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The play is starting _____ five minutes but the theatre is only half full.[A]for [B]by

The play is starting _____ five minutes but the theatre is only half full.





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The play is starting ______ five minutes but the theatre is only half full.A.forB.byC.with

The play is starting ______ five minutes but the theatre is only half full.







The play is starting ____________________five minutes but the theatre is only half full.
[A]for [B]by [C]with [D]in



According to the author, who is starting to play a more involved role in the research proc

A.International ethics organizations.

B.Local governments.

C.Underprivileged groups.

D.Local scientists.



What do we learn about William from this conversation?A.William is just starting the violi

What do we learn about William from this conversation?

A.William is just starting the violin lessons.

B.William can’t play the violin.

C.William is very modest about his performance.

D.William is very proud of his performance:



听力原文:W: I was quite surprised when I heard William play the violin. From the way he ta
lked I thought he was just starting his lessons.

M: Oh, that's the way he always talks.

Q: What do we learn about William from this conversation?


A.William is just starting the violin lessons.

B.William can't play the violin.

C.William is very modest about his performance.

D.William is very proud of his performance.



Never underestimate the learning power of play. One of Parks findings is that children 【C1
】______valuable learning opportunities when unstructured play is reduced or eliminated【C2】______more time in the classroom. "I think a lot of public school systems【C3】______to see the importance of play," says Parks, assistant professor of early childhood education. "【C4】______, play is under-valued and lot of that is because of top-down【C5】______over standards and testing." "Their work is often framed in trying to【C6】______out whats wrong with these kids. Its very【C7】______and not at all what I【C8】______as a classroom teacher. " "I found the children【C9】______to learn, and their families were supportive and curious," she adds. "So when I got to academia, I thought it was【C10】______to read all these studies about kids not being【C11】______, or not being able to solve problems." So she【C12】______her own research project with a different approach. She is【C13】______the same minority group of 14 young children for three years, starting in【C14】______, to see how they learn mathematics, both in the【C15】______classroom setting as well as informally in school, and at home. "Just sitting there, looking at what is happening in their【C16】______surroundings, you can find things that【C17】______you," she says. She hopes her research will prove how important play is to【C18】______problem-solving skills, and in other critical ways. 【C19】______there is something else, just as important for Parks. "It is the equity piece of trying to change the conversation in the research community about what kids can do generally, and what minority kids can do【C20】______," she says.








Royal Credit Card Company The Royal Credit Card Company is proud to announce that it has
been chosen as the principal sponsor of this years "Season of the Love and Faith", the year-round series of performances of Janet Moores best-loved plays. Each month, from January to December, a play will be featured, starting with "Touched by an Angel," "Missing You" and "Adversity," and ending with "My Lovely Lady,""The Taming of the Dragon," and "Untouchable Dream." There will be a total of 24 performances during weekends each month. The company is offering generous discounts to all of its personnel to give them and their families the fullest opportunity to enjoy this rarest of cultural offerings. The purchase of a non-refundable, half-season subscription will entitle them to a twenty percent discount, and of a full-season subscription, to a forty percent discount. Subscriptions may be paid through deferred salary deductions. Ticket sales start on June 30. Early reservations are encouraged to guarantee employees and their families good theater seats.

Who will be getting discounts to the performances?

A.Clients of the company.

B.Company employees.

C.Affiliates of the company.

D.Company stockholders.



America's genius with high technology may have put men on the moon, but there is growing s
kepticism (怀疑) about its ability to solve human problems closer to home.

In fact, a subtle but significant shift from purely technological solutions is already under way as scientists argue openly for new directions in research.

A growing number of scientists insist that answers to the world's problems will not come from a flashier array of electronics and machines. Instead, as they see it, solutions must evolve from a better understanding of the humans that drive the system and from a fuller appreciation of the limits and potential of the earth's resources.

What this means is an increased emphasis on the life and earth sciences, on sociology, psychology, economics and even philosophy.

More and more of the best minds in science, particularly young researchers, are being drawn into these developing fields.

All this is not to say that technological creativity will not play a critical role in solving energy and food shortages, or that answers to environmental difficulties will not come from further advances in the same technologies that may have helped cause the problems.

Where the real challenge lies, in the view of the new breeds of scientists, is finding ways to produce goods to meet the world's needs, using less of the raw materials that are becoming scarce.

Which of the following best expresses the main idea?

A.A growing number of Americans are doubtful about what high technology can do in solving the world's problems.

B.Many scientists are starting to believe that the better understanding of human beings will play a more decisive role in solving the world's problems.

C.More and more young scientists are trying their best to find new ways to solve the world's problems.

D.Technological creativity will still play a very important part in solving the world's problems.



Imagine, if you will, the average games player. What do you see? A guy who never grew up?
Or a nervous 18-year-old pushing buttons on his controller, lost and alone in a violent onscreen world? Sorry, you lose. The average gamer is starting to look pretty much like the average person. For the first time, according to a US poll commissioned by AOL Games, roughly half of those surveyed, ages 12 to 55, are tapping away at some kind of electronic game—whether on a PC, a cell phone or another handheld device—for an average of three hours every week.

The games people play say a lot about who they are. Machines like the Xbox and PlayStation 2 are largely the territory of twenty-something men, who prefer to picture themselves as sports ‘stars and racing drivers. Men 50 and older prefer military games. Teenage girls are much more likely than boys to play games on their phone, while older women make up the majority of people playing card games such as Hearts on line.

Is it a good thing, all this time spent on games? Or is it as harmful as television, pulling people ever further from reality? The AOL survey suggests some players are in denial about the extent of their habit. One in 10 gamers find it impossible to resist games; 1 in 4 admits to losing a night’s sleep to play games; and another quarter has been too absorbed to have meals.

But don’t think we’re all heading into a world with everyone plugged into, if not totally controlled by, his own game. Quite the contrary: gamers appear to be more engaged with reality than other kinds of couch potatoes. According to a comprehensive survey by the Entertainment Software Association (ESA-whose members, of course, want you to think video games are healthy), gamers spend an average of 23 hours a week volunteering and going to church, concerts, museums and other cultural events. More enthusiastic gamers who play 11 hours a week or more spend ever more time out in the cultural world (34 hours).

The AOL survey finds that electronic games ______.

A.do not present a violent onscreen world

B.no longer keep gamers from growing up

C.are no longer exclusive to young people

D.are not as popular with teenagers as before



Directions:Read the following text. Choose the best word or phrase for each numbered blank


Read the following text. Choose the best word or phrase for each numbered blank and mark A, B,C or D on, ANSWER SHEET 1.

Western-style. conversations often develop quite differently from Japanese-style. conversations.A Western-style. conversation between two people is like a (26) 0f tennis. If I introduce a topic, a conversational ball, I expect you do (27) it back .If you agree with me, I don't expect you simply to agree and to (28) more .l expect you to add something to carry the idea further.(29)I don't expect you always to agree .l am just as (30) if you completely disagree with me. (31)you agree or disagree, your(32)will return the ball to me. And then it is my turn

(33) .I don't' serve a new ball from my (34)starting line .l hit your ball back again to you by(35) your idea further. And so the ball goes back and forth, (36)each of us doing our best to give it a new twist. A Japanese-style. conversation, (37), is not at all like tennis or voileyball.lt-s like bowling .You (38) for your turn .And you always know your (39) in line.lt depends on such things as whether you are older or younger, a close friend or a relative stranger (40)the previous speaker, in a senior or junior position, and so on. When your turn comes, you (41) up to the starting line with your bowling ball, and (42) bowl it. Everyone else stands back and watches politely, whis-pering (43).Everyone waits until the ball has reached the end of the alley, and watches to see if it(44) down all the pins, or only some of them, or none of them. There is a pause, while eve-ryone registers your (45).


[A] play

[B] game

[C] round

[D] set

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