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Dietary intervention may work even after precancerous warning signs have appeared.A.RightB

Dietary intervention may work even after precancerous warning signs have appeared.



C.Not mentioned

更多“Dietary intervention may work even after precancerous warning signs have appeared.A.RightB”相关的问题


Slowing Aging: Way to Fight Diseases in 21st CenturyA group of aging experts from the Unit

Slowing Aging: Way to Fight Diseases in 21st Century

A group of aging experts from the United States and the United Kingdom suggest that the best strategy for preventing and fighting a multitude of diseases is to focus on slowing the biological processes of aging.

"The traditional medical approach of attacking individual diseases—cancer, diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer's disease(早老性痴呆病) and Parkinson's disease(帕金森氏病)—will soon become less effective if we do not determine how all of these diseases either interact or share common mechanisms with aging", says S. Jay Olshansky, professor of epidemiology at the University of Illinois at Chicago School of Public Health and senior author of the commentary.

Middle-aged and older people are most often impacted by simultaneous but independent medical conditions. A cure for any of the major fatal diseases would have only a marginal impact on life expectancy(预期寿命) and the length of healthy life, Olshansky said. The authors suggest that a new paradigm(模式) of health promotion and disease prevention could produce unprecedented social, economic and health dividends for current and future generations if the aging population is provided with extended years of healthy life.

They note that all living things, including humans, possess biochemical mechanisms that influence how quickly we age and, through dietary(饮食的) intervention or genetic alteration, it is possible to extend lifespan to postpone aging-related processes and diseases.

Further research in laboratory models is expected to provide clues to and deeper understanding of how existing interventions, such as exercise and good nutrition, may lead to lifelong well-being.

The authors also propose greatly increased funding for basic research into the "fundamental cellular(细胞的) and physiological changes that drive aging itself".

"We believe that the potential benefits of slowing aging processes have been underrecognized by most of the scientific community", said Olshansky, "We call on the health-research decision-makers to allocate substantial resources to support and develop practical interventions that slow aging in people".

An increase in age-related diseases and escalating health care costs make this the time for a "systematic attack on aging itself", the authors write.

Olshansky and colleagues contend that modern medicine is already heavily invested in efforts to extend life, and they argue that a fresh emphasis on aging has the potential to improve health and quality of life far more efficiently than is currently possible.

The experts believe the traditional approach of attacking individual diseases______.

A.is the best strategy for fighting diseases.

B.focuses on slowing aging processes.

C.has gone out of date.

D.needs to be improved.



根据以下材料,回答题Slowing Aging: Way to Fight Diseases in 21st CenturyA group of aging ex


Slowing Aging: Way to Fight Diseases in 21st Century

A group of aging experts from the United States and the United Kingdom suggest that the best strategy for preventing and fighting a multitude of diseases is to focus on slowing the biological processes of aging.

"The traditional medical approach of attacking individual diseases- cancer, diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer"s disease (早老性痴呆病 ) and Parkinson"s disease (帕金森氏病 ) –will soon become less effective if we do not determine how all of these diseases either interact or share common mechanisms with aging," says S. Jay Olshansky, professor of epidemiology at the University of Illinois at Chicago School of Public Health and senior author of the commentary.

Middle-aged and older people are most often impacted by simultaneous but independent medical conditions. A cure for any of the major fatal diseases would have only a marginal impact on life expectancy (预期寿命) and the length of healthy life, Olshansky said.

The authors suggest that a new paradigm (模式) of health promotion and disease prevention could produce unprecedented social, economic and health dividends for current and future generations if the aging population is provided with extended years of healthy life.

They note that all living things, including humans, possess biochemical mechanisms that influence how quickly we age and, through dietary (饮食的) intervention or genetic alteration, it is possible to extend lifespan to postpone aging-related processes and diseases.

Further research in laboratory models is expected to provide clues to and deeper understanding of how existing interventions, such as exercise and good nutrition, may lead to life-long well-being.

The authors also propose greatly increased funding for basic research into the "fundamental cellular (细胞的 ) and physiological changes that drive aging itself".

"We believe that the potential benefits of slowing aghag processes have been underrecognized by most of the scientific community," said Olshansky. "We call on the health research decision-makers to allocate substantial resources to support and develop practical interventions that slow aging in people."

An increase in age-related diseases and escalating health care costs make this the time for a"systematic attack on aging itself", the authors write.

Olshansky and colleagues contend that modem medicine is already heavily invested in efforts to extend life, and they argue that a fresh emphasis on aging has the potential to improve health and quality of life far more efficiently than is currently possible.

The experts believe the traditional approach of attacking individual diseases __________. 查看材料

A.is the best strategy for fighting diseases

B.focuses on slowing aging processes

C.has gone out of date

D.needs to be improved



第三篇Slowing Aging: Way to Fight Diseases in 21st CenturyA group of aging experts from th


Slowing Aging: Way to Fight Diseases in 21st Century

A group of aging experts from the United States and the United Kingdom suggest that the best strategy for preventing and fighting a multitude of diseases is to focus on slowing the biological processes of aging.

"The traditional medical approach of attacking individual diseases - cancer, diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer's disease (早老性痴呆病) and Parkinson's disease (帕金森氏病) -will soon become less effective if we do not determine how all of these diseases either interact or share common mechanisms with aging," says S. Jay Olshansky, professor of epidemiology at the University of Illinois at Chicago School of Public Health and senior author of the commentary.

Middle-aged and older people are most often impacted by simultaneous but independent medical conditions. A cure for any of the major fatal diseases would have only a marginal impact on life expectancy (预期寿命) and the length of healthy life, Olshansky said.

The authors suggest that a new paradigm (模式) of health promotion and disease prevention could produce unprecedented social, economic and health dividends for current and future generations if the aging population is provided with extended years of healthy life.

They note that all living things, including humans, possess biochemical mechanisms that influence how quickly we age and, through dietary (饮食的) intervention or genetic alteration, it is possible to extend lifespan to postpone aging-related processes and diseases.

Further research in laboratory models is expected to provide clues to and deeper understanding of how existing interventions, such as exercise and good nutrition, may lead to lifelong well-being.

The authors also propose greatly increased funding for basic research into the

"fundamental cellular (细胞的) and physiological changes that drive aging itself."

"We believe that the potential benefits of slowing aging processes have been

underrecognized by most of the scientific community," said Olshansky. "We call on the health-research decision-makers to allocate substantial resources to support and develop practical interventions that slow aging in people."

An increase in age-related diseases and escalating health care costs make this the time for a "systematic attack on aging itself," the authors write.

Olshansky and colleagues contend that modern medicine is already heavily invested in efforts to extend life, and they argue that a fresh emphasis on aging has the potential to improve health and quality of life far more efficiently than is currently possible.

41 The experts believe the traditional approach of attacking individual diseases

A is the best strategy for fighting diseases.

B focuses on slowing aging processes.

C needs to be improved.

D has gone out of date.



What is said to be a benefit of dietary fiber?A.Improved digestionB.Lower blood pressureC.

What is said to be a benefit of dietary fiber?

A.Improved digestion

B.Lower blood pressure

C.Stronger immune system

D.Reduced risk of heart disease



As far as some people are concerned, dietary habits may be one of the reasons for SAD.A.YB

As far as some people are concerned, dietary habits may be one of the reasons for SAD.






Your cardiovascular system benefits most from good dietary choices.A.YB.NC.NG

Your cardiovascular system benefits most from good dietary choices.






43 It is possible to extend lifespan by means of all the following EXCEPTA dietary interve

43 It is possible to extend lifespan by means of all the following EXCEPT

A dietary intervention.

B genetic alteration.

C exercise.

D aging-related processes.



官方外汇干预(official foreign exchange intervention)

官方外汇干预(official foreign exchange intervention)



Gene therapy offers unique possibilities to treat the _______ causes of diseases.







By changing your dietary alone, you can have your cholesterol level reduced by 30 percent.




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