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What time is Mr Toyoda's flight?A.B.C.

What time is Mr Toyoda's flight?

What time is Mr Toyoda's flight?A.B.C.What time is




更多“What time is Mr Toyoda's flight?A.B.C.”相关的问题


What time will Mr Johnstone arrive?A.B.C.

What time will Mr Johnstone arrive?

What time will Mr Johnstone arrive?A.B.C.What time






听力原文:M: Which one do you prefer the look of?W: Well, the Toyo's got a nicer shape. But

听力原文:M: Which one do you prefer the look of?

W: Well, the Toyo's got a nicer shape. But I like the color of the Smith better.

What does the woman mean?

A.She prefers the color of the Smith.

B.She prefers the Toyo.

C.She doesn't like the Smith.



Hi all,I have been trying to make MR for Maya 4.5 network rendering work properly for a fe

Hi all,

I have been trying to make MR for Maya 4.5 network rendering work properly for a few weeks.

I have a dual processor (with MR for Maya 4.5 final) and a single processor (with MR for Maya 4.5 final and MR 3.1 Stand alone) connected in a LAN through a 3com 812 hub/router. These are the problems I get when I run a render over the network:

— No matter in which PC I start the rendering from command line (mayarender_with_mr) it uses this machine for the rendering heavy process, despite its name doesn't appear in the maya. rayhosts ... so MR always takes the PC where I start the rendering as a rendering node no matter what it's in maya. rayhosts file.

— When I use both PCs for rendering, it freezes in the final gathering computing of any of the first frames (depending how heavy the final gather settings are). No error messages, it just stops.

— Finally when I start the network rendering from the dual Proc PC, it takes more time per frame. using the other node on the network than rendering alone.

Hope you can help me,

thanks for your time

What is wrong according to the following letter?

A.His computer.

B.His processors.

C.His network.

D.His rendering.



听力原文:W: Hello, may I speak to Mr Green?M: Speaking.W: Good evening, Mr Green. This is

听力原文:W: Hello, may I speak to Mr Green?

M: Speaking.

W: Good evening, Mr Green. This is Julia.

M: Good evening, Julia.

W: I wish to tell you that a visit to the Great Wall has been decided. I wonder if you'd like to go.

M: Certainly. I've been looking forward to it. What time are we leaving?

W: Tomorrow morning at eight. We'll gather at the gate of the hotel at a quarter to eight. Please try to be ready before that time.

M: I will. Thank you. Is that all?

W: Yes, that's it. Good-bye.

M: Good-bye.

What has the man been looking forward to?

A.A film about the Great Wall.

B.A visit to the Great Wall.

C.A talk on the Great Wall.



听力原文:M: Now Miss Cox, can we just go through the arrangements for my trip to Chicago?
Have you booked a flight?

W: Mr Kerr, I have. You're flying with American Airlines on 23 June. The flight leaves at 9 a. m.

Questions 1-8

?For questions 1-8 you will hear eight short recordings.

?For each question, mark one letter (A, B, or C).

?After you have listened once, replay each recording.

What time will the flight leave?






听力原文:W: Now, Mr White, did you see the accident clearly?M: Oh, yes, I was standing out

听力原文:W: Now, Mr White, did you see the accident clearly?

M: Oh, yes, I was standing outside my house.

W: Do you remember what time it happened?

M: Yes, it was 4: 30 by my watch.

W: Good. Now, was the truck going fast?

M: Yes. Well, perhaps the driver thought the light was changing to green. But it was red.

W: Are you sure, Mr. White?

M: Yes, absolutely sure.

W: Then the truck hit the taxi, did it?

M: Yes, with much noise. Then I called the police.

W: Well, thanks a lot, Mr. White. Good-bye.

M: Good-bye.

8.What are the two speakers talking about?

9.What did the man tell the woman?

10.Who called the police?


A.A fight in the street.

B.A traffic accident.

C.A damaged house.

D.A dead driver.



Mr White lived in Florida and owned a company there. Some computers were made in his compa
ny. He was nice to his employees (雇员) and often had a joke with them. They liked him very much and worked hard. So he paid them a lot.

The man had lots of work to do and often went to bed late at night. His friends advised him to do some exercise. He thought he was strong and didn't agree with them. But one day he fell in a faint (晕倒) while he was working in his office. He was sent to a hospital at once and the doctors examined him carefully. They found something was wrong with his heart and he had to be in hospital. Several months later he returned home and asked his son to manage the company.

Once his daughter wanted to travel in Australia. The old man decided to go there with her. As he went to the country for the first time, he was interested in all. He played well, had a good sleep and visited some places of interest. And one day they visited a farm. It was big and beautiful. Cows and sheep could be seen everywhere.

Pointing to a cow, Mr White asked, "What's this?"

"Haven't you seen a cow?" the guide asked surprisely.

"Cow?" Mr White said with a smile. "A cow in our country is five times (倍) as big as it!"

Having heard this, all the visitors began to laugh. After a while he saw a kangaroo (袋鼠) and asked again, "What's that?"

"It's flea (跳蚤), sir," answered the guide.

The employees worked hard because______.

A.Mr White was kind to them

B.Mr White had a company

C.Mr White often had a joke with them

D.they liked to use computers



听力原文:A: Beijing City Tour Information Services, May I help you?B: Yes. This is Mr Harr

听力原文:A: Beijing City Tour Information Services, May I help you?

B: Yes. This is Mr Harris from Australia. I'd like to visit some of the historic and scenic spots in Beijing. Could you suggest some and tell me their whereabouts?

A: Sure. But can you first tell me where you are staying and how long you plan to sightsee in Beijing?

B: I'm staying at the Beijing Hotel. I'll be in the city for 2 days.

A: Mr. Harris, your street is in Chang'an Street near 'Tian'anmen Square. So it would be a good idea if you visit Tian'anmen Square first. Then, in the north of the square is the Palace Museum.

B: Palace Museum? Is it a new museum?

A: No, it used to be known as the Forbidden City.

B: I see. Then how long do you think I need to see the two places? Half a day? Is that time enough?

A: Well, you need at least half a day to see both Tian'anmen Square and the Palace Museum.

B: I see. Then what about tomorrow?

A: I'd like to recommend the Summer Palace and Yuanmingyuan. Both of them are in the northwest suburbs of Beijing.

B: What's interesting there?

A: The Summer Palace is famous for its beautiful scenery, large lake, and green hills dotted with colorful pavilions. Yuanmingyuan has plenty of historic rains. They are worth seeing, not to be missed.

B: How can I get there?

A: It's easy. You can either take No. 101 bus from your hotel, or walk for a few minutes to an underground station in Chang' an Street. Or to save a lot of time, you can take the shuttle bus. It is just around the comer from your hotel. The shuffle bus will take you directly to the Summer Palace. But it's more expensive than taking the bus or the underground.


A.He wants to know what interesting places to visit and how to get there.

B.He is lost and can't find the Palace Museum.

C.He doesn't know the way back to the Beijing Hotel.

D.He needs a tour guide to help him sightsee Beijing.



Where is Mr Ringwood at the time of the call?A.in the officeB.at a meetingC.at lunch

Where is Mr Ringwood at the time of the call?

A.in the office

B.at a meeting

C.at lunch



听力原文:F: Hi, welcome to the New Horizon. Our guest today is Bruce Schuman, who runs a j
ob advising center in the city. Now, Mr Schuman, many people find it not easy to find a good job. One of the reasons for this is that they don't know how to write a good resume. So can you tell us what the purpose of a resume is?

M: Well, the main purpose of a resume is to convince an employer to give you a chance for an interview. Generally, there are two kinds of resume. One is familiar to us, the one we call "tombstone". This kind of resume lists your educational background and working experience in time order. The other one "Functional" is more descriptive and fun to read. It may bring more opportunities for an interview.

F: I see. But from the prospective employers you have met, which is used more often?

M: It's convenient to have "tombstone" for certain occasions. But many prospective employers throw away most of these unrequested "tombstone" lists, preferring to interview the applicants with the lively resume rather than the dead one.

F: Can you give us some idea on how to write a functional resume that will get read?

M: As a matter of fact, it's not so difficult to write a resume that makes you come alive and look interesting to employers. First of all, in order to write a resume others will read with enthusiasm, you have to feel important about yourself. Then, try to sell what you can do rather than who you are. Translate your personality traits, character, accomplishments and achievements into skill areas. Believe it or not, there are at least five thousand skill areas in the world of work.

F: Another point is that most people tend to be modest when writing a resume. What do you think of that?

M: That's a good question. Many people think they don't have any ability. What we should remember is that everyone has ability and maybe one of yours is just what an employer is looking for if only you show it.

F: In the job market today, there are some women who want to return to salaried employment when they no longer want to be a housewife. Do you have any suggestions for them?

M: Well, if you are returning to the work force after fifteen years as a parent, simply write a short paragraph, like a summary of background in place of list of experience in time order. Don't apologize for working as a mother; it's the hardest job of all.

F: It seems that many people have no idea about how to find personal accomplishment. How do you think of this?

M: There is nothing special in it. You can simply take four or five hours off and write down every accomplishment in your life, on or off the job; that made you effective and unique. Study the list and try to spot patterns. In the process of doing so, you will identify your remarkable skills. Once you discover patterns, give names to your cluster of accomplishments, for instance, leadership skills, budget management skills, child development skills, etc.

F: Writing a resume is really a complicated job.

M: It really is. It may take four drafts or more and several weeks before you are ready to show it to a stranger for reaction. When you are satisfied, print it instead of photocopying it because it shows an employer that you regard job hunting as serious work, worth doing right.

F: Thank you, Mr Schuman. Those are really helpful advice.

?You will hear an interview with Mr Schuman, a job recruitment advisor.

?For each question 23-30, mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct answer.

?You will hear the interview twice.

The purpose of a resume is

A.to get a chance for an interview.

B.to get a job.

C.to convince the employer.

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