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How does University of Central England give language help for overseas students?A.It offer

How does University of Central England give language help for overseas students?

A.It offers pre-sessional English course.

B.It assigns tutors to help them with the language.

C.It assigns the students English homework.

D.It trains the students" listening and speaking ability in class.

更多“How does University of Central England give language help for overseas students?A.It offer”相关的问题


听力原文:W: How long does it take you to drive from your home to the university, Professor

M: It takes me half an hour usually, but during rush bolus it will take 15 minutes more.

How long does it take Professor Baker to drive from his home to the university during rush hours?

A.35 minutes.

B.45 minutes.

C.15 minutes.



How does Syracuse University defend itself against Anita's suit?A.It has given her due att

How does Syracuse University defend itself against Anita's suit?

A.It has given her due attention as well as help.

B.Adult students should be able to control their own behavior.

C.It is more than the school's responsibility to supervise the students.

D.Colleges can be a breeding ground for psychiatric problems.



How does the man know Ms. Greens apartment is available for renting?A.By calling at the re

How does the man know Ms. Greens apartment is available for renting?

A.By calling at the renting department.

B.From roommate"s space.

C.From the Chicago University student service.

D.Through the student accommodation agency.



听力原文:M: How was the bus? Was it crowded?W: It was full of people until it reached the

听力原文:M: How was the bus? Was it crowded?

W: It was full of people until it reached the university.

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.The people in the bus were very full.

B.The university bus is always crowded.

C.There were no seats on the bus.

D.Many people left the bus at the university.



听力原文:W: How far do you live from the university, John?M: It takes about 25 minutes to

听力原文:W: How far do you live from the university, John?

M: It takes about 25 minutes to drive. But during rush hour, it will take twice the time.

How long does it take the man to drive from his house to the university during rush hour?

A.25 minutes.

B.30 minutes.

C.40 minutes.

D.50 minutes.



听力原文:M: My car ran into the university gate at night. How could I have ever seen it? A
pparently I'm not the first one to do it.

W: I would have thought they should at least have some lights there.

Q: What does the woman imply?


A.The lights were not working that night.

B.There were lights there since she saw them.

C.The man should have seen the light.

D.The school could have easily solved the problem.



听力原文:Students who want to attend an American college or university must explain how th

听力原文: Students who want to attend an American college or university must explain how they will pay for their education. They have to show that they will be able to pay for each year of study.

(29) Students have to consider not only the tuition, the cost of classes, but also meals and a place to live, known as room-and-board. They also need money for books and supplies. And they need money to spend for social activities and other things.

Educational advisers say foreign students should keep enough money in a local bank to pay for at least two months of spending.

So how much will a year at an American school cost? Generally speaking, the answer is: a lot.

(30) The University of Washington says foreign students are paying more than thirty-six thousand dollars this year.

This major research university currently has two thousand six hundred foreign students from more than one hundred countries. There are many schools that cost less, but also others that cost more.

Its Web site says the University of Washington does not offer financial assistance to international students. This is generally true of American schools, especially at the undergraduate level.

(31) The international application for the university includes a Statement of Financial Responsibility that must be signed. Students must also provide a bank letter or statement from within the past six months. And they have to name anyone who will help with payments. These people must send proof from a bank to show that they have the money.

29. Which has to be considered for foreign students according to the passage?

30.How much do foreign students in The University of Washington pay this year?

31.What is not included in the international application for the university?




C.Social activities

D.All of the above.



"Culture shock" occurs as a result of total immersion in new culture. It【C1】______to "peop
le who have been suddenly transplanted abroad. " Newcomers may be anxious【C2】______they do not speak the language, know the【C3】______, or understand peoples behavior. in daily life. The visitor finds that "yes" may not always mean "yes", that friendliness does not【C4】______mean friendship or that statements that appear to be serious are really intended【C5】______jokes. The foreigner may be unsure as to when to shake hands or embrace, when to【C6】______conversations, or how to approach a stranger. The【C7】______of "culture shock" helps explain feelings of bewilderment and disorientation. Language problems do not account for all the frustrations that people feel. When one is【C8】______of everything that was once familiar, such as understanding a transportation system, knowing how to register for university classes, 【C9】______knowing how to make friends, difficulties in coping with the new society may【C10】______.








听力原文: Now, my name is Pat Baker, I work for student services and I'm going to tell you
all about our mentoring scheme for new students. What happens is this: each of you, if you want to, will be assigned a mentor—that is, someone who's been studying here for a year or two and who can show you how things work, give you advice and just generally be a friendly contact for you in the university.

What the mentor does is have a group of usually two or three students and he or she organizes meetings about once every two weeks—where you chat about your problems and your mentor will give you the benefit of his or her experience.

Mentors will be able to tell you about academic systems, which are so different at university from what you were used to at school. Also, because at university you are much more independent, they can suggest techniques for studying which will help you to keep up-to-date with your work.

This university is an enormous place, so another thing which they'll be able to help with is university facilities—you know, anything from sports halls to libraries to medical services and they can probably help you get involved in all sorts of social activities too, you know, parties, clubs and sports.

Your mentor will be able to show you how to get an e-mail account… they don't cost anything to students. For people who have never been away from home before, a mentor is a useful contact and support—somewhere between a friend and a parent.

15.According to the talk, who are mentors?

16.How often does the mentor organize meetings?

17.With regard to what mentors can help, which one is NOT mentioned?

18.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as university facilities?


A.First year students.

B.Second or third year students.

C.Senior students.




听力原文:W: Good morning, this is Ann broadcasting from university radio and in the studio
we have Robin, president of the Martha Bicycle Club with us.

M: Good morning, everyone.

W: Robin, can you tell us what the mountain lake cycle tour is all about?

M: Well, Ann, die tour today is not a race. People do it for fitness and fun and try to better their time every year.

W: How long will it take to cycle one way, Robin?

M: About seven to nine hours for the average cyclists. Good cyclists can do it in four hours.

W: How many people will be taking part this year?

M: This is our biggest year ever. We have twelve hundred cyclists registered.

W: I doubt they' 11 block the road when die cyclists start out?

M: Don' t worry, we' ve introduced the staggered starts to avoid these problems. Our fast group will leave Ottawa at seven o' clock.

W: Thank you, Robin. Now down to the starting line of the university.

Where does this interview take place?

A.In the radio studio.

B.In the bicycle shop.

C.On the road.

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