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听力原文:Peter, you get a point of the problem but I have to say I am inclined to think ot


What does the speaker think about Peter's opinion of the problem?

A.He agrees with Peter, but only partially.

B.He generally does not agree with Peter.

C.He has no idea as to whether Peter's is right or not.

D.He thinks Peter is absolutely right.

更多“听力原文:Peter, you get a point of the problem but I have to say I am inclined to think ot”相关的问题


听力原文:You needn't notify the housing office about the fixing of the toilet in the bathr
oom. I'll get Peter to take care of it.


A.Someone from the housing office will fix the toilet.

B.Peter will phone the housing office for you.

C.You can fix the toilet in the bathroom by yourself.

D.Peter will repair the toilet in the bathroom.



听力原文:Hello, Peter. This is Simon speaking. I have called you to your office this morni
ng, but your secretary said you went to the headquarter. I am going to New York next week because I got promoted to be the Human Resource Manager. Thank you for your help in Chicago these two years, and I will miss you. Give my best wishes to your wife and children. And I will get in touch with you when I arrive there. Bye!

What's the purpose of Simon's calling Peter?

A.To say goodbye to him

B.To give the best wishes to him

C.To get in touch with his secretary

D.To tell Peter his schedule



听力原文:W: The drain's blocked again and the bathroom is overflowing.M: Get Mr. Peter qui

听力原文:W: The drain's blocked again and the bathroom is overflowing.

M: Get Mr. Peter quickly!

Q: What is Mr. Peter?


A.A doctor.

B.A decorator.

C.A plumber.

D.An electrician.



听力原文:W Peter, I heard that you got promoted after the boss saw your work on the budget
report. Congratulations!

M Oh, thank you. I was really surprised that Mr. Doddleson was so impressed by my work. It was really flattering.

W So what are you doing now that you have taken over as director of accounting?

M Well, I'm learning all about my new responsibilities and I have to get to know my new teammates so I'm really busy.

Why is Peter so pleased?

A.He finished the budget report early.

B.He received a promotion.

C.He got an extra bonus.

D.He passed his financial exams.



听力原文:This fall, make sure you fasten your seatbelts, because it's going to be a bumpy
ride. Peter and Tasha are back with an even tougher race than before, and this time, more than a million dollar cash prize is at stake. Get ready for the big day; on October fourth, the speed will be high, the crowd will be cheering, and the blood will be flowing. Richard Burbank and Ivana Stein are back and ready to race in another high-speed adventure that is sure to keep you on the edge of your seats in: Velocity Two, this fall, at a theater near you.

What is the speaker discussing?

A.A movie


C.A new musical

D.Racing results



听力原文:Now listen, and fill in the spaces.Man: Good morning. Marketing Department. Peter

听力原文:Now listen, and fill in the spaces.

Man: Good morning. Marketing Department. Peter Menzies speaking.

Woman: Hello. Could I speak to John Fitzgerald, please?

Man: I'm afraid he's not in the office at the moment.

Woman: Well, this is Elizabeth Parnell calling. I wanted to talk to John about the meeting next week. You see, I only get back on Tuesday night from a trade fair in the States.

Man: So, would you like me to give him a message?

Woman: Yes, could you ask him if we can postpone Wednesday's meeting? Till after lunch. That would be easier. I was originally going to be at ten a.m.

Man: OK. I'll ask him to change it. I'll get back to you with a time.

Woman: Thanks. And could you also ask him to add another item for discussion at the meeting? I thought we were going to talk about the revised budgets – but I can't see this on the agenda.

Man: OK. I'd better ask him to call you ...

Woman: Yes, please. I'm at Head Office at the moment. Can he phone me here today – I won't be back at my own desk until tomorrow afternoon.

Man: Right, I'll give him the message.

Woman: Thanks.

Man: Bye.

Woman: Goodbye.

Look at the note below.

You will hear a woman calling about the arrangements for a meeting.


For: John Fitzgerald

Name of caller: Elizabeth Parnell

Date: 7/12/2002

Time: 10.05

Message: Elizabeth will be in the USA until

next Tuesday, for a (9)______

Could you:

Change the meeting to (10)______ on Wednesday.

Add an item to the agenda: the (11)______ ?

Please phone Elizabeth today at (12)______



听力原文:M: Have Peter and Mary set a date for the wedding?W: No, not yet. But Mary said t

听力原文:M: Have Peter and Mary set a date for the wedding?

W: No, not yet. But Mary said they'd get married in September or October.

When would Peter and Mary like to get married?

A.In November or December.

B.In September or October.

C.Certainly in November.



听力原文:W: Peter is a quiet boy. He rarely says a thing.M: Well, let me tell you, his bro

听力原文:W: Peter is a quiet boy. He rarely says a thing.

M: Well, let me tell you, his brother Bob is just the opposite.

What kind of a person is Bob?

A.He is shy.

B.He is quiet.

C.He is talkative.

D.He is helpful.



听力原文:W: Can't you come in and have tea now, Peter?M: I' d like to. But I must water th

听力原文:W: Can't you come in and have tea now, Peter?

M: I' d like to. But I must water the garden first.

W: Let me give you a hand.

What are they going to do first?

A.Come into the room.

B.Water the garden.

C.Drink some water.

D.Have some tea.



听力原文:Payday is every two weeks, isn't it?(A) Yes, I always look forward to that.(B) Yo

听力原文:Payday is every two weeks, isn't it?

(A) Yes, I always look forward to that.

(B) You can find it everywhere.

(C) Peter is in charge of payroll.







听力原文:W: Peter, where is the ear? I haven't seen you drive to work for a long time! Is
it broken or stolen?

M: Hi, Susan] Oh, no! Of course not! I give up driving to work. Instead, I ride to my working place.

W: Why is that?

M: You see. There is only a stone's throw from my home to my working place. I think riding a bike to work is more convenient.

W: I don't think so. It will take you at least 25 minutes to get to our company from here.

M: Yes, sometimes, 30 minutes. But I love riding to work now. It is a totally different picture on my way to work.

W: Why do you think so?

M: You see, every morning, after I set off for work, I can breathe the new fresh air along the way. By the time I reach my office, I feel rather revived. I even don't rely on coffee to spend my morning hours.

W: Is it so magical?

M: At least, that's how I feel about riding to work. I can't believe I have wasted so much fresh morning air in the past 3 years!

W: Will you continue riding to work in the future?

M: I think so.

Why doesn't Peter drive a car to work?

A.His car is broken.

B.His car is stolen.

C.His working place is not far from his home.

D.The road is full of small stones.

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