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Coca cola is used as an example of ______.A.the effectiveness of persuasive salesmanshipsB

Coca cola is used as an example of ______.

A.the effectiveness of persuasive salesmanships

B.the importance of eye-on-the-consumer approach

C.the failure of a company which concentrated on profit only

D.the failure of a company which concentrated on consumer satisfaction only

更多“Coca cola is used as an example of ______.A.the effectiveness of persuasive salesmanshipsB”相关的问题


This article is most probably intended for ______.A.professional salesmenB.students of bus

This article is most probably intended for ______.

A.professional salesmen

B.students of business

C.executive managers

D.salesmen of coca cola



听力原文:W: Er... what would you like to drink, tea or Coca Cola?M: Why not a cup of coffe

听力原文:W: Er... what would you like to drink, tea or Coca Cola?

M: Why not a cup of coffee?

What does the man mean?

A.He'd like some coffee.

B.He'd like some tea.

C.He doesn't want anything.



Which of the following does NOT indicate people's enhanced awareness of the importance of

A.More demand for books on memory.

B.More demand for seminars on memory.

C.More demand for memory-enhancing supplements.

D.More demand for coca cola and cigarettes.



Which of the following does NOT indicatepeople’s enhanced awareness of the import
ance of memory?

A.More demand for books onmemory.

B.More demand for seminars onmemory.

C.More demand formemory—enhancing supplements.

D.More demand for coca cola andcigarettes.



听力原文:M: Welcome! What can I do for you?W: I'd like a bottle of Coca Cola and some cake

听力原文:M: Welcome! What can I do for you?

W: I'd like a bottle of Coca Cola and some cakes.

M: OK. Here you are.

Q: Where are they?


A.In a food store.

B.In the post office.

C.In the police office.



–– Host: Jack, come and sit in the sofa. Dinner will be ready in a minute. Could I ge
t you something to drink?

–– Guest: ____.

A: No, don ’t trouble. I ’ve drunk enough

B: No, you couldn't. I'm not thirsty

C: Yes, you could. I ’d like some Coca cola

D: Yes, please. I'd like some Sprite



What could possibly account for the amazing success of Coca-Cola? How has this combination
of carbonated water(苏打水), sugar, acid and flavorings come to symbolize the American way of life for most of the world? After all, even the manufacturers could hardly describe Coke as a healthy product since it contains relatively high amounts of sugar (admittedly not the case with Diet Coke which contains artificial sweeteners instead of sugar) and phosphoric acid(磷酸), both of which are known to damage teeth.

One explanation may be found in the name. The original recipe(配方)included a flavoring from the coca plant and probably included small amounts of cocaine (an addictive (使人上瘾的) substance), but since the early part of this century all traces of cocaine have been removed. However, Coke (like all cola drinks) also includes a flavoring from the cola tree; cola extract(提炼物) contains caffeine, which is a stimulant, and the Coca-Cola company adds extra caffeine in addition. While caffeine is not thought to be an addictive substance in itself, there is considerable evidence that over a period of time the consumption of caffeine has to be increased in order for its stimulating effect to be maintained, and so sales of Coke perhaps benefit as a result.

A more likely reason for the enduring popularity of Coke may, however, be found in the company's enviable marketing(营销) strategies. Over the years it has come up with some of the most memorable commercials (商业广告), tunes, slogans and sponsorship in the world of advertising, variously emphasizing international harmony, youthfulness and a carefree(轻松愉快的) lifestyle. Few other companies have been able to match such marketing techniques so consistently or effectively. As suggested earlier, the influences of American culture are evident just about everywhere, and Coca-Cola has somehow come to represent a vision of the United States that much of the rest of the world dreams about and aspires to (热望). Perhaps drinking Coke brings people that little bit closer to the dream.

Coca-Cola is not a healthy product because______.

A.it is merely a combination of carbonated water, sugar, acid and flavourings

B.it may be harmful to teeth

C.it doesn't contain artificial sweeteners

D.it has some stimulating effect



It can be inferred from Paragraph 2 that______.A.Coca-Cola was named after two plants from

It can be inferred from Paragraph 2 that______.

A.Coca-Cola was named after two plants from which two flavourings are extracted

B.Coca-Cola has found a substitute for cocaine as a flavouring since the beginning of the century

C.all cola drinks used to contain cocaine

D.extra caffeine is added to Coca-Cola in order to make it additive



To understand the marketing concept, its only necessary to understand the difference bet
ween marketing and selling. Not too many years ago, most industries concentrated primarily on the effective【M1】______ production of goods, and then relied on "persuasive salesmanship" to move as much of these goods as possible. Such production and selling focuses on the need of the seller to produce goods and then convert【M2】______ them into money. Marketing, on the other hand, focuses on the wants of consumers. It firstly begins at analyzing the preferences and【M3】______ demands of consumers and then producing goods mat will satisfy them. This eye - on - the - consumer approach is known as the marketing concept, which simply means that instead of trying to sell whatever is easiest to produce or buy for resale, the makers and dealers first endeavor to find what the consumer wants to【M4】______ buy and then go around making it available for purchase.【M5】______ This concept does not imply that business is benevolent or that consumer satisfaction should be given priority by profit. There are【M6】______ always two sides to every business transaction—the firm and the customer—and each must be satisfied after trade occurs. Successful【M7】______ merchants and producers recognize that the surest route to profit is through understanding and catering consumers. A striking【M8】______ example of the importance of understanding the consumer was【M9】______ presented itself in mid-1985, when Coca Cola changed the flavor of its drink. The nonacceptance of the new flavor by a significant portion of the public brought about a prompt restoration of the Classic Coke, which was then marketing alongside the new.【M10】______




Look at the article about Coca Cola and the questions below.For each question mark one let

Look at the article about Coca Cola and the questions below.

For each question mark one letter A, B, C, D on your Answer Sheet, for the answer you choose.

A Brief History of Coke

Nowadays, Coca-Cola's trademark is well known around the world and its products average a staggering 400 million servings per day in more than 155 countries. According to legend, it began in a three-legged kettle in the back yard of Atlanta pharmacist Dr. John Styth Permberton who carried a jug of his concoction down the street to Jacob's Pharmacyy where it was sold at the soda fountain for 5 cents a glass. Frank Robinson, Pemberton's partner and bookkeeper thought two " C" s would look good in advertising and wrote " Coca-Cola" in the flowering script. so famous today.

It is significant that Permberton spent almost twice as much money on advertising during the first years of operation as he made in profits, for the growth of Coke's popularity is as much due to the advertising and marketing strategy as it is to the quality of its product. By continually monitoring changes in consumer attitudes and behaviour, the Coca-Cola Co. has become a widely recognized leader in advertising.

Pemberton could not foresee the greatest future awaiting his soft drink and sold out. Asa Griggs Candler bought the business and organized the Coca-Cola Co. into a Georgia corporation. In 1893, he registered Coca-Cola as a trademark.

Under Candler's leadership, the company began to grow quickly. In order to instigate a demand for the product, he spent heavily on advertising. Signs were put up from coast and appeared on calendars, serving trays and other merchandising items, urging people to drink Coke. Candler's campaign paid off.

Candler was a creative talent at advertising, but showed little imagination in understanding Coke's marketing potential. In 1899, he sold the right to bottle Coke throughout most of the United State for $ 1, which he never bothered to collect. Candler saw Coke primarily as a soda-fountain drink. But two far-sighted businessmen from Chattanooga, Tennessee, Benjamin Franklin Thomas and Joseph Brown Whitehead, understood the potential, and, for the unpaid dollar, bought a franchise that became worth millions. Their agreement with Candler began the franchising bottling system that still remains the foundation of the Coca-Cola Co.'s soft drink operations. Thomas and Whitehead sold the rights to bottle Coke to franchisers in every part of the country in return for the bottler's agreement to invest in the necessary resources and effort to make the franchise a success. During the following decade, 179 bottling plants went into operation.

In the early 20th century, Coke blazed the advertising trail, developing innovative concepts that became accepted practices in the filed. One of the most effective was the distribution and redemption of complimentary tickets, entitling the holder to a glass of free Coke at the soda fountain of a dispenser.

The trademark Coca-Cola was originally coined by______.


B.a bookkeeper working for Pemberton

C.Frank Robinson

D.Asa Griggs Candler

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