There are many different types of people doing many different types of things such as workers, business people, tourists, students, beggars, and queens. The city is so large that visitors will need to make use of the tube or London underground. A ride on a red double-decker bus is also possible and helps a visitor to know the city. The area of London is 1,572 square kilometers with a population of about 7.2 million people. The main geographical feature of the city is the river Thames, which flows through central London, dividing it into northern and southern halves. The central area and the most important sights, theatres and restaurants are on the north bank of the river. South London includes a mess of poor, dirty suburbs, such as Brixton, which have people from many different cultures.

London is a year-round tourist centre; places are open during the winter. The best chance of good weather is, of course, at the height of summer in July and August, but there's certainly no guarantee of sun even in those months plus it's when you can expect the biggest crowds and highest prices.

There are countless festivals and events in London. The first one each year is the New Year's Eve fireworks and street party in Trafalgar Square, followed by the New Year's Day Parade. In early May serious racers take part in the London Marathon. The Queen's Birthday Parade is held in June; Wimbledon, the famous tennis match, also runs for two weeks in the same month. In short, interesting festivals happen all year for tourists to enjoy.


A.London is not a popular place to visit.

B.London is the largest city in the world.

C.London is famous for its universities.

D.London has many different types of people.



prescriptive: to make authoritarian statement about the correctness of a particular u


An expensive place would make me u()(不舒服的)﹒
An expensive place would make me u()(不舒服的)﹒



Which was not mentioned in this article?A.How to make good use of a dictionary.B.When to u

Which was not mentioned in this article?

A.How to make good use of a dictionary.

B.When to use a dictionary.

C.How to improve spoken-English.

D.How to practice reading fast.



What reason has Colin given for applying?A.to have a more challenging roleB.to make full u

What reason has Colin given for applying?

A.to have a more challenging role

B.to make full use of his qualifications

C.to raise his profile within the company



听力原文:M: It. starts at 7: 00. I'U pick you up around 6: 30.F: Better make it a little e

听力原文:M: It. starts at 7: 00. I'U pick you up around 6: 30.

F: Better make it a little earlier, there's always a long line.

When does the woman probably want the man to pick her up?

A.6: I5.





Critics worry that festivals created for strategic reasons would bring a threat to______.A

Critics worry that festivals created for strategic reasons would bring a threat to______.

A.city image

B.tourist income

C.festival diversity

D.public taste



Experts have long pointed out that in the face of car-ownership explosion, ______.A.road u

Experts have long pointed out that in the face of car-ownership explosion, ______.

A.road users should make more sacrifice

B.drivers should be ready to yield to each other

C.drivers should have more communication among themselves

D.drivers will suffer great loss if they pay no respect to others



A.It publishes books only for children.B.It publishes books about people's pets.C.It u

A.It publishes books only for children.

B.It publishes books about people's pets.

C.It uses computers to make up stories.

D.It makes the young readers the leading characters in the stories.

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