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According to Mr Schuman, how many skill areas are there in the world of work?A.less than 4

According to Mr Schuman, how many skill areas are there in the world of work?

A.less than 4,000

B.at least 500

C.at least 5,000

更多“According to Mr Schuman, how many skill areas are there in the world of work?A.less than 4”相关的问题


Which of the following is NOT the reason for the decrease of salmon according to Mr Willia

A.High water temperatures.

B.Shocking twist.

C.Illegal fishing.

D.Officials' failings.



听力原文:M: I shall have to find Mr, Carson and invite him to come over and adjust my tele

W: Maybe it's not your Set. If I were you, I'd have someone else Check it out.

What should the man do according to the woman's suggestion?

A.Buy a new television set.

B.Find another repairman.

C.Use a check to pay.

D.They say about the restaurant.



Hi all,I have been trying to make MR for Maya 4.5 network rendering work properly for a fe

Hi all,

I have been trying to make MR for Maya 4.5 network rendering work properly for a few weeks.

I have a dual processor (with MR for Maya 4.5 final) and a single processor (with MR for Maya 4.5 final and MR 3.1 Stand alone) connected in a LAN through a 3com 812 hub/router. These are the problems I get when I run a render over the network:

— No matter in which PC I start the rendering from command line (mayarender_with_mr) it uses this machine for the rendering heavy process, despite its name doesn't appear in the maya. rayhosts ... so MR always takes the PC where I start the rendering as a rendering node no matter what it's in maya. rayhosts file.

— When I use both PCs for rendering, it freezes in the final gathering computing of any of the first frames (depending how heavy the final gather settings are). No error messages, it just stops.

— Finally when I start the network rendering from the dual Proc PC, it takes more time per frame. using the other node on the network than rendering alone.

Hope you can help me,

thanks for your time

What is wrong according to the following letter?

A.His computer.

B.His processors.

C.His network.

D.His rendering.



听力原文:Hello, my name is Mike Schlichter and I will be your MC for the evening. Our firs
t guest speaker this evening was born and raised here in Cannington Village. He was born here in 1967 and opened his first store in 1988 on Leatherlee Boulevard. Since then, his Omnicraft, Incorporated, has grown continuously and now has stores in five countries : Canada, Korea, Japan, Argentina, and France. He became a millionaire in 1995 and has become a best-selling author and motivational speaker. He is also the proud co-owner of the Cannington Canes of the Western Baseball League. Yet with all of these accolades and achievements, he is still proud to call Cannington Valley home. Ladies and gentlemen, would you please welcome Mr, Robert Crownwald?

According to the speaker, in which of the following countries does Omnicraft, Inc. NOT have its stores?







听力原文: A proud US father has named his son after a computer software term. Jon Blake
Cusack, from Michigan, told local newspapers the US traditional way of adding "Junior" or " II " after a boys name was too common. So, when his son was born last week, he decided on the name Jon Blake Cusack 2.0, as if he were a software upgrade. Mr Cusack admitted that it took months to persuade his wife, Jamie, to accept the idea. Mrs Cusack said she asked several friends whether they can accept this name or not. All the men, she said, felt the name was "cool". However, her women friends did not think so. "I think the women will end up liking it," she said. Mr Cusack told the local newspaper he got the idea from a film called The Legend of 1900, in which an abandoned baby is given the name 1900 to remember the year of its birth. "I thought that if they can do it, why cant we?" he said. After little Jon Version 2.0 was born, Mr Cusack even sent a celebratory email to the family and friends designed to look as though he and his wife had created new software. "I wrote things like there are a lot of new features from Version 1.0 with additional features from Jamie," he said. And he is already planning for his sons future. "If he has a child, he could name it 3.0," he said. Questions 23 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard. 23. What do we know about "Jon Black Cusack 2.0" according to the passage? 24. What do the names of "1900" and "Jon Version 2.0" have in common? 25. What does "Version 1.0" refer to according to the passage?23.

A.They"re both untraditional.

B.They"re to be equally popular.

C.They both tell about the births.

D.They"re both connected with computer.



听力原文:M: Good morning, Mr Carter's office.W: Good morning. May I speak to Mr Carter?M:

听力原文:M: Good morning, Mr Carter's office.

W: Good morning. May I speak to Mr Carter?

M: Speaking. What can I do for you?

W: Well, I noticed that you want ad in the paper yesterday.

M: You mean about my Mercedes?

W: That's right. I noticed it's a 89 and wondered about its condition.

M: Well, it's in great shape. I've been the only driver, and all maintenance has been done according to the dates specified in the service manual.

W: The ad said it has air conditioning, power brakes, power steering, automatic transmission and a convertible top.

M: That's right. I forget to add that the tires and battery are all new, too. It has comprehensive insurance, with coverage for another six months.

W: Do you mind my asking why you're selling the car?

M: Oh, my company is transferring me to France next month. I plan to buy a new one over there.

W: I see. But I noticed you didn't mention any price in the ad.

M: We can negotiate that if you'd like to come see it.

W: That sounds reasonable. I'd like to see the car first. Where do you live?

M: My home address is 235, the 8th Avenue. I'll be home all evening. Come my home after 6:30

W: All right. I'll be there around 7:00.

M: Fine. See you then.

W: Goodbye.

Questions 23-30

•You will hear Mr Carter talking about his car.

•For each question (23-30), mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct answer.

•After you have listened once, replay the recording.

After the conversation, what does the woman still not know?

A.The man's address.

B.The price of the car.

C.The age of the car.



Read the article below about cultural differences between Japanese and American managers.C

Read the article below about cultural differences between Japanese and American managers.

Choose the best sentence to fill in each of the gaps

For each blank 8—12, mark one letter (A—G) on your Answer Sheet.

Do not use any letter more than once.

There is an example at the beginning.

Do It My Way

Cultural differences between Japanese and American managers have presented the biggest obstacle to Japanese companies investing in America.

A seminar for Japanese executives working in America was attended by 25 men, B Despite the room's stifling heating system, they resolutely refused to remove their jackets. Their coffee break lasted exactly the scheduled ten minutes. They did not ask any questions until after they had got to know one another a bit better at lunch. They were usually deferential and always polite.

A similar seminar for 25 Americans working for Japanese subsidiaries in America included eight women. (8)…A ten-minute coffee break stretched beyond 20 minutes. Participants asked questions and several aggressively contradicted what the speakers had to say.

According to Mr Thomas Lifson of Harvard and Mr Yoshihiro Tsurumi of New York's Baruch Colleague—the two main speakers at both seminars—misunderstandings between Japanese and American managers are possible at nearly every encounter. They can begin at the first recruiting interview. A big American company typically hires people to fill particular slots. Its bosses know that Americans are mobile people, who have a limited commitment to any particular employer or part of the country. (9)…American firms hire and hire almost at will.

The assumptions (and the expectations) of the Japanese managers of Japanese subsidiaries in America could hardly be more different. (10)…

American managers rely heavily on number-packed memoranda and the like. The Japanese colleagues prefer informal consultations which lead eventually to a consensus. According to Mr Tsurumi, they find comical the sight of American managers in adjacent offices exchanging memos.

Confronted with a dispute between middle managers (11)… expecting the managers themselves to

resolve the issue. The Americans conclude, wrongly, that their Japanese bosses are indecisive or incompetent. Japanese managers do not share the American belief that conflict is inevitable, and sometimes health-y. They want to believe that (12)…

A Several of the men removed their jackets after entering the room.

B nearly all of them in identical dark suits.

C However, I believe I'm qualified for this position.

D most Japanese superiors refuse to become involved.

E They value the skills joining the company rather than their existing skills.

F employees form. one big happy family.

G Jobs are clearly defined and so are skills needed to fill them.




It might seem a long time off yet but we are steadily moving towards a Community Driving L
icense which will be valid in all member countries of the EEC.(The target date is January 1, 1986.) Mr David Howell will soon be laying draft regulation before Parliament outlining the Government's thinking.

From the beginning of next year, anyone from an EEC country who comes here to live will be able to exchange his or her driving license for a British one-provided that apply within their first year of residence. The same provisions would apply to British people moving to other EEC countries. The regulations will not affect the present arrangement which enable visitors and new residents from other countries to drive here as ordinary license holders for up to a year on a foreign license.

Mr Howell plans minimum standards for health and driving tests which, lie says, provide a satisfactory basis for the exchange of license. Applicants for British licenses will have to meet the same medical standards as British drivers.

"We have taken special measures to safeguard standards as far as Heavy Good and Public Service Vehicles are concerned," said Mr Howell. "In addition to an appropriate license, applicants will have to supply proof of recent driving experience on suitable vehicles."

Mr Howell is seeking the comments of motoring and transport organizations on his proposals. But he has turned his back on one of the EEC Directive's plans for a photograph to be included in a common format of license. "We regard the inclusion of a photograph as incompatible with our concept of lifetime licensing and will not be using photographs in the UK license."

Other changes affecting driving licenses are to start on October 1. From that date, anyone who takes out a provisional license or a first full license will pay a fee of £ 10 which will cover the conversion of the provisional to a full license after passing the driving test. A fee of £3 will be payable for a duplicate license and for an exchange license (when an additional group of licences was added). And they will run until the holder's seventeenth birthday.

According to the Department of Transport, the average new driver takes out a provisional license twice before qualifying for a full license, at a total cost of Cc 9 under the current scales.

From October 1 also, provisional licenses to rise motor-bicycles (other than mopeds) will be limited to two years: anyone who has not passed both parts of the test within that period will have to wait one year before be can legally fide again.

From 1983, EEC drivers may drive in Britain ______.

A.if they apply for a British license immediately

B.when they arrive in the country

C.only if they are new residents

D.provided they are only visitors



听力原文: Robert Lyon, who is the fund manager, is a strict value investor. He made severa
l successful investments in the past few years. Recently, Business Week's report got a chance to talk with him on investing in Europe.

Now, Mr Lyon, can you tell us the advantages of buying stocks in Europe vs. in U.S.?

First, the price-earning ratio on European stocks is at about 30% to 40% discount to U.S. stocks -- as big as it has been in the last 30 years. Second, the euro at 87 cents to the dollar is a competitive plus. Investors will earn more money in Europe in the next 12 months than they will in the Standard &Poor's 500-stock index.

Do you target specific countries when you compile your European portfolio?

Traditionally, people would try to pick the best currency block or the best country. But we are the opposite of the traditional global investor. What we are looking for is a great global competitor. Nestle is considered as the best food company in the world and Disgeo as the best drink company. We would like m own their stock.

What's the fund's biggest holding?

A company from Belgium called Group Bruxelles Lambert(GBL). It is really a holding company and has big investments in two French companies. In addition, it also holds a 25% interest in Bertelsmann, the private German media group. Along with the 25% interest, it got the right to force Bertelsmann to have a public offering no later than 2005. We believe that Bertelsmann is worth between $25 billion and $35 billion. When Bertelsmann does go public in the next few years, we would expect GBL to increase by at least 50%.

Do you think that Europe's economy will have a pickup?

Not really. Most strategists favor more cyclically sensitive companies, anticipating that economic improvement in the U.S. will filter through Europe and lead to a rebound. Our view is that the recovery in Europe will not be that strong and a lot of those stocks have already moved up.

How do you break down Europe on a country-by-country basis?

Germany and France are really falling short. There has been a lot of backtracking in terms of willingness to lower taxes, enhance transparency, and encourage shareholders democracy. Britain and Scandinavia are well ahead of France and Germany. The Italians are making some more capitalist-type noise, which is also creating a lot of labor unrest. Spain has been growing steadily. Britain is expected to slow down but isn't really slowing that much.

Can you say something about the euro, Mr Lyon?

Well, the euro is probably a cheap currency. Academic models put its value at from 95 cents to $1.10. On the other hand, the euro is still a synthetic currency. Hopefully, the euro won't go any lower. It doesn't seem to have benefited European countries' trade situation. They have a current-account surplus with the U.S. but the euro doesn't seem to be a huge competitive weapon for them.

•You will hear an interview with Mr Lyon, a fund manager, by a reporter from Business Week.

•For each question 23-30, mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct answer.

•You will hear the recording twice.

According to Mr Lyon, one of the advantages of buying stocks in Europe is

A.the European stocks are higher than that of U.S.

B.the price-earning ratio is lower than that of U.S.

C.the euro has a lower value than dollar.



?Read the article below about a website.?Are sentences 16-22 on the opposite page 'Right'

? Read the article below about a website.

? Are sentences 16-22 on the opposite page 'Right' or 'Wrong'? If there is not enough information to answer 'Right' or 'Wrong', choose 'Doesn't Say'.

? For each sentence 16-22, mark one letter (A, B or C) on your Answer Sheet.

Here we Google again

Google dominates the Internet-search business, such as Netscape once ruled in Web browsers and RealNetworks did in media players. Begun as a research project by two graduate students in 1998, Google today carries out more than 200 million searches a day and is estimated to have had $1 billion income last year, mainly from advertising sector.

It is the most visited search site, accounting for 35% of search-engine visits — compared with 28% for Yahoo, 16% for AOL and 15% for Microsoft's MSN, according to comScore Networks, a market-research company. But that masks its true influence. Google's technology is used to power searches on other sites, such as Yahoo and AOL (though Yahoo plans to use its own technology soon). Taking this into account makes Google responsible for around 80% of all Internet searches. The company is now preparing for a stock market flotation in the next few months.

Google's power makes it just the sort of company that Microsoft typically tries to squash. At the World Economic Forum in Davos last week, Mr Gates admitted that Google's search technology was "way better" than Microsoft's, and identified Internet search as a key focus for his company.

Google, Netscape and RealNetworks all play a very important role in their own field.



C.Doesn't Say

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