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Criminals are given the () of going to jail or facing public humiliation.

更多“Criminals are given the () of going to jail or facing public humiliation.”相关的问题


A.Women criminals in Scotland.B.Criminals who are given long sentences.C.Criminals who

A.Women criminals in Scotland.

B.Criminals who are given long sentences.

C.Criminals who are given short sentences.

D.Criminals in Scotland.



What kind of people are sent to the prison mentioned in the story?A.Women criminals in Sco

What kind of people are sent to the prison mentioned in the story?

A.Women criminals in Scotland.

B.Criminals who are given long sentences.

C.Criminals who are given short sentences.

D.Criminals in Scotland.



O'Leary is writing a computer program that______.A.uses math to increase the speed of calc

O'Leary is writing a computer program that______.

A.uses math to increase the speed of calculation

B.tells the identity of a criminal in a certain area

C.provides the crime records of a given city

D.shows changes in criminals' position



For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic My Atti
tude towards Fighting against Criminals. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese:

My Attitude towards Fighting against Criminals

1. 社会上不断发生犯罪案件的严重性;

2. 人们对犯罪现象不同的态度和我的态度;

3. 我对加强治安、促进社会安定团结的建议。



听力原文:About seven out of ten people released titan prison end up in prison again sooner

听力原文: About seven out of ten people released titan prison end up in prison again sooner or latex. A lot of people think this simply indicates that once a person becomes a criminal he will probably remain a criminal. But of course it doesn't necessarily mean that at all. On the contrary, it could equally suggest that being in prison actually makes people more likely to commit crimes. After all, prisons are full of criminals, and this means that someone going to prison for the first rime is going to meet a lot more criminals than he's met before. So he'll probably learn a lot about crime during his stay there. The fact that so many people are getting re-arrested also suggests that prisons aren't doing enough to train people for jobs they can do when they get out. If they were given this training, ex-prisoners wouldn't need to turn to crime again to make a living.


A.Because he doesn't want to make a living like ordinary people.

B.Because only the prison can help him to control himself.

C.Because once being in prison, he is more likely to commit crimes.

D.Because he can't find a job when he gets out of the prison.



In many businesses, computers have largely replaced paperwork, because they are fast, flex
ible, and do not make mistakes. As one hanker said, "Unlike humans, computers never have a bad day." And they are honest. Many banks advertise that their transactions are "untouched by human hands" and therefore safe from human temptation. Obviously, computers have no reason to steal money. But they also have no conscience, and the growing number of computer crimes shows they can be used to steal.

Computer criminals don't use guns. And even they arc caught, it is hard to punish them because there are no witnesses and often no evidence. A computer cannot remember who used it: it simply does what it is told. The head teller at a New York City Bank used a computer to steal more than one and a half billion dollars in just four years. No one noticed this theft because he moved the money from one account to another. Each time a customer he had robbed questioned the balance in his account, the teller claimed a computer error, then replaced the missing money from someone else's account. This man was caught only because he was a gambler. When the police broke up an illegal gambling operation, his name was in the records.

Some employees use the computer's power to get revenge on employers they consider unfair. Recently, a large insurance company fired its computer-tape librarian for reasons that involved her personal rather than her professional life. She was given thirty days' notice. In those thirty days, she erased all the company's computerized records.

Most computer criminals have been minor employees. Now police wonder if this is "the tip of the iceberg". As one official says, "I have the feeling that there is more crime ont there than we are catching. What we are seeing now is all so poorly done. I wonder what the real experts are doing—the ones who really know how a computer works."

The passage is mainly about ______.

A.computer crimes

B.banking via computer

C.computer errors

D.computer businesses



More and more, the operations of our businesses, governments, and financial institutions a
re controlled by information that exists only inside computer memories. Anyone clever enough to modify this information for his own purposes can reap substantial rewards. Even worse, a number of people who have done th. is and been caught at it have managed to get away without punishment.

It's easy for computer crimes to go undetected if no one checks up on what the computer is doing. But even if the crime is detected, the criminal may walk away not only unpunished but with a glowing recommendation from his former employers.

Of course, we have no statistics on crimes that go undetected. But it's disturbing to note how many of the crimes we do know about were detected hy accident, not by systematic inspections or other security procedures. The computer criminals who have been caught may be the victims of uncommonly bad luck.

For example, a certain keypunch (打卡机) operator complained of having to stay overtime to punch extra cards. Investigation revealed that the extra cards she was being asked to punch were for dishonest transactions. In another case, dissatisfied employees of the thief tipped off (给…通风报信) the company that was being robbed.

Unlike other lawbreakers, who must leave the country, commit suicide, or go to jail, computer criminals sometimes escape punishment, demanding not only those they not be charged but those they be given good recommendations and perhaps other benefits. All too often, their demands have been met.

Why? Because company executives are afraid of the bad publicity that would result if the public found out that their computer had been misused. They hesitate at the thought of a criminal boasting in open of how he juggled (巧妙地应付) the most confidential records right under the noses of the company's executives, accountants, and security staff. And so another computer criminal departs with just the recommendations he needs to continue his crimes elsewhere.

What can we infer from paragraph 1?

A.The criminal could benefit from committing a computer crime.

B.Computer crimes are the most serious problem in nowadays society.

C.Criminals of computer crimes must be highly educated.

D.Anyone who commits computer crimes will be .punished immediately.



When Americans punish criminals, they consider______.A.their identityB.their statusesC.the

When Americans punish criminals, they consider______.

A.their identity

B.their statuses

C.their age

D.their intelligence



Computer criminals that police find difficult to catch are mostly______.



Eyewitness testimony is vital because______.A.it can be relied on to detect criminals in a

Eyewitness testimony is vital because______.

A.it can be relied on to detect criminals in all cases

B.it is sometimes the only way to resolve court cases

C.it is sometimes the only clue for police investigation

D.it is more reliable than physical evidences to a crime

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