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What can we lifter from the passage?A.Baseball is the most boring and quiet sport.B.The au

What can we lifter from the passage?

A.Baseball is the most boring and quiet sport.

B.The author has some knowledge ,about baseball.

C.Baseball is the same as chamber music.

D.The author prefers watching baseball game to playing it.

更多“What can we lifter from the passage?A.Baseball is the most boring and quiet sport.B.The au”相关的问题


听力原文:F: What do you want to do now?M: I want to go back to the hotel.F: But it’s only

听力原文: F: What do you want to do now?

M: I want to go back to the hotel.

F: But it’s only four o' clock.

M: I' m tired. We' ye done a lot of sightseeing.

F: We can still go shopping. The stores don't close for another hour.

M: No, I want to rest for a while. We're going to the theatre tonight, you know.

F: Yes, I know. What time does it start?

M: At eight o' clock.

F: Do you want to try to take the bus to the theatre?

M: We can take a taxi. It’s more expensive, but it’s a lot easier.

F: Where do you want to eat?

M: There are a lot of restaurants near the hotel.

F: But what kind of restaurant? Chinese? French? Japanese?

M: Oh, I don’t know. Right now I just want to go back to the hotel and rest.

What do you think the speakers are

A.Citizens of the city.

B.Tourists visiting the city.

C.A couple looking for work.



听力原文:F: Hello, can I speak to your purchasing manager, David?M: David Speaking.F: Nice

听力原文:F: Hello, can I speak to your purchasing manager, David?

M: David Speaking.

F: Nice to hear you. I am calling to confirm your order No. 330.

M: When can we expect our order?

F: We will deliver your order at two thirty next Monday. Is that OK?

M: Goad.

•For questions 1-8 you will hear eight short recordings.

•For each question, mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct answer.

•You will hear the eight recordings twice.

What is the order number?






第三节 词语配伍从上边一栏中找出一个与下边一栏的含义相符的选项。[A]What date is it today?[B]

第三节 词语配伍


[A]What date is it today?

[B]Can you tell me the way to the bank?

[C]What about going to the zoo tomorrow?

[D] You are very beautiful.

[E] It's very kind of you.

[F] It's a fine day, isn't it?

[G] Can I help you?

Shall we go to the zoo tomorrow?



听力原文:F: When I first read the report, I was very disappointed. Our results are well be
low the target, in spite of using the consultants, and all the new strategies we've been applying. I can't understand it at all. In order to try and get clear what's going on, I'm going to need input from various sections. What I'd like from you, as soon as you can, is price comparisons for the different regions. I'll also need a report on how useful the consultants' advice was.




听力原文:F: Star Restaurant. What can I do for you?M: I want to book a table for 8 on Frid

听力原文:F: Star Restaurant. What can I do for you?

M: I want to book a table for 8 on Friday evening.

F: I am sorry, the tables for 8 are ail reserved. But we have two tables for 10 left.

M: OK, no problem.

F: Can I have your name, please?

M: Anderson.

F: OK, Mr Anderson. Your table is No. 14. But you must be here before 6: 30.

? For questions 1-8 you will hear eight short recordings.

? For each question, mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct answer.

? You will hear the eight recordings twice.

How many people are coming for dinner?

听力原文:F: Star Restaurant. What can I do for you?M:






听力原文:You see, Mr Simpson, team spirit is very essential in our company. What we need i
s a man who gets on well with other people. And you can't get on well with people if you don't like them. We just want you to know what we are looking for, so you can decide whether this is a job you really want.

&8226;You will hear five short recordings.

&8226;For each recording, decide who the speaker is.

&8226;Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the recording.

&8226;Do not use any letter more than once.

&8226;You will hear the five recordings twice.

A sales representative

B travel agent

C product designer

D secretary

E market researcher

F receptionist

G public relations officer

H personnel officer



What is a characteristic of point by point style. writing? A 、Writers can focus on com
paring things through unique lenses or perspectives in each paragraph.

B、The writer can focus on completely explaining one subject in each paragraph.

C、The writer will personalize or reflect on the comparison made in the third paragraph.

D、The use of an introduction and conclusion are unique to this style. of writing.

正确答案: A

5 When looking at our writing, we should ask ourselves if we are ________ two things from a certain perspective or ________ one subject.










听力原文:F: Good morning, Stationery Department. Can I help you?M: Yes, this is Sound Syst

听力原文:F: Good morning, Stationery Department. Can I help you?

M: Yes, this is Sound System Incorporated. I'd like to order some computer disks.

F: OK, let me get an order form. Right, you need some computer disks. What kind do you have in mind? You see, we've got disks at different prices.

M: We want something of high quality, of course. What can you offer?

F: Well, the best type is $5 each and the quality is surely guaranteed. We also have some cheaper ones, $4 each and they are also of good quality.

M: I think I'll take a bit of both. I need 10 packs at $5 and another 20 packs at $4.

F: OK, I'll just write it down. Can I have your name, please?

M: Yes, it's Thomas Cost. That's C -O -S -T.

F: Fine, I'll put it through. That comes to $130 in total. Can I ask how you are going to pay?

M: Do you have our account number? You can transfer from our account.

F: Yes, we have your account number. Can we have them delivered tomorrow morning?

M: That'll be too late. How about this afternoon?

F: Sure, then let's say 3 o'clock this afternoon.

M: That's good. Thanks.

F: Bye-bye.

&8226;Look at the form. below.

&8226;You will hear a man telephoning to place an order.

Stationery Department

Order Form

Date: 23/11/05

Caller's Name: Thomas Cost.

Company: (5) ___________________ Incorporated

Items to order: (6) ___________________

Quantities: 10 packs at $5 and 20 packs at $4

Total price: (7) ___________________

Time of delivery: 3 o'clock (8) ___________________



听力原文:F: So Greg, what does a human resources manager actually do? M: Simply put, HR ma

听力原文:F: So Greg, what does a human resources manager actually do?

M: Simply put, HR managers manage the needs of a company's employees.

F: That sounds pretty broad. What types of needs? Everything?

M: Pretty much. We develop and manage employment programs, including salary and job evaluations,benefits, and promotions. Also education and training programs. Of course we develop plans for finding applicants to fill job openings. Then we interview and, where necessary, test applicants.

F: That's a lot! You must be pretty busy!

M: Yes. To be effective we need to be knowledgeable about all areas of human resources as well as every aspect of the company. It takes a lot of experience, and you have to be highly qualified.

F: I can imagine. It sounds quite challenging.

M: There's more. In industries that are unionized, like mine, human resources managers deal with relations between labor and upper management. We examine workers' complaints and try to help settle disagreements.

F: Do you like your job? What's the best part of it?

M: Yes. The best part is probably that the work is extremely interesting and varied. We have to be very versatile and flexible...

?Look at the notes below.

?You will hear two colleagues discussing the responsibilities of Human Resources Manager

Job Description of a Human Resources Manager

Responsibilities: develop and manage (5)______programs

deal with relations between (6)______and upper management;

examine complaints and help settle (7)______

Requirements: knowledgeable, versatile and (8)______



听力原文:Woman: You see, we have to buy the food anyway, so why not find a more economical
way to do it? I will read the newspaper to see if anything is on sale that we need. Since we have a fridge, we can buy some items and freeze them for later use.

?You will hear five short recordings.

?For each recording, decide what the speaker is trying to do.

?Write one letter (A--H) next to the number of the recording.

?Do not use any letter more than once.

?You will hear the five recordings twice.

A to send a telex

B to check a car

C to run a store

D to scan the ads

E to drive a car

F to read a magazine

G to take a vacation

H to buy clothes

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