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() tomorrow's lessons, Frank has no time to go out with his friends.A. Not prepari

() tomorrow's lessons, Frank has no time to go out with his friends.

A. Not preparing

B. Not having prepared

C. Not to prepare

D. Being not prepared

更多“() tomorrow's lessons, Frank has no time to go out with his friends.A. Not prepari”相关的问题


Electronic TeachingThe potential of closed-circuit television and other new electronic tea

Electronic Teaching

The potential of closed-circuit television and other new electronic teaching tools is so great that it is fascinating to visualize "the school of tomorrow"

Televised lessons will originate from a central building having perhaps four or five master studios. The lessons will be carried into classrooms all over a city, or even an entire country.

After a televised lesson has been given, the classroom teacher will take over for the all-important "follow-up" period. The students will ask any troublesome questions, and difficult points will be cleared up through discussion.

The teacher in the classroom will have additional electronic tools. On the teacher's desk, the traditional chalk and erasers will have been replaced by a multiple-control panel and magnetic tape player. The tape machines will run pre-recorded lessons which pupils will follow by headphones. The lessons will be specifically geared to the students' levels of ability. For instance, while the class as a whole studies history, each student will receive an individual history lesson, directed to his particular level of ability.

Should question arise, the students will be able to talk directly to the teacher on individual "intercoms" without disturbing the rest of the class. In this way, the teacher will be able to conduct as many as three classes at the same time.

With the rapid development of computer science, students will be aided with specially prepared multimedia software to study their subjects better. Homework will possibly be assigned and handed in via electronic mail system. Students can even take examinations on their computer linked with the teacher's and get the score instantly. They will get certificates or diplomas if they pass all the required examinations. Experts believe that this type of education will be very popular in the years ahead.

In paragraph one, what does "the school of tomorrow" mean?

A.The school with a central building.

B.The school with four or five master studios.

C.The school with television.

D.The school with televised lessons and electronic teaching tools.



The dean of our department won't ______a lesson tomorrow morning, because he has asked for
a sick leave.

A.be given

B.be giving

C.have given

D.have been giving




A.He isn’t going to see a film this Sunday

B.Is she going to have an English lesson tomorrow

C.Where are you going to next weekend

D.Joe and George will go to the Science Museum this Saturday



The potential of closed-circuit television and other electronic teaching tools is so great
that it is inspiring to imagine "the school of tomorrow". Televised lesson will be given in a central building having perhaps four or five master studios. The lesson will be carried out into classrooms all over a city, or even an entire country. After a televised lesson has been given, the classroom teacher will take over for the all-important "follow-up" period. The students will ask any troublesome questions, and difficult points will be cleared up through discussion. The teacher in the classroom will have additional electronic tools. On the teachers desk, the traditional bright red apple will have been replaced by a multiple-control panel (控制板) and magnetic tape players. The tape machines will run prerecorded lessons which pupils will follow by headphones. The lesson will be specifically connected closely to the students levels of ability. For instance, while the class as a whole studies history, each student will receive an individual history lesson directed to his particular level of ability. Should questions arise, the students will be able to talk directly to the teacher on individual "intercoms" (对讲装置) without disturbing the rest of the class. In this way, the teacher will be able to conduct as many as three classes at the same time.

The closed-circuit television will probably carry lessons to______.

A.only a single classroom in the school

B.all the schools with classrooms

C.all the classrooms in the world

D.all the classrooms in a city or a country



听力原文:M: Do you want to go to the movies tonight?W: I can't. I have to review my lesson

听力原文:M: Do you want to go to the movies tonight?

W: I can't. I have to review my lessons.

M: Are you having a test tomorrow?

W: Yes. We're having our mid-term exam.

M: I wish you good luck.

W: Thanks. But I'm a little nervous.

M: Nervous? You used to study very well.

W: But I haven't studied for a long time.

Why didn't the girl go to the movies?

A.She had to review her lessons.

B.She had seen the movie before.

C.She didn't want to go with the boy.



Today let's learn ______ . A.One Lesson B.the One Lesson C.First Lesson D.Lesson One

A.A.One Lesson

B.B.the One Lesson

C.C.First Lesson

D.D.Lesson One



What's the most important lesson she was learning?A.Learning English and Drama.B.Learning

What's the most important lesson she was learning?

A.Learning English and Drama.

B.Learning how to make sound judgments.

C.Learning how to teach minority students.

D.Learning to perceive, not to judge.



According to the passage,who do you think learnt a lesson?A.SonnyB.Sonny's fatherC.Neither

According to the passage,who do you think learnt a lesson?


B.Sonny's father




What's the most important lesson Ethbell is learning?A.She is learning English and Drama.B

What's the most important lesson Ethbell is learning?

A.She is learning English and Drama.

B.She is learning how to make sound judgments.

C.She is learning how to teach minority students.

D.She is learning to perceive, not to judge.



One of the most surprising things is that ____may come from petroleum.

A.much of tomorrow food

B.many of tomorrow's food

C.much of the food of tomorrow

D.much of tomorrow's food



A.The woman wants to attend tomorrow's show.B.There aren't any tickets left for tonigh

A.The woman wants to attend tomorrow's show.

B.There aren't any tickets left for tonight's show.

C.There aren't any tickets left for tomorrow's show.

D.The woman doesn't want to attend tomorrow's show.

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