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Primary objective of logging planning?

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The primary objective of Basic Econometrics is to provide an elementary but comprehensive
introduction to the art and science of econometrics.







The author’s primary objective in the passage is to ______.A.disprove the view that federa

The author’s primary objective in the passage is to ______.

A.disprove the view that federal efforts to aid minority businesses have been ineffective

B.explain how federal efforts to aid minority businesses have changed since the 1960’s

C.establish a direct link between the federal efforts to aid minority businesses made before the 1960’s and those made in the 1980's

D.analyze the basis for the belief that job-specific experience is more useful to minority businesses than is general management experience



?Read the article below about international marketing plan in Canada.?For each question 31

?Read the article below about international marketing plan in Canada.

?For each question 31—40, write one word in CAPITAL LETTERS on your Answer Sheet.

Successful Exporting From Canada Starts with a Marketing Plan

Businesses all OVER Canada have the potential to successfully export their products or services. Every entrepreneur, regardless (31) business size or offering, can potentially increase sales, compete in diverse markets and reach a global audience (32) his or her particular skills and expertise. One of the key components (33) export success is an international marketing plan. The best place to start the international marketing plan is with the business. Take a fresh look at (34) the business is about: what products or services does it offer? Why is it unique and what value does it offer customers? What are (35) current strengths and weaknesses (financial, human, technological, cultural and operational resources, for example) and (36) will these affect its ability to compete in a foreign market?

Once this self-analysis is completed, the reasons for exporting need to be addressed. Such simple questions (37) "why do we want to export?" are not necessarily simple to answer but the responses are important. A business must have a clear objective of (38) it wishes to undertake the challenge of exporting. It also helps a business establish the degree (39) which exporting influences the business direction and strategy.

In some cases, exporting may play an important yet secondary role based on the objectives of the business. In (40) instances, a business may find that its future is built upon exporting and this element of the business will become the primary focus. These decisions are simplified by conducting thorough market research.




Some personal characteristics play a vital role in the development of one' s intelligence.
But people fail to realize the importance of cultivating these factors in young people.

The so-called non-intelligence factors include one's feelings, will, motivation, interests and habits. After a 30-year follow-up study of 800 males, American psychologists found out that the main cause of disparities(差别)in intelligence is not intelligence itself, but non-intelligence factors including the desire to learn, will-power and self-confidence. Though people all know that one should have definite objectives, a strong will and good learning habits, quite a number of teachers and parents don't pay much attention to cultivating these factors. Some parents are greatly worried when their children fail to do well in their studies. They blame either genetic factors, malnutrition, or laziness, but they never take into consideration these non-intelligence factors. At the same time, some teachers don't inquire into these, as reasons why students do poorly. They simply give them more courses and exercises, or even rebuke or ridicule (训斥或奚落) them. Gradually, these students lost self-confidence. Some of them just feel defeated and give themselves up as hopeless. Others may go astray because they are sick of learning.

The investigation of more than 1,000 middle school students in Shanghai showed that 46.5 percent of them were afraid of learning, because of examinations, 36.4 percent lack persistence, initiative and conscientiousness and 10.3 percent were sick of learning.

It is clear that the lack of cultivation of non-intelligence factors has been a main obstacle to intelligence development in teenagers. It ever causes an imbalance between physiological and psychological development among a few students.

If we don't start now to strengthen the cultivation of non-intelligence factors, it will not only obstruct the development of the intelligence of teenagers, but also affect the quality of a whole generation. Some experts have put forward proposals about how to cultivate students' non-intelligence factors.

First, parents and teachers should fully understand teenage psychology. On this basis, they can help them to pursue the objective of learning, stimulating their will-power.

The cultivation of non-intelligence factors should also be part of primary education for small children. Parents should attend to these qualities from the very beginning.

Primary and middle schools can open psychology courses to help students overcome the psychological obstacles to their learning, daily lives and recreation.

Which of the following is non-intelligence factor?




D.Learning habit



Passage TwoQuestions 62 to 66 are based on the following passage. Of all the area
s of learning, the most important is the development of attitudes. Emotional reactions as well as logical thought processes affect the behavior. of most people. "The burnt child fears the fire" is one instance; another is the rise of figures like Hitler. Both these examples also point up the fact that attitudes come from experience. In the one case the experience was direct and impressive; in the other it was indirect and gradual. The classroom teacher in the elementary school is in strategic position to influence attitudes. This is true because children acquire attitudes from those adults whose words they respect. It is true that pupils often search somewhat deeply into a subject in school that has only been touched upon at home or has possibly never occurred to them before. To a child who had previously acquired little knowledge of Mexico, his teacher's method of handling such a unit would greatly affect his attitude toward Mexicans. The teacher can develop proper attitudes through social studies, science matters, the very atmosphere of the classroom, etc. However when children come to school with undesirable attitudes, it is unwise to attempt to change their feelings by criticizing them. The teacher can achieve the proper effect by helping them obtain constructive experience. To illustrate, first-grade pupils, afraid of policemen will probably change their attitudes after a classroom talk with the neighborhood officer in which he explains how he protects them. In the same way, a class of older children can develop attitudes through discussion, research, outside reading and all-day trips. Finally, a teacher must constantly evaluate her own attitudes, because her influence can be harmful if she has personal prejudices. This is especially true in respect to controversial issues and questions on which children should be encouraged to reach their own decisions as result of objective analysis of all the facts. 62.Why is the teacher in primary school in strategic position to influence attitudes?

A. Because children tend to believe everything that a teacher says.

B. Because children respect a teacher's words so that they acquire attitudes from him/her.

C. Because the teacher knows how to use compulsive methods to influence attitudes.

D. Because the teacher himseltfherself always has correct attitudes towards everything.



During the adolescence, the development of political ideology becomes apparent in the indi
vidual: ideology here is defined as the presence of roughly consistent attitudes, more or less organized in reference to a more encompassing set of general principles. As such, political ideology is dim or absent at the beginning of adolescence. Its acquisition by the adolescent, in even the most modest sense, requires the acquisition of relatively sophisticated cognitive skills; the ability to manage abstractness, to synthesize and generalize, to imagine the future. These are accompanied by a steady advance in the ability to understand principles.

The child's rapid acquisition of political knowledge also promotes the growth of political ideology during adolescence. By knowledge I mean more than the dull "facts" such as the composition of country government, that the child is exposed to in the conventional ninth-grade school course. Nor do I mean only information on current political realities. These are facts of knowledge, but they are less critical than the adolescent's absorption of a feeling for those many unspoken assumptions about the political system that comprise the common ground of understanding, for example, what the state can "appropriately" demand of its citizens, and vice versa, or the "proper" relationship of government to subsidiary social institutions, such as the schools and churches. Thus, political knowledge is the awareness of social assumptions and relationships as well as of objective facts. Much of the naivete that characterizes the younger adolescent's grasp of politics stems not from an ignorance of "facts" but from an incomplete comprehension of the common conventions of the system, of which is and not customarily done, and of how and why it is or is not done.

Yet I do not want to over-emphasize the significance of increased political knowledge in forming adolescent ideology, Over the years I have become progressively disenchanted about the centrality of such knowledge and have come to believe that much current work in political socialization, by relying too heavily on its apparent acquisition, has been misled about the tempo of political understanding in adolescence. Just as young children can count numbers in series without grasping the principle of ordination, young adolescents may have in their heads many random hits of political information without a secure understanding of those concepts that would give order and meaning to the information.

Children's minds pick up bits and pieces of data, but until the adolescent has grasped the encompassing function that concepts and principles provide, the data remain fragmented, random, disordered.

The author's primary purpose in the text is to ______.

A.clarify the kinds of understanding an adolescent must have in order to develop a political ideology

B.dispute the theory that a political ideology can be acquired during adolescence

C.explain why adolescents are generally uninterested in political arguments

D.suggest various means of encouraging adolescents to develop personal political ideologies



In order to better understand conservatism in China it is essential that one have a grasp
of what the term "Chinese conservatism" means. Chinese conservatism is markedly different from the conservatism of the modem West. The political term "conservative" came about during the French Revolution and inspired men that were determined to preserve Christian and aristocratic elements in European society. Chinese conservatism began around the time of the Taiping Rebellion and had as its primary objectives the preservation of both Confucian society and non-feudal strains of pre-Opium War Chinese society. While western conservatism believes in sacredness of private property and distrust of cosmopolitanism, Chinese conservatism is the defense of rational cosmopolitan order. Thus, the only common area of agreement between European and Chinese conservatism is the intent to conserve.

During the Tung-chih Restoration, the great aim was the revival of Confucian values and institutions. But these aims had to be modified so that they might endure. Restoration statesman had no desire to create a new society--they wanted to restore a society that they believed had been based on truth. The statesman of the Restoration stretched the traditional ideology to its limits in an effort to make the Confucian system work under new conditions. They were true conservatives in a great tradition, living in an age when revolutionary change was unavoidable. The aim of the Restoration was to restore to the original vitality the best of the ancient institutions. During the Restoration, the two immediate problems were the suppression of the rebellion and the stabilization of foreign relations. In addition, the people were striving for a restoration of the system of government by superior civil officials.

The men in the hierarchy of the Restoration rose to prominence through proven ability in both civil and military affairs. They emphasized human and social training--that is, indoctrination, morality, and the art of leadership through the cultivation of character. The great majority of the officials rose through the examination system.

During the chaos of this period the examination system had lost much of its effectiveness. This is imp ortant and must be noted because the examination system was the traditional avenue for selecting officials. The senior officials of the Restoration realized that their politics would be ineffective unless the quality of the junior officials was improved, so it was their politics to weed out the officials who had attained office in irregular ways and to promote the examination system as only way to high position. But these men of the Restoration had enough foresight to determine that it was impossible to select officials automatically on the basis of the objective tests alone. As a result, the system of recommendation was ushered in, whereby a high official sponsored the career of a promising young man. This acted as an important supplement to the examination system.

The traditional method for selecting officials was ______.

A.appointment by the civil government

B.the examination system

C.through a subjective testing system

D.sponsorship by a high government officials



For some students, the objective might be aA.YB.NC.NG

For some students, the objective might be a






A standard exam is a mixture of objective and subjective exams.A.YB.NC.NG

A standard exam is a mixture of objective and subjective exams.






A.An essay examination.B.An objective examination.C.An open-book examination.D.A take-

A.An essay examination.

B.An objective examination.

C.An open-book examination.

D.A take-home examination.

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