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Why do only few pilots retire early?A.Because pilots are much needed in the airline indust

Why do only few pilots retire early?

A.Because pilots are much needed in the airline industry.

B.Because the economy is gloomy.

C.Because the cost of training a pilot is high.

D.Because pilots can not do other jobs.

更多“Why do only few pilots retire early?A.Because pilots are much needed in the airline indust”相关的问题


Why are macro viruses easy to write?()

A.Active contents controls can make direct system calls

B.The underlying language is simple and intuitive to apply

C.Only a few assembler instructions are needed to do damage

D.Office templates are fully API compliant



As far as the woman is concerned, why do only human beings and a few other primates laugh?

A.That"s the result of evolution.

B.They are superior to other animals.

C.For the sake of survival.

D.The cause is not clear.



听力原文:M: So, what do you want to do tomorrow?W: Well, let's look at this city guide her

听力原文:M: So, what do you want to do tomorrow?

W: Well, let's look at this city guide here. Uh, here's something interesting. Oh! Why don't we first visit the art museum in the morning.

M: Okay. I like that idea. And where do you want to eat lunch?

W: How about going to an Indian restaurant? Humm. The guide recommends one downtown a few blocks from the museum.

M: Now that sounds great. After that, what do you think about visiting the zoo? Umm, well, it says here that there are some very unique animals not found anywhere else.

W: Well, to tell the truth, I'm not really interested in going there. Why don't we go shopping instead? There are supposed to be some really nice places to pick up souvenirs.

M: Nail, I don't think that's a good idea. We only have few traveler's checks left, and I only have fifty dollars left in cash.

W: No problem. We can use your credit card to pay for MY new clothes.

M: Oh, no. I remember the last time you used my credit card for your purchases.

W: oh well. Let's take the Subway down to the seashore and walk along the beach,

M: Now that sounds like a wonderful plan.








A few weeks ago we decided Io paint (油漆) the outside of our house. To save money we deci

A few weeks ago we decided Io paint (油漆) the outside of our house. To save money we decided Id do it ourselves. One Saturday morning. we went to tile shop and bought some paint and a number of brushes. We alrmdy had a ladder (梯子). so we were then ready Io start. We began that afternoon with the back of the house. The next Saturday I went to a foothall malch while my wife painted the front of the house. On Sunday we found that we could not open any of tile front windows. We got them all open in tile end but I broke three and they were very expensive to repair. Next gme when we try to save money. I shall certainly pay somne to do the work.

Why did the writer and his wifc decide to paint the house themsclves ? Because______.

A.no one else could do the work

B.they didn't want to spend much money

C.they only needed to buy some paint



第三节 短文理解2阅读下列短文,从[A]、[B]、[C]三个选项中选择一个正确答案。A few weeks ago, we d

第三节 短文理解2


A few weeks ago, we decided to paint (油漆) the outside of our house. To save money, we decided to do it ourselves. On Saturday morning, we went to the shops and bought some paint and a number of brushes. We already had a ladder (梯子), so we were then ready to start. We began that afternoon with the back of the house. The next Saturday I went to a football match while my wife painted the front of the house. On Sunday we found that we could not open any of the front windows. We got them all open in the end but I broke three and they were very expensive to repair. Next time when we try to save money, I shall certainly pay someone to do the work.

Why did the writer and his wife decide to paint the house themselves? Because ______ .

A.no one else could do the work.

B.they didn't want to spend much money.

C.they only need to buy some paint.



The building crane, which has become the most striking feature of the urban landscape in S
witzerland, is beginning to alter the mountain landscape as well. Districts of the Swiss Alps, which up to now have consisted of only a few disconnected small communities content with selling cheese and milk, perhaps a little lumber and seed potatoes, are today becoming parts of planned, developing regions. The new highway, the new skylift, the new multi-nationally-owned hotel will diversify the economy and raise the standard of living in the mountain areas, or so many Swiss regional planners and government officials hope.

The mountainous area of Switzerland, which accounts for nearly two-thirds of the total area of the country and only 12% of the total population, has always been the problem area. According to the last census in 1970, 750,000 people lived in the Swiss mountains. Compared with the rest of the country, incomes are lower, services are fewer, employment opportunities are more limited and populations are decreasing. In fact, in only one respect do mountain districts come out ahead. They have more farmers, which many people do not consider to be an advantage. 17% of the Swiss mountain population works in primary occupations, in contrast to only 8% of the total population of the country.

The mountain farmers are a special breed of men. They work at least twelve hours a day in topographical and weather conditions which kill most crops and which only a few animals will tolerate. About half of them work at some other jobs as well, leaving 'their wives and children to do the bulk of the farm work. In the Rhone Valley in the canton of Valais in south-western Swizerland nearly four-fifths of the farmers commute daily from their mountain farms to the large factories in the valley. In other parts of Switzerland this pattern of life is not as common, but almost everywhere n. on-farm wintertime employment is the rule.

With all the difficulties inherent in working in the Swiss mountains, why should anyone resist any extension of the mountain economy? The answer, as Andress Werthemann, editor of the Swiss mountain agriculture magazine Alpwirtschafiliche Monatsblatter states, is that "when tourism becomes too massive, farming disappears". And basically there are three reasons why Switzerland needs its mountain farmers: they contribute to the food supply, they preserve the landscape, and they represent the Switzerland of nostalgia and holiday dreams.

But in the real world, and especially in highly industrialized Switzerland where mountain farmers are aware of the "benefits" of city living, is it possible to maintain mountain agriculture and still solve the problems of mountain communities? The Swiss government has come to the conclusion that other kinds of employment in addition to farming must be emphasized. Yet whether it is possible to create other jobs that will not completely destroy agriculture is unknown.

The building crane represents ______.

A.the construction of hotels, ski-lifts, etc.

B.parts of planned, developing regions

C.the districts of the Swiss Alps

D.the machine with a long arm used for lifting and moving heavy weights



听力原文:W: What sports do you often go in for, Mr. Clinton?M: Oh, football—both kinds, yo

听力原文:W: What sports do you often go in for, Mr. Clinton?

M: Oh, football—both kinds, you know, soccer and rugby. I play quite a bit of cricket, too. Do you like sports, too, Miss Li?

W: Yes, very much. I play basketball, but my favourite sport is table-tennis. What's your favourite sport?

M: Mine is football. It's the best way to build up your health, I think.

W: That's true. I'm interested in it, too.

M: Is football very popular in China now?

W: Not really. In fact, only in recent years have people taken an interest in football. It's getting more and more popular, though. What about watching the football match tomorrow evening? I've got two tickets.

M: Why, yes, that'll be nice. Thank you.

W: By the way, people say in Britain there are many football fans behaving as troublemakers. Is that true?

M: Yes, sometimes. In fact, only a few get out of control.

W: British people have a keen interest in the game, as I can see.

M: Right! Football fans are so dedicated that they travel hundreds of miles to see their favourite team in action and cheer it on to victory.


A.Differences between soccer and rugby.

B.A football match between China and Britain.

C.Chinese and British football fans.

D.One's favorite sport.



Why did the scientists scent the room with only a few sprays of Windex in the experiment?A

Why did the scientists scent the room with only a few sprays of Windex in the experiment?

A.Because they wanted to rule out of other explanations for people's behavior.

B.Because they didn't want the subjects to notice the smell.

C.Because Windex are poisonous.

D.Because they would like to keep the room clean.



The work is not easy to do; so it'll take _____years to accomplish.


B.only a few

C.quite a few

D.a quite few



According to the speaker, why are few employees taking seminars?A.They do not have time.B.

According to the speaker, why are few employees taking seminars?

A.They do not have time.

B.They do not have enough money.

C.They see no incentive.

D.They are not very efficient.

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