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What are small firms doing in order to stay in business? ______A.amalgamating with bigger

What are small firms doing in order to stay in business? ______

A.amalgamating with bigger companies.

B.moving their base to Asia.

C.offering more specialized types of cruises.

D.joining together to form. new companies,

更多“What are small firms doing in order to stay in business? ______A.amalgamating with bigger”相关的问题


What are small firms doing in order to stay in business?______A.amalgamating with bigger c

What are small firms doing in order to stay in business?______

A.amalgamating with bigger companies.

B.moving their base to Asia.

C.offering more specialized types of cruises.

D.joining together to form. new companies.



What do the majority of small firms spend on training?A.Less than 1% of their payroll.B.1%

What do the majority of small firms spend on training?

A.Less than 1% of their payroll.

B.1%--5% of their annual payroll.

C.More than 10% of their payroll.



What is the fundamental difference between macroeconomics and microeconomics()?

A.Macroeconomics involves studying the economy as a whole, while microeconomics involves studying the behavior. of individual industries, firms, and households

B.Macroeconomics concentrates on those parts of the economy involving very large amounts of money, while microeconomics concentrates on those parts of the economy involving small sums of money

C.Macroeconomics studies the behavior. of large firms, while microeconomics studies the behavior. of small firms

D.There is no difference, basically macroeconomics and microeconomics are one and the same.

E.None of the above



In his research, what did Tom Henderson find about training in small firms?A.They spend to

In his research, what did Tom Henderson find about training in small firms?

A.They spend too little on training.

B.They are unaware of their training expenses.

C.They receive state subsidies for training.



Corporations as a group offer a variety of jobs. Most large companies send people to colle
ges to interview graduating students with the required academic training. A large university may have more than 500 companies a year knocking on its door. Big firms are your best place for a job because their normal growth, employee retirements, and turnover (补缺工人数) create thousands of jobs nationwide each year. They are quite attractive for job seekers.

Corporations, however, illustrate the rule that the biggest isn't always the best. Many small firms with just a few hundred employees have positions that may correspond with your profession goals, too. Such firms may not have the time, money, or need to send people around to your college; you'll probably have to contact them yourself either directly or through an employment agency. Don't ignore these little companies. They are perhaps beneficial for you. Their salaries are usually competitive and the chances for advancement and recognition even stronger than those of a big firm. You could become a big fish in a small pond, reaching a high-level position more quickly than you would if you had climbed the more competitive ladder of a corporate giant. What's more, a small Firm can develop into a big corporation. Many famous companies such as Microsoft, Amazon bookstore, Haier, are just from small ones.

For example, a small company may need a bright engineering, accounting or management graduate who would report directly to the senior vice-president of engineering, the company controller, or the general manager. In large firms it may take years to reach that level and accumulate similar in-depth experience. In addition, responsibilities may come faster in a small firm with less specialization and fewer lower-level employees to receive delegated authority.

It is critical that what is your want indeed from the work. No matter what kind of company it is, big or small, if it meets your needs, it is a good one.

The purpose of the passage is______.

A.to define corporations and Firms

B.to show the relation between firms and colleges

C.to inform. the job-seeker of the employment requirements

D.to give a description of corporations for college students



听力原文:F: With me today is Tom Henderson from ECN University. Welcome! Tom.M: Thank yon.

听力原文:F: With me today is Tom Henderson from ECN University. Welcome! Tom.

M: Thank yon.

F: Tom, you recently did a large research study on training in small business concerns. What made you focus on small business concerns? After all, most of your experience has been with the huge multinational, DCF. And in fact you eventually ran their training. department, didn't you?

M: Well, you are partly right. You see, when I joined the university a year ago they wanted me to start a training program for small businesses. I'd just sold my own small business, Which I'd started when I left DCF. The 8 years I ran my own business which taught me more about training than all my years with DCF. But I felt I couldn't base a training program on my experience alone. So I decided to do research first.

F: And how much training did you find in most small companies? Can they afford to do much training?

M: Well, firstly small businesses are often accused of not doing enough training. But that is the opinion of big businesses of course. It's true that the government is encouraging small firms to increase their training budgets. They're trying to introduce financial assistance for this. But I have to say I find lots of training going on. The real problem is that most small businesses don't always know how much training they're providing or how much it's actually costing them.

F: But surely businesses have budgets and training records.

M: Unfortunately most small companies don't set aside a specific training budget. It's not that they don't want to spend the money but that they operate differently. You see, things change very quickly in small firms and it's impossible to predict the training needs. An employee can be moved to a new project very suddenly and then training has to be organized within days. And most small businesses prefer to use their experienced staff to do any training on the job.

F: Did you manage to work out the costs of training?

M: Well, it took time to work out the indirect costs. You see, most small business managers don't include these costs in their calculations. Most of them keep records of obvious expenses, for example, many expenses like external courses, travel, training manual, and videos, etc. But not many firms have specific training accounts and they don't include the time managers spend on training, waste of materials, loss of productivity and so on. I spent hours with company accountants trying to see where these hidden costs were.

F: How much are small firms spending on training?

M: More than half of the businesses I surveyed spent at least 1% of their annual salary bill on training. And some of these spent up to 5% of their payroll. In fact smaller firms are investing on average over 10% more in training per employee than larger firms.

F: How good is that training?

M: As I said, small firms usually get an experienced employee to show new staff how to do that job. This can be useful if the person is carefully selected and well-trained himself. But it's not really enough. The trainee needs to do the job with the experienced employee on hand for guidance and feedback. This gives trainees much better skills than any packaged courses.

F: And has your study helped you plan new courses for small businesses?

M: Definitely. I now understand what they want and how they want it delivered. I now know that small firms were only investing in training if it immediately helped their enterprise. But most formal training focuses on long-term business needs. Most small businesses can't plan far ahead. They want direct results from training in skills they need now. New technologies and IT skills are identified as a priority by all the firms I surveyed.

F: What is the first course the university offers to small businesses?

M: Up till now most of short courses for companies in general have dealt with helping businesses grow. These aren't really appropriate for small companies as growth can

A.He was managing the training department of a large company.

B.He was running a training programme at a university.

C.He was running his own small business.



Their suppliersA.have to help themB.don't have to help themC.is also small firms

Their suppliers

A.have to help them

B.don't have to help them

C.is also small firms



A small number of firms have ceased tradinA.completed B.finished C.fulf

A small number of firms have ceased tradin







A small number of Firms have stopped tradingA.hotels B.shops C.restaurants D.compani

A small number of Firms have stopped trading







When calculating the cost of in-house training, many small firms do NOT include ______.A.c

When calculating the cost of in-house training, many small firms do NOT include ______.

A.course fees

B.managers' time

C.accountants' costs

D.travel expenses

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