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By using the phrase "the human quality of technology", the author refers to the fact that


A.has a great impact on human life

B.has some characteristics of human nature

C.can replace some aspects of the human mind

D.does not exist in the natural world

更多“By using the phrase "the human quality of technology", the author refers to the fact that”相关的问题


By using the phrase "the human quality of technology"(Line 5, Para. 2), the author refers

By using the phrase "the human quality of technology"(Line 5, Para. 2), the author refers to the fact that technology______.

A.has a great impact on human life

B.has some characteristics of human nature

C.can replace some aspects of the human mind

D.does not exist in the natural world



By using the phrase "stay tuned for good news" (Line 5, Para. 3) the author wants us to __

By using the phrase "stay tuned for good news" (Line 5, Para. 3) the author wants us to _______.

A.try and be more optimistic

B.wait for the situation to change for the better

C.expect more positive innovations

D.hope that the good news won't change



From the author using the phrase "a life' s study", we may infer that this article______.A

From the author using the phrase "a life' s study", we may infer that this article______.

A.was written for Snow's life

B.was written for describing Snow's study

C.was written after Snow died

D.was written before Snow died



By using the phrase "stay tuned for good news"(Para. 3) the author wants us to ______.A.tr

By using the phrase "stay tuned for good news"(Para. 3) the author wants us to ______.

A.try and be more optimistic

B.wait for the situation to change for the better

C.expect more positive innovations

D.hope that the good news won't change



By using the phrase "stay tuned for good news" (Line 5, Para. 3 ) the author wants us to _

By using the phrase "stay tuned for good news" (Line 5, Para. 3 ) the author wants us to ______.

A.hope that the good news won't change

B.expect more positive innovations

C.wait for the situation to change for the better

D.try and be more optimistic



The phrase "right off the bat" in Line is closest in meaning toA.be away from the batB.by

The phrase "right off the bat" in Line is closest in meaning to

A.be away from the bat

B.by using a stick

C.at once or immediately

D.cutting down from the bat



&8226;Read the tax and note below.&8226;Complete the note to Mary Brown.&8226;Write a word

&8226;Read the tax and note below.

&8226;Complete the note to Mary Brown.

&8226;Write a word, phrase or number in spaces 41-45 on your Answer Sheet.

To: Susan Green Sunny Clothing Co.

From: Jack Bloom Cite Bank Customer Services

Date: 12 October 2006

Hello Susan,

Here's the information you need about using your computer for PC banking. Using your PC shouldn't be a problem as you can even use the software on old computers.

Anyway, what you need is a Dell compatible PC with 486XP processor or higher. We recommend you to use a computer with at 4MB of RAM. You'll also need Windows software, version 3.0 or higher.

Finally, you'll need a fast modem. I hope that answers all your questions. If you need any more help, give ale a call.




Mary in accounts wants to know whether her computer is OK for PC banking. Here's a fax I received from the bank. Could you send her a note with the information she needs?



To: Mary Brown in (41) ______

From: Alex Syllabus

(42) ______ contacted us with tile information you wanted about PC banking.

Here are the requirements:

Processor (43) ______

RAM (44) ______

Software (45) ______




?Read the memo and the letter below.?Complete the information record form. on the opposite

? Read the memo and the letter below.

? Complete the information record form. on the opposite page.

? Write a word or phrase (in CAPITAL LETTERS) or a number on lines 41-45 on your Answer Sheet.


To: Raul

From: Darcy

Date: March 25, 2003

Message: Alpha Food Machines is making a new system, which can handled up to 95 reusable bottles a minute and run 24 hours a day with minimum maintenance.

Would you please send them a letter and ask them to pay us a visit? Their address is 54 Rue Barrault, Toulouse 31000, France.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing in connection with your advertisement about Rapid Bottler in Food and Drink News.

We are a small company, manufacturing soft drinks for sale in the south of Spain. At the moment, we bottle our drinks using an Anderson Disposable Bottle Filling System but we would be interested in hearing more about your computer-controlled equipment.

We would be grateful if you could arrange to visit our factory in late May.

Yours faithfully,

Raul Sanchez


Purchasing Department

Information Record Form



PRODUCER (43) ______

ADDRESS 54 Rue Barrault, Toulouse 31000, France






We humans aren't the only ones who want to fit in. Researchers have discovered that chimpa
nzees, too, preferentially adopt their fellow chimps' way of doing things.

Andrew Whiten of St. Andrews University in Fife, Scotland, and his colleagues studied three groups of captive chimpanzees and the ways in which they assumed different techniques for obtaining food. The first group contained a high-ranking female that had been taught to retrieve food from an apparatus by using a stick to push a blockage away, thus freeing the food item. The second group also contained a female expert, but one that had been instructed to lift the blockage with the stick in order to release the treat. The third group was a control group and did not have a local expert. When the experts were reunited with their respective group, the other chimps watched their activities at the food apparatus intently and learned to apply either the poking or lifting technique themselves. Members of the third group, lacking an expert to guide them, failed to figure out the contraption on their own.

For the most part, chimps in the first group initially stuck to poking and those in the second group stuck to lifting. But then, unexpectedly, some chimps discovered and began using the other strategy. When the food apparatus was reintroduced two months later, however, the chimps reverted to their group's normal way of doing things. In the case of those animals in the lifting group, this meant discarding a technique (poking) that is actually more natural for chimpanzees than lifting is.

"We have shown a non-human species conforming to a group norm, despite possession of an alternative technique that represents the norm of another group," the team writes in a report published online by the journal Nature. "Conformity fits the assumption of an intrinsic motivation to copy others, guided by social bonds rather than material rewards such as food."

The phrase "fit in" (Line l, Para. I) most likely means ______.







听力原文: Akio Morita, chairman of Sony, was annoyed because his children constantly playe
d loud music. He told his company engineers to devise some machine to make the music can only be heard by the user. They did, and the Walkman was born. This totally changed the way we listen to music. Morita personally insisted on using the name" Walkman" for the new machine. His advisers said the phrase meant nothing in English. But he knew it was easy to pronounce the word in nearly every language. So people all over the world will remember the name of this product. It was also short, catching and summed up the importance of the new device!

Now the personal stereo is used by everyone. There are new designs such as CD Walkmans, recording Walkmans, etc. As size, weight and cost get smaller, quality gets bigger.

Socially, however, the Walkman habit may not be so good. By playing their personal stereos at full volume in small spaces, listeners may disturb others. The repeated loud beat can also be annoying. That is why in London's Underground Railway System there are signs saying, "Keep Your Personal Walkman Personal." Furthermore, drivers listening to Walkmans may sometimes cause road accidents to happen. And the rise in hearing problems is often blamed on their misuse.

There is no doubt that modem society has a love-hate relationship with the Walkman. Yet even criticism proves how popular the Walkman has become. Rather like the television or the computer, it is hard to imagine how we ever lived without them.

Who Started the idea of creating the machine "Walkman"?

A.Akio Morita, chairman of the Sony Corporation.

B.Morita's children.

C.Engineers working in the Sony Corporation.

D.A customer.

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