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Enjoying Your careerMy business is my hobby,' someone tells you. 'I wish I could make a li

Enjoying Your career

My business is my hobby,' someone tells you. 'I wish I could make a living from my hobby,' you may think. 'It sounds ideal.'

Yet according to Sue Cole, a management expert, there can be both advantages and disadvantages for those who combine their hobby with their career. 'There's a real possibility that your hobby becomes less attractive when it's your job. But also quite a few people who make their hobby their career become too enthusiastic and forget about the basic principles of business,' she says. 'For example, someone may think: "I love cooking. There aren't enough restaurants in this area. I'll start one up." And they go ahead without establishing how many customers they'll need each day or what income they'll require to cover costs. That can be a recipe for disaster.'

Richard Campbell, however, has made a success of it. A keen amateur singer with a passion for travel, he first became involved in organising musical tours as a university student. On graduating, he joined a small student travel company, Sunway Travel, as a tour leader. Thirteen years later, in 1993, he bought the business and repositioned it to focus entirely on musicians, both amateur and professional. It was a successful move and Sunway Travel now arranges worldwide travel for 80% of Britain's classical musicians.

Despite the size of the business, Campbell still enjoys touring with orchestras. 'Musicians are usually delightful to travel with and you visit wonderful places.' It can get stressful though. 'They assume it's normal when everything goes right. If something goes wrong, they look for someone to blame, and they can be quite unreasonable and bad- tempered, especially if they are worried about meeting their contracts for the rest of their tour.'

Campbell explains that things haven't always been easy. 'Sometimes the company didn't perform. as well as I'd expected. There were difficult times and I had to learn to cope with the stress. However, we've now got to a level where my staff can run the business on a daily basis and all I need to do is keep an eye on things.'

Campbell recognises that he could have earned more in another line of business. 'Travel generally doesn't pay well. I have friends in other professions who are very highly paid.' But he has no regrets. 'They envy me because I am reasonably well paid to do something that I love doing.'

What does Sue Cole say about people whose businesses are their hobbies?

A.They have the perfect combination.

B.They risk losing interest in their leisure activity.

C.They know very little about raising finance.

更多“Enjoying Your careerMy business is my hobby,' someone tells you. 'I wish I could make a li”相关的问题


Failure to effectively deal with interpersonal conflict in the workplace could ______.A.st

Failure to effectively deal with interpersonal conflict in the workplace could ______.

A.stall the development of a person's career

B.lead to getting fired

C.force you to move to the boondocks

D.prevent a person from enjoying his or her job



stars while enjoying your favorite music. So then ,a 82. _______



听力原文:How have you been enjoying your new job?(A) Mostly at work.(B) I'm sorry to hear

听力原文:How have you been enjoying your new job?

(A) Mostly at work.

(B) I'm sorry to hear it.

(C) So far, it's been good.







If you change your career, your skills will go to waste.()

If you change your career, your skills will go to waste.()



听力原文:W: How is the National Nature Reserve Program going-on in your home province?M: T

听力原文:W: How is the National Nature Reserve Program going-on in your home province?

M: The managers are enjoying united effort with the local villagers.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.The local people help the government with nature protection.

B.The leaders are enjoying an opera with the local people.

C.The villagers are running business.

D.The local government is doing everything it could to preserve natural resources.



Judge the similar meaning of the couple sentences.When exploring your career options, ta

Judge the similar meaning of the couple sentences.

When exploring your career options, talk to as many people as you can.

Have a discussion with more people around you before making your career option.



The first step in making the career change is to conduct a ______ to identify your career



a. _______________________b.Well, if it were not for the rain, I’d enjoy it very much.

A、I hope you are enjoying your stay here.

B、What’s the weather like today?

C、Are you feeling well now?

D、Do you like Xi’an?



Why are so many people unhappy in their jobs? There are two primary reasons. First, some p
eople are convinced that earning a living is wasting time that they could spend enjoying themselves or uncovering their true talents.

If this is the case with you, recall your last long vacation. Was it two weeks of complete enjoyment? More likely it was a week and a half of fun in the sun, with another half a week of "Boy, I can't wait to get back to work. "If you didn't feel such vacation blues, then imagine taking a leave of absence. You could use it to work on a novel, enroll in classes or just sit around watching TV. At the end of three months, in all likelihood, your self-esteem would be at an all-time low. While all work and no play is not good, all play and no work is disastrous. We need to feel we are accomplishing something. We also need some form. of order in our lives.

The second and perhaps more prevalent reason for people not to like their work is that they feel trapped. Once you've been at a company for five years and have a spouse, a mortgage (抵押) and a child, you often feel you have very little choice about jumping ship if things aren't turning out as you'd planned. A steady paycheck can be the biggest maracle of all. People resent having to do something because they have no other choices.

If you find yourself resenting your job because you can't afford to quit, it may be time to prepare what one career counselor humorously calls a "cyanide (氰化物) capsule". He recalls spy movies in which the secret agent has such a capsule hidden somewhere on his body. If he's captured and tortured (折磨) unbearably, he has an option. And having an option gives him the strength to hold on a little longer in the hope that the situation may change.

Rather than cyanide, your option takes the form. of an up-to-date resume. You might also take a weekly glance through the help-wanted section, and make some visits to industry functions where low-key networking can take place. You're not giving up on your current job. Rather, you are providing yourself with an option. If things get unbearable at work' you could jump ship. Being in this position can do wonders for your attitude. It allows you to enjoy your work since, in reality, you are there only because you want to be.

At the core of adopting a positive attitude to your workplace is, above all, assuming responsibility for your own situation. Most people feel controlled by their environment, but they really aren't. They have to learn to manage that environment so they can get from it what they need.

The first main reason for many people's unhappiness in their jobs rises from their conviction that______.

A.working at a job is just wasting their time

B.working is not the enjoyment they are after

C.working is like killing their true talents

D.working is the least enjoyable way of spending time



It can_____the go-between for your personal and career schedules.

A.stand up

B.participate in

C.serve as

D.put to

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