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阅读材料,回答题: Long bus RideLong bus rides are like television shows. They have A.begi


Long bus Ride

Long bus rides are like television shows. They have A.beginning, amiddle, and an end--with commercials thrown in every three or four minutes. The commercials are unavoidable. Theyhappen whether you want them or not. Every couple of minutes A.billB.oard glides by outside thebus window. "buy Super Clean Toothpaste. " "Drink Good&39;n Wet Root beer. " "Fill up with Pa-cificGas. " Only if you sleep, which is equal to turning the television set off, are you spared theunending cry of "You Need It! buy It Now!"

The beginning of the ride is comfortaB.le and somewhat exciting, even if you&39;ve traveled thatway before. Usually some things have changed--new houses, new buildings, sometimes even anew road. The bus driver has A.style. of driving and it&39;s fun to try to figure it out the first hour orso. If the driver is particularly reckless or daring, the ride can be as thrilling as A.suspense story.

Will the driver pass the truck in time? Will the driver move into the right or the left-hand lane?

After awhile, of course, the excitement dies down. Sleeping for awhile helps pass the middlehours of the ride. Food always makes bus rides more interesting. but you&39;ve got to be careful ofwhat kind of food you eat. Too much salty food can make you very thirsty between stops.

The end of the ride is somewhat like the beginning. You know it will soon be over and there&39;sakind of expectation and excitement in that. The seat, of course, has become harder as the hourshave passed. by now you&39;ve sat with your legs crossed, with your hands crossed behind your head.

The end comes just at the right time. There are just no more ways to sit.

According to the passage, what do the passengers usually see when they are on A.long bus trip? 查看材料

A.B.uses on the road

B.films on television

C.advertisements on the board

D.gas stations

更多“阅读材料,回答题: Long bus RideLong bus rides are like television shows. They have A.begi”相关的问题


阅读材料,回答题。 Mind Those Manners on the Subway? So, there you are, just sitting there


Mind Those Manners on the Subway?

So, there you are, just sitting there in the subway car, enjoying that book you just bought. 46Or the person sitting next to you takes out a nail clipper (指甲刀) and begins cutting his or her nails. Annoying?Many of us have to spend some time every day on public transportation47So, to make the trip more pleasant, we suggest the following : Let passengers get off the bus or subway car before you can get on48Stand away from the doors when they are closing. Don&39;t talk loudly on a bus or subway.Chatting loudly with your friends can be annoying to others49Don&39;t think your bags and suitcases (手提箱 ) deserve a seat of their own.Use a tissue whenever you cough or sneeze (打喷嚏) .An uncovered sneeze can spread germs (细菌 ) , especially in crowded places.Don&39;t cut your nails or pick your nose on public transportation. Don&39;t read over other people&39;s shoulder50it can make people uncomfortable.They might think you&39;re too stingy(小气的 ) even to buy a newspaper or they might think you&39;re judging their behavior.

请在第__(46)__处填上正确答案。 查看材料

A.Don"t eat food in your car.

B.Don"t shout into your mobile phone on a bus or subway.

C.We all know that some behaviors are simply unacceptable

D.Many people do this on subways, but it"s really annoying

E.Getting off and on in an orderly manner can save time for all.

F.Suddenly, you feel someone leaning over your shoulder reading something with you



阅读材料,回答题: Natural MedicinesSince earliest days, humans have used some kinds of me


Natural Medicines

Since earliest days, humans have used some kinds of medicines. We know this because hu-mans have survived. Ancient treatments for injury and disease were successful enough to keep hu-mans from dying out completely.

They were successful long before the time of modem medicine. Before the time of doctorswith white coats and shiny (发亮的)nstruments. Before the time of big hospitals with strangeand wonderful equipment.

Many parts of the world still do not have university-educated doctors. Nor do they have ex-pensive hospitals. Yet injuries are treated. And diseases are often cured. How? By ancient meth-ods. By medicines that might seem mysterious, even magical (有魔力的)Traditional medicinesare neither mysterious nor magical, however.

Through the centuries, tribal (部落的) medicine men experimented with plants. They foundmany useful chemicals in the plants. And scientists believe many of these traditional medicinesmay provide the cure for some of today&39;s most serious diseases.

Experts say almost 80% of the people in the world use plants for health care. These naturalmedicines are used not just because people have no other form. of treatment. They are used be-cause people trust them. In developed areas, few people think about the source of the medicinesthey buy in a store. Yet many widely-used medicines are from ancient sources, especially plants.Some experts say more than 25 % of modem medicines come, in one way or another, from nature.

Scientists have long known that nature is really a chemical factory. All living things containchemicals that help them survive. So scientists&39; interest in traditional medicine is not new. But ithas become an urgent concern. This is because the earth&39;s supply of natural medicines may bedropping rapidly.

The passage indicates that ancient treatments for injury and disease were 查看材料

A.much more successful than modem ones

B.successful enough for humans to survive

C.successful in all cases

D.of little help to humans



阅读材料,回答题: Late-Night DrinkingCoffee lovers beware. Having aquick" pick-me-up


Late-Night Drinking

Coffee lovers beware. Having aquick" pick-me-up" cup of coffee late in the day will playhavocwith your sleep. As well as being astimulant, caffeine interrupts the flow of melatonin, theB.rain hormone that sends people into asleep.

Melatonin levels normally start to rise about two hours before bedtime. Levels then peak be-tween 2 am and 4 am, before failing again. "It&39;s the neurohormone that controls our sleep tells ourB.ody when to sleep and when to wake, "says Maurice Ohayon of the Stanford Sleep EpidemiologyResearch Center at Stanford University in California. but researchers in Israel have found that caf-feinated coffee halves the body&39;s levels of this sleep hormone.

Lotan Shilo and ateam at the Sapir Medical Center in Tel Aviv University found that six vol-unteers slept less well after acup of caffeinated coffee than after drinking the same amount of de-caf. On average, subjects slept 336 minutes per night after drinking caffeinated coffee, comparedwith 415 minutes after decaf. They also took half an hour to drop off--twice as long as usual--andjigged around in bed twice as much.

In the second phase of the experiment, the researchers woke the volunteers every three hoursand asked them to give aurine sample. Shilo measured concentrations of abreakdown product ofmelatonin. The results suggest that melatonin concentrations in caffeine drinkers were half those indecaf drinkers. In apaper accepted for publication in Sleep Medicine, the researchers suggest thatcaffeine blocks production of the enzyme that drives tnelatonin production.

because it can take many hours to eliminate caffeine from the body, Ohayon recommends thatcoffee lovers switch to decaf after lunch.

The author mentions" pick-me-up" to indicate that__________. 查看材料

A.melatonin levels need to be raised

B.neurohormone can wake us up

C.coffee is astimulant

D.decaf is acaffeinated coffee



阅读材料,回答题: A Biological ClockEvery living thing has what scientists call a b


A Biological ClockEvery living thing has what scientists call a biological clock that controls behavior. The bio- logical clock tells______ (51 )when to form. flowers and when the flowers should open. It tells ______ (52) when to leave the protective cocoons and fly away, and it tells animals and human beings when to eat, sleep and wake.

Events outside the plant and animal ______ (53)the actions of some biological clocks. Scientists recendy found, for example, that a tiny animal changes the color of its fur______(54) the number of hours of daylight. In the short______(55) of winter, its fur becomes white. The fur becomes gray brown in color in the longer hours of daylight in summer,

Inner signals control other biological docks, german scientists found that some kind of internal clock seems to order birds to begin their long migration(56) twice each year. Birds______ (57) flying become restless when it is time for the trip, ______(58)they become calm again when the time of the flight has ended.

Scientists say they are beginning to learn which______ (59) of the brain contain biological clocks. An American researcher, Martin Moorhead, said a small group of cells near the front of the brain ______ (60) to control the timing of some of our actions. These______ (61) tell a person when to______ (62), when to sleep and when to seek food. Scientists say there probably are other biological clock cells that control other body activities.

Dr. Moorhead is studying ______ (63)our biological clocks affect the way we do our work. For example, most of us have great difficulty if we must often change to different work hours.

______ (64) can take many days for a human body to accept the major change in work hours. Dr. Moorhead said industrial officials should have a better understanding of biological clocks and how they affect workers. He said______ (65) understanding could cut sickness and accidents at work and would help increase a factory"s production.

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回答题. Focus on You r Customer The first paragraph indicates that loyal


Focus on You r Customer The first paragraph indicates that loyal customers 查看材料

A.help reduce costs of the company.

B.are quite common around the world.

C.produce huge profits.

D.are costly to develop.



阅读材料,回答题。 The Public Health System One of the biggest changes since 1990 is the d


The Public Health System

One of the biggest changes since 1990 is the degree to which bioterrorism has become a public health priority.Although there had long been concern about vulnerability to biowarfare and bioterrorism the anthrax episode in the fall of 2001 made it clear that the concern is no longer theoretical.Until very recently, the important role of public health at the frontlines of bioterrorism preparedness was unrecognized.Although concern about emerging infections has helped stimulate funding for the chronically under-appreciated public health system, the threat of bioterrorism motivated the first real infusion of new money into public health in


Many of the capabilities needed to defend against bioterrorism are the same: as those needed to combat natural emerging infections.In both instance, the problem is an unexpected outbreak of infectious disease, of which the first indication is likely to be sick people in emergency rooms or clinics.Indeed, as with the anthrax attacks, the public health and medical responses may be under way before the true nature of the outbreak is recognized. Public health and the interface with the health care system are therefore key elements in any effective response to bioterrorism.

Whether the biggest threat is natural or engineered much remains to be done.Efforts to strengthen surveillance and response worldwide and to improve communication must be accelerated and sustained.Further,we have only scratched the surface in terms of understanding the ecology of infectious diseases and developing strategies for regulating microbial traffic.We need tools for better predictive epidemiologic modeling when a new infection first appears and for better analysis of the factors that transfer pathogens across species.One encouraging development is the program in the ecology of infections diseases that was started a few years ago be the National Science Foundation in cooperation with NIH.

SARS is a good yardstick of our progress during the past 13 years.The syndrome was unusual because novel infections that spread from person to person are relatively rare.Once cases were finally reported, the public health response was vigorous.WHO warned health care providers, researchers rapidly identified a candidate virus, and prototype diagnostic tests quickly became available.The vast reach of the Internet was instrumental in sharing formation and coordinating activities worldwide.Despite these advances, SARS had already spread to many countries.In fact had the disease been as transmissible as influenza, it would have invaded virtually every country in the world by the time the public health response had begun.So what SARS tells us is that although we have come long way since 1990, we still have a long way to go.

The main idea expressed in the first paragraph is that__________. 查看材料

A.the threat of bioterrorism is real rather than theoretical

B.the concern about bio-warfare and bioterrorism has been justified

C.the public health system plays an important role in fighting against bioterrorism

D.bioterrorism has to a considerable degree become a public health priority



阅读材料,回答题。 The Drink Your Body Needs Most 1. Our bodies are estimated to be about


The Drink Your Body Needs Most

1. Our bodies are estimated to be about 60% to 70% water.Blood is mostly water and our muscles, lungs, and brain all contain a lot of water.Water is needed to regulate body temperature and to provide the means for nutrients (滋养物 ) to travel to all our organs.Water also transports oxygen to our cells, removes waste, and protects our joints and organs.

2. We lose water through urination (排尿) , respiration (呼吸) , and by sweating.If you are very active,you lose more water than if you do not take much exercise, Symptoms of mild dehydration (脱水 ) include chronic pains in joints and muscles, lower back pain, headaches, and constipation (便秘) . A strong smell to your urine, along with a yellow color indicates that you are not getting enough water. Thirst is all obvious sign of dehydration and in fact, you need water long before you feel thirsty.

3.A good rule of thumb (好的做法 ) is to take your body weight in pounds and divide that number in half.That gives you the number of ounces (盎司 ) of water per day that you need.For example, if you weigh 160 pounds, you should drink at least 80 ounces of water per day,If you exercise you should drink another 8 ounces glass of water for every 20 minutes you are active. If you drink coffee or alcohol, you should add at least an equal amount of water.When you are traveling on an airplane, it is good to have 8 ounces of water for every hour you are on board the plane.

4. It may be difficult to drink enough water on a busy day. Be sure you have water handy at all times by keeping a bottle for water with you when you are working, traveling, or exercising.If you get bored with plain water, add a bit of lemon for a touch of flavor.There are some brands of flavored water available, but some of them have sugar or artificial sweeteners that you don&39;t need.

Paragraph 1__________. 查看材料

A.Ounces of Water Needed Per Day

B.Importance of Water

C.Composition of Water

D.Signs of Dehydration

E.Supply of Water

F.Necessity for Bringing a Bottle for WATER WITH YOU



阅读材料,回答题。 High Blood PressureThere is evidence that the usual variety of high blo


High Blood Pressure

There is evidence that the usual variety of high blood pressure is,in part,a familial disease.Since families have similar genes as well as similar environment,familial diseases could be due to shared genetic influences,to shared environmental factors,or to both.For some years,the role of one environmental factor commonly shared by families,namely dietary salt,has been studied at Brook—haven National Laboratory.These studies suggest that chronic excess salt ingestion(摄取)can lead to high blood pressure in man and animals.Some individuals,however,and some rats consume large amounts of salt without developing high blood pressure.No matter how strictly all environmental factors were controlled in these experiments,some salt-fed animals never develop hypertension(高血压)whereas a few rapidly developed very severe hypertensions followed by early death.These marked variations were interpreted to result from differences in genetic constitution.

By mating in successive generations only those animals that failed to develop hypertension from salt ingestion,a resistant strain(the R strain)has been evolved in which consumPtion of large quantities of salt fails to influence the blood pressure significantly.In contrast,by mating only animals that quickly develop hypertension from salt,a sensitive strain(the S strain)has also been developed.

The availability of these two strains permits investigations not therefore possible.They provide a plausible laboratory model on which to investigate some clinical aspects of the human developing methods by which genetic susceptibility(敏感性)of human beings to high blood pressure can be defined without waiting for its appearance.

The main idea of this passage is__________. 查看材料

A.Genetic constitution,or hereditary factor is all important factor that may underlie hypertension

B.Excessive use of salt may cause high blood pressure

C.Shared environmental factors may lead to familial disease

D.There are two different kinds of strains in animals which cause their different reactions to excess salt ingestion



根据下面短文内容,回答题。 Caribbean Islands 第46题___________


Caribbean Islands

第46题___________ 查看材料

A.But life on the Caribbean Islands is not always paradise.

B.The earliest name used by Europeans is the Indies, later changed to the West Indies.

C.They"re like a long necklace that stretches between North and South America.

D.They are Cuba, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, and Hispaniola.

E.This is why millions of tourists visit the islands each year.

F.Some of these islands are no more than tiny slivers (小片) of exposed coral.



根据下面材料,回答题。 Mind Those Manners on the SubwaySo, there you are, just sitting th


Mind Those Manners on the Subway

So, there you are, just sitting there in the subway car, enjoying that book you just bought.

____46____ Or, the person sitting next to you takes out a nail clipper (指甲刀) and begins cutting his or her nails.

Annoying? Many of us have to spend some time every day on public transportation.____47____ So, to make the trip more pleasant, we suggest the following:

Let passengers get off the bus or subway car before you can get on.____48____

Stand away from the doors when they are closing.

Don&39;t talk loudly on a bus or subway. Chatting loudly with your friends can be annoying to others.____49____

Don&39;t think your bags and suitcases (手提箱) deserve a seat of their own.

Use a tissue whenever you cough or sneeze (打喷嚏). An uncovered sneeze can spread germs(细菌), especially in crowded places.

Don&39;t cut your nails or pick your nose on public transportation.

Don&39;t read over other people&39;s shoulder.____50____ It can make people uncomfortable. They might think you&39;re too stingy (小气的) even to buy a newspaper. Or they might think you&39;re judging their behavior.

第46题__________ 查看材料

A.Don"t eat food in your car.

B.Don"t shout into your mobile phone on a bus or subway.

C.We all know that some behaviors are simply unacceptable.

D.Many people do this on subways, but it"s really annoying.

E.Getting off and on in an orderly manner can save time for all.

F.Suddenly, you feel someone leaning over your shoulder reading along with you.

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