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听力原文:Ancient man, living in colder climates, is credited with making the first shoes,

听力原文: Ancient man, living in colder climates, is credited with making the first shoes, by adding material to the top of the crude "sandals" his neighbors in warmer climates had invented. He did so out of necessity, to give his feet additional protection from the cold.

Early man, in warmer climates, invented the sandal to protect his feet from sharp rocks, and did so by strapping a mat of woven grass, a strip of animal hide, or a slab of flat wood to his feet with "thongs" he cut out of animal hide. Some even pulled the thongs between the toes and tied them around the ankles to tighten the fit of these crude sandals.

Wealthy ancient Egyptians wore sandals as long as 5,000 years ago, eventually everyone began wearing them, and the Egyptians designed differently. Ancient Greeks invented the boot, by replacing the sandal's thongs with solid leather. Many of these crude shoes have endured and are still worn today. Common examples include the sandals the ancient Greeks and Romans wore, the moccasins American Indians wore, and the clogs people in Holland still wear.

In the Middle Ages, around the time the Crusades began, modem shoes appeared on the scene. The Crusaders, who went on long treks, needed durable, comfortable shoes that people then began making for this purpose.


A.To give his feet additional protection from the cold.

B.To make the sandals wear-resisting.

C.To match his trousers.

D.To make the sandals look more beautiful.

更多“听力原文:Ancient man, living in colder climates, is credited with making the first shoes,”相关的问题


听力原文:M: I have decided to take six courses this semester.W: Don't count on a social li

听力原文:M: I have decided to take six courses this semester.

W: Don't count on a social life.

Q: What does the woman imply?


A.The man shouldn't socialize.

B.The man will have too heavy a workload to have social life.

C.The man shouldn't neglect his social life.

D.The man doesn't want to have a social life.



听力原文:W: Doctor Li, I heard your son is a hotel manager?M: No, he is a teacher.Q: Where

听力原文:W: Doctor Li, I heard your son is a hotel manager?

M: No, he is a teacher.

Q: Where does the man's son work?


A.In a hotel.

B.At a school.

C.In a hospital.



听力原文:W: Have you finished the assignments of Pro. Li's last class?M: As soon as I went

听力原文:W: Have you finished the assignments of Pro. Li's last class?

M: As soon as I went back home. that idea evaporated from my memory. I only hope Pro. Li would forget that thing.

Q: What does the man probably mean?


A.He has a bad memory.

B.Pro. Li will not remember that assignments.

C.He didn't finish those assignments.

D.He missed home very much.



听力原文:W: Aren't these flats nice and spacious? I can imagine myself living here.M: I li

听力原文:W: Aren't these flats nice and spacious? I can imagine myself living here.

M: I like the gardens. They remind me of ones I saw in China. I think we should take this place.

Q: What are the man and woman doing?


A.Visiting an exhibition about China.

B.Walking in a garden.

C.Choosing a place to live.

D.Looking at a magazine advertising flats.



听力原文:W: Are you coming with us to Li's birthday party?M: I'd love to, but my daughter

听力原文:W: Are you coming with us to Li's birthday party?

M: I'd love to, but my daughter got a cold and I have to take care of her.

Q: Why can't the man go to Li's birthday party?


A.He doesn't like Li.

B.He has to take care of her daughter.

C.He will see a doctor.

D.He is ill.



听力原文:W:Professor Li,I am so sorry to disturb you by asking you so many questions after
class.You must feel very tired of that.

M:Tired? There is nothing more interesting than helping my students solve the problems in the study.

Q:What is man's attitude towards answering these questions after class?


A.It is very boring.

B.It is very interesting.

C.It is a waste of time.

D.It is his responsibility.



听力原文:One of the important materials used in the construction of buildings and roads is

听力原文: One of the important materials used in the construction of buildings and roads is cement. It is a powder made mainly from limestone and clay. Even though the ancient Egyptians and Romans used a kind of cement, it was not until 1824 that an English bricklayer developed cement strong enough for modern roads and buildings.

While the bricklayer was experimenting in his kitchen, he found that a mixture of limestone and clay that had been heated formed a substance. This substance became hard and stone-like as it cooled. When it was grounded into a fine powder, it could be stored.

When the powder was mixed with water, it made an excellent quality of cement that quickly hardened in sunlight or even under water, it made an excellent quality of cement that is used today.


A.An Egyptian.

B.A Roman.

C.A British.

D.A man named Blake.



听力原文:W: Professor Li, I'm so sorry to disturb you by asking you so many questions afte
r class. You must feel very tired of that.

M: Tired? There is nothing more interesting than helping my students solve the problems in the study.

Q: What does the man think of answering the woman's questions after class?


A.It is very boring.

B.It is very interesting.

C.It is a waste of time.

D.It is his responsibility.



听力原文:People still celebrate ancient festivals in different parts of Europe with folk d

听力原文: People still celebrate ancient festivals in different parts of Europe with folk dances and processions, even though in many cases those who take part and put on special costumes are no longer sure what the dances represent. Almost all of them are associated with seasonal procedures that have been adapted to the Christian calendar. There are two main types found in a number of countries. The first, combat dances normally take place in winter or early spring and celebrate the battle between the old year and the new. In Austria, for example, at celebration time, people wear masks and dress up as ghosts and witches, and there are processions of men and women with drums and whips.

The other main group of dances takes place in early summer, especially at Whit sun or on May Day. In England, there are dances of men in some villages. Groups of trained dancers, dressed in white, dance with bolls on their legs and bodies. They leap in processions in double files, waving white handkerchiefs or green branches. In some places, there are men with animal masks or a Jack-in-the-Green, a man dressed in leaves who stands for the new vegetation of the summer.


A.The birthday of some ancient people.

B.The birthday of Jesus Christ.

C.Ancient festivals.

D.Some modem days.

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