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A.To supply teachers with drinks.B.To do some research on nutrition.C.To raise money f

A.To supply teachers with drinks.

B.To do some research on nutrition.

C.To raise money for school affairs.

D.To develop students' practical skills.

更多“A.To supply teachers with drinks.B.To do some research on nutrition.C.To raise money f”相关的问题


听力原文:We use all sort of services without thinking about how we get them. But such serv

听力原文: We use all sort of services without thinking about how we get them. But such services cost money. We pay for them through taxes. What would happen if everyone in the city stops paying taxes? The water supply would stop, the street might not get cleaned, and there would be not police force to protect people and property. The chief duty of every government is to protect persons and property. More than three fourths of the money spent by our government is used for this purpose. The next largest amount of public money goes to teach and train our citizens. Billions of dollars each year are spent on schools and libraries. Public money is. used to pay the teachers and other public officials. Years ago the government made money from the sale of public lands. But most of the best public lands have now been sold. The money raised was used to help pay the cost of government. There are still some public lands that contain oil, coal, gas, and other natural products. They could be sold, but we want to save them for future years. So we all must pay our share for the services that make our lives comfortable.


A.To teach and train citizens.

B.To save natural resources.

C.To protect persons and property.

D.To collect taxes.



Tightened Visa RegulationsAccording to South Korea's new visa regulations, native speakers

Tightened Visa Regulations

According to South Korea's new visa regulations, native speakers of English in South Korea will be required to undergo criminal record checks, medical and drug tests, provide sealed academic transcripts (成绩单)and have their university diplomas inspected, The Korea Times has reported The tightened regulations will affect an estimated 17,000 foreigners that hold E-2 visas-specifically for foreign language teachers.

The most controversial requirement is that English teachers residing (居住) outside South Korea will have to have an interview at a South Korean Embassy before taking up their teaching posts. For applicants living in remote areas in Canada, Australia or the US, this is an additional travel burden. Meanwhile, foreign teachers currently living in South Korea must leave the country after their one-year contracts and renew their visas by visiting a neighboring country and return without additional documentation (文件证据).

The visa changes are a reaction to public concern about the suitability of some foreign teachers. A report from the South Korean Ministry of-Education and Human Resources Development shows between 2001 and August of this year, 1,481 foreign language teachers have been caught for a range of offenses including forged (伪造的) degrees, visa violations and general lawbreaking.

But the changes are likely to slow up the supply of teachers to South .Korea's English language education sector. According to Michael Duffy, manager of a teacher placement service in South Korea, applicants have to spend a few hundred dollars and several months on getting affidavits (书面陈述书) for documents. "South Korea-has put up too many hoops (圈) to jump through," he said, adding that foreigners would seek work elsewhere. Most foreigners wonder if the experience of working in South Korea will be worth the burden of the paper work and increasing restrictions. "I don't think (South) Korea has thought this through," said Scott Mclnnis, a Canadian teacher based in Incheon near Seoul. "This is a reactionary move by the government that will have strong implications for the EFL community."

As part of the efforts to ease the discontent (不满), the South Korean Ministry of Justice has granted a three-month grace period for current E-2 visa holders to prepare the necessary documents.

Which of the following is NOT required of an E-2 visa applicant?

A.To pass a Korean language test.

B.To undergo a medical test.

C.To provide sealed school reports.

D.To undergo a drug test.



The word "grubstake" in paragraph 2 means " ______."A.to supply miners with food and suppl

The word "grubstake" in paragraph 2 means " ______."

A.to supply miners with food and supplies

B.to open a general store

C.to do one's contribution to the development of the mine

D.to supply miners with food and supplies and in return get a share in the mine, if one was discovered



How can students receive the teachers' help in American universities?A.To meet the teacher

How can students receive the teachers' help in American universities?

A.To meet the teachers in their office hours or make appointments with them.

B.To meet the teachers in the classroom.

C.To go to their homes.

D.To go to their office any time during the weekday.



According to the writer, one of the purposes of teaching English is to get students ______

A.to understand life

B.to enjoy poetry

C.to become teachers

D.to become poets



The additional grant of money being provided is mainly ______.A.part of the agreement to s

The additional grant of money being provided is mainly ______.

A.part of the agreement to supply computers cheaply

B.to develop further computer programmes for schools

C.to train 50,000 primary teachers

D.to provide courses for secondary teachers



What was the function of the plant?A.To collect wasteB.To monitor air qualityC.To supply D

What was the function of the plant?

A.To collect waste

B.To monitor air quality

C.To supply Detroit with mercury

D.To turn trash into energy



The expression" play safe" probably meansA.to write carefully.B.to do as teachers say.C.to

The expression" play safe" probably means

A.to write carefully.

B.to do as teachers say.

C.to use dictionaries frequently.

D.to avoid using words one is not sure of.



The expression" play safe" probably means"______ ".A.to write carefullyB.to do as teachers

The expression" play safe" probably means"______ ".

A.to write carefully

B.to do as teachers say

C.to use dictionaries frequently

D.to avoid using words one is not sure of



根据材料,回答题。 Tightened Visa RegulationsAccording to South Korea"s new visa regulations


Tightened Visa Regulations

According to South Korea"s new visa regulations, native speakers of English in South Koreawill be required to undergo criminal record checks, medical and drug tests, provide sealed aca-demic transcripts (成绩单)and have their university diplomas inspected, The Korea Times hasre ported. The tightened regulations will affect an estimated 17,000 foreigners that hold E-2 visas specifically for foreign language teachers.

The most controversial requirement is that English teachers residing (居住) outside South Korea will have to have an interview at a South Korean Embassy before taking up their teaching posts. For applicants living in remote areas in Canada, Australia or the US, this is an additional travel burden. Meanwhile, foreign teachers currently living in South Korea must leave the country after their one-year contracts and renew their visas by visiting a neighboring country and return

without additional documentation (文件证据).

The visa changes are a reaction to public concern about the suitability of some foreign teachers. A report from the South Korean Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development shows between 2001 and August of this year, 1,481 foreign language teachers have been caught for a range of offenses including forged (伪造的) degrees, visa violations and general lawbreaking.

But the changes are likely to slow up the supply of teachers to South Korea"s English language education sector. According to Michael Duffy, manager of a teacher placement service in South Korea, applicants have to spend a few hundred dollars and several months on getting affidavits (书面陈述书) for documents. "South Korea has put up too many hoops (圈) to jump through," he said, adding that foreigners would seek work elsewhere. Most foreigners wonder if the experiencd of working in South Korea will be worth the burden of the paper work and increashag restrictions. "I don"t think (South) Korea bas thought this through. " Said Scott Mclnnis, a Canadian teacher based in Incheon near Seoul. "This is a reactionary move by the government that

will have strong implications for the EFL community. "

As part of the efforts to ease the discontent (不满), the South Korean Ministry of Justice has granted a three-month grace period for current E-2 visa holders to prepare the necessary documents.

Which of the following is NOT required of an E-2 visa applicant? 查看材料

A.To pass a Korean language test.

B.To undergo a medical test.

C.To provide sealed school reports.

D.To undergo a drug test.

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